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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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Awaken the Internet to Destroy Illegal Activity.

Internet eliminates 90% of itself, then tries to hack the Pentagon and kill us all for pirating music.

Mind you, if we could awaken the internet to only Destroy Really Bad Illegal Activity, it could be the single most useful application of  awakening.


I wonder how many breaths it would take to awaken the whole internet. And what kind of collateral effect could span from infusing massive amounts of investiture in something that is already almost a neural net by itself. Also, I wonder what would happen if the command was to Destroy Immoral Activity, and the internet decided to judge what is moral by making polls in forums. I may have nightmares for it.

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Without thinking about the fact that there is (I suppose) a great lost of Stormlight in the loop.

Maybe... But apparently there is a stormlight cycle, and according to WoB Lift can just bipass it and turn matter into stormlight directly, so it is not so useless: if you make her imortal and give her a thousand years maybe Roshar will get even more invested.
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A useful instead of useless use, alternating storing and tapping luck in a controlled manner to control your gambling turnouts and turn up profit while still losing enough to not be totally suspicious. You aren't even card counting at the blackjack table or anything, so you're safe from that accusation at least. Normally to control your win rate so well you need to know how to cheat, which can betray you.

Also, soulcasting a mistborn's metal into aluminum to screw them over.

For useless uses, lashing a balloon downward to prevent it from floating away (so it just sinks. Well that's stupid).

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i always thought that feruchemic luck is luck in the meaning of "joy/happiness", since actually influence of chance is not exactly a think I can associate with feruchemy: feruchemy almost always works "inside" of somebody, but influence of chance is very external.

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