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Okay, I don't want to push, but how late is 'late'?  :huh:


Because this is pretty late. Does the Day still end in 24 hours?


Late is however long it takes to get the write-up out after the day ends. :P In all seriousness though, we weren't expecting it to run anywhere near this late. Sorry.


No. The day will end as close as possible to 48 hours after PMs are sent out, preserving regular write-up times.


Results coming momentarily, so you can continue with lynching and discussion. I don't know when I'll be able to do the write up proper though.

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[Write-up to be edited in, eventually.]



D'wag was killed! He was a Cadmium/Zinc Twinborn!


Mayor Gund was killed to charge a spike! He was a Trellist Conspirator!

Drell was killed to charge a spike! He was a Seedy Information Dealer!


Nine Pretty Cool Items have been found, and one Awesome item!




A1: Awesome          B1: Awesome         C1: Awesome


A2: Pretty Cool        B2: Pretty Cool       C2: Awesome


A3: Awesome          B3: Awesome         C3: Awesome


The day will end roughly 48 hours after PMs are sent out, unless an extension is called. (Most likely 10:00PM CDT Saturday or Sunday.) PMs will be sent out as soon as possible.

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A feruchemical zinc twinborn?! Storms, that isn't good. The chances of us having another one are very slim. I hope he managed to gather a bit of a trusted team before he died. Only one death though, that's not too bad. Araris, I'd like you to explain what your posts during the night cycle were all about.

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I was in school and my class wasn't doing anything. I also wrote a ketek, but it didn't make it into that post. I just needed a block of text to hide some capital letters in. The thing about me being dead was a GM error that has been corrected; they knew I was alive but skipped over my name at some point.

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Ok, so nobody has been saying anything. I'm assuming that is because people are waiting for their PMs, which is fine, and I am still waiting as well. But there is only so much daylight left, and we need to start some discussion. As I have said, there was a scan done last night that revealed a lot of information. In the interests of protecting the person that did that scan, I can give a little info. Nicroburst , there is some serious evidence implicating you as a potential spiked.

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It looks like the game is happening largely in PMs :(


If there were no other (unsuccessful) attacks on PCs, we can probably assume that Vine was killed by the Spiked. It could have been just a lucky hit, but perhaps they knew his power. Ostrich, any ideas? Vine scanned you, so presumably you've been in contact with his circle and hence might have some leads.




"So there are people...somewhere out there -" Kirrah waved towards the sky "- who can draw on the air and their drawings will spontaneously make magical -"


"I've explained this five times already."


"And I still don't believe you! The very idea is just ridiculous. I mean, you could just -"


"No more ridiculous than ingesting and oxidizing metals to perform magic, wouldn't you say?" Lord Ostrich was clearly fed up with her confusion.


"Of course not. I can burn metal myself, and so can every-"


"Social norms are irrelevant! And if you want any further information from me, you will accept that your understanding of the world is limited."


"But if -"




Kirrah rolled her eyes as Lord Ostrich bent over her sketch, laid out on the ground. "I hope you've got an explanation for floating balls of light too, or you're just as -"


"That would be a Seon."


"A what?" He waved a hand at her, evidently reluctant to try and explain yet another strange concept. "Fine. Well, this thing -" she nudged the paper with her foot "- is an Aon. So what's new about it? And what kind of magic does it do, anyway? I still think the "new Aon" is a machine, that had to be replaced or something. We don't get new metals, if you're comparing -"


"Are you this rude to everyone who offers to help you!?" Kirrah closed her mouth, and when she didn't respond, he sighed. "It's either recently discovered or recently created. And it's... only been known for, perhaps, seven years?"


His demeanour had changed. The certainty and superiority in knowledge had left, leaving him only a little more sure of himself than she was. "You don't sound like you actually know."


"I used to. Of that I am sure. But there is a hole in my memory, before I took up residence in Twinborn Village. Your image of the new Aon kindled some familiarity, and I suspect my experience then was not dissimilar to your circumstances a few days ago. And that, I believe, is its purpose."


He pulled out a handkerchief - bright red, she noted with amusement - before continuing. "There are still questions to be answered, such as how it works so far from Elantris and where the Elantrian who drew it is." And, you know, what they want, what else they can do, how we can stop them...she mentally added. "Nevertheless, I am certain that your general form of the new Aon is incorrect." He looked intently at the paper. "Turn dark where my finger touches you."


He began carefully running his finger over the paper, and black marks appeared to hold the line he drew. His other hand still held the handkerchief, which Kirrah was now amazed to see had turned a dull grey. Lord Ostrich seemed to think very little of it, though; when he finished drawing, he stood, casting it aside without a second glance.


Kirrah considered the new sketch. "Huh. Three by three, just like the Village."


"...Yes," he agreed, in a much darker tone. "Just like the Village."

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Whomever is charging Spikes, please be careful with them! I know everyone would like to have additional powers, but you could also wind up as a Spiked! Unless that's your intent, which then I wouldn't count you as a Villager anyways. 


I'd like to hear from Jaelre. Sart calling him out the other day seems a bit too random to me. There's something there that doesn't add up for Sart to be so focused on him (to the point of wanting to kill him during the night even!), so I'd like to hear what he has to say in his defense. 


EDIT: And I agree with Twelve, we need more discussion here. Could the GMs please let us know when all PMs have been sent out? That way, we know when everyone knows what happened to them the night before?

Edited by Metacognition
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Kal-dellexe.  I felt like voting for someone even if they don't exist in this game.


Voting for people isn't really a smart thing for kandra to do if they don't want any enemies.


As many of you may know, I am a kandra.  I don't want to hurt you, but I do want some dinosaur bones.  Maybe from AC?  Anyway, that's why I haven't been voting so much,  Probably most, if not all, of you knew I was a Kandra, so I'll come up as a hemalurgist during searches.  I don't think anyone else has claimed being a kandra to the whole thread, so I hope you will all take this well and that I'll be able to survive the game (as that is my goal).

Edited by Feligon
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Sart said that he didn't really have a reason for choosing Jaelre, apart from that he was inactive. He was even willing to call the attack off, if Jaelre would just start posting.


That said, it is suspicious that Jaelre has ignored every attempt Sart and I made to contact him and save him. Plus, I assume that Sart went through with the attack, but I don't see a dead Jaelre anywhere. That tells me that, posting or not, he has been playing this game. So why won't he talk to us? Jaelre, I still want an answer out of you.


I have other directions to look into, though. Alvron, you were the first to put a vote on Sart. Now, I did the same (although I later removed it), so I'm not saying that that alone is suspicious.


However, that vote was your first major public action this game. What about Sart made you suddenly decide that now was the time to act? I mean, Sart was just as inactive on every other day of the game. So why now?

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I feel like I've explained this way too many times but, here we go. Somebody did a double enhanced tin scan and showed me the results last night. This was for period 2, and I didn't show up in any of the rooms. I also don't have Feruchemical iron or Feruchemical atium, so I assumed that I had been killed. Turns out the GM confused something, and I just got left out on accident.,

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On 4/25/2015 at 10:51 AM, Wonko the Sane said:

I have other directions to look into, though. Alvron, you were the first to put a vote on Sart. Now, I did the same (although I later removed it), so I'm not saying that that alone is suspicious.


However, that vote was your first major public action this game. What about Sart made you suddenly decide that now was the time to act? I mean, Sart was just as inactive on every other day of the game. So why now?

I put a vote on Sart as he wasn't posting despite being seen viewing the threads.  I didn't vote for him prior as if he was busy and unable to post then it's only fair that he have the time to do so.  I have been in that position a few times and others have given me time so I thought it only fair if he had the same chance.  However not posting at all by the fifth cycle is waiting too long for answers so I called him out on it and he responded.

As for why Sarts vote was my first major action, I don't vote very often in any game and when I do vote I like to have a reason for doing so.  I gave myself a reason for posting in thread with the gravestone posts as I have a tendency to post less and less as a game progresses and I want to change that.  The combination of the two probably make it look like I'm avoiding discussion but it's simply because I have nothing to say.  At least not yet.

Rolan worked hard on his latest masterpiece.  A special Tombstone, one that no one had ever seen before.  Red marble flew as Rolan chipped away at the block.  It had to be perfect.  The request had come in days before and Rolan just knew that the spirit of D'wag would appreciate this little touch on the final product.

A few hours later and both Rolan and Jain carted the headstone into the cemetery.  Placing it at the head of the grave Rolan stood back to make sure it was correctly lined up.

"You sure this is what he asked for?" Jain asked
"Word for word.  That plaque is exactly what was requested."
"And what about the tombstone itself?"
"That's just my little touch."  Rolan replied with a grin.

Turning and walking away Rolan and Jain headed back to the workshop leaving a red circular tombstone with two small round protrusions sticking out from either side and a slightly larger cap on the top.  A bronze plaque attached halfway up the front.

Well, I guess I got taken down too,
but at least my name's not a synonym for a bathroom.

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I would like to request an extension.


I would like to request our GMs show up and get everyone their actions! :P 


Seriously though, it's okay if things are hectic for you two right now. We waited on Bartbug throughout his game as well, so it's fine if Real Life is taking up more of your time. What would be nice though is to know that that's what is going on (if that's the case) and to take responsibility of such issues by readjusting the turns accordingly. We shouldn't have to call an extension due to people not yet receiving their PMs, as that should be a priority before the next turn even starts (or should be done directly afterwards)! 


If both of you just don't have the time right now, that's okay. It happens. Just let us know what the deal is so that we know where we all stand. In my opinion, this lack of communication is hurting things more than anything else. We don't know if people aren't speaking up because they're inactive, or haven't received their orders, or lurking, or whatnot. We rely on you, the GMs, to keep things flowing in an orderly fashion or to let us know when there's an issue. 


So, at least, give us a heads up on where we're at and what we can expect going forward, please! 

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I know some people are suspicious of me, sorry Meta for not showing up last Day cycle.  I have not gotten my actions yet, so I also want to request and extension.


I have a few ideas, but I don't want to share them until I get my actions back. 

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