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Isles of the Emberdark Reading Discussion


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Here's the thread for discussing the preview chapters of Brandon's latest Secret Project, deemed by him to be number five. A few hours after the reading we'll change the title to match. 

Edited by LewsTherinTelescope
title has been confirmed!
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Wow, okay. Dragons!! Frost and his niece! Yolen! Then Shadesmar and starships and Nazh is dead?? This is gonna be a lot. 

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Hah, I hope when he's writing mist born era three as well as the Elantris stuff, he sneaks in more of these secret novels. We need more stuff in the drought...

And maybe he could, ya know, accidentally write SA 6 before it's been 6-10 years? 

*Long sigh in the fact that I'll be like 35-45 when the Cosmere finishes*

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10 minutes ago, StormDad said:

Well here I was thinking the leatherbound was too rich for my blood. Foiled again by Brandon making things I want. I may have to back it afterall.

There is a secret project only tier if that helps. It's what I'm getting because I haven't been buying the leatherbounds.  I have no regrets after that reading!

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So, the Radiant, what order does everyone think they are? Seems like they might have used both gravitation and elsecalling.

Their questions on law might point to a Skybreaker though, probably with a Fabrial for interworld travel.

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1 hour ago, LopenCousin91 said:

Huzzah! Please excuse my excitement. I've just recently been caught up enough on Cosmere to hazard a guess at something coming so I'm happy I got it :) It may not be exact if we're being pedantic, but I'm counting it as a win!

You might be the person he mentioned as predicting the book correctly!


This is wild. So many things. My brain is overwhelmed but just off the top of my head, in no particular order (SP5 reading, MBE 2):

  • Spoiler
    • implication that the Sleepless committed some pretty horrible atrocities
      • is being a doctor an ability of Sleepless or is this particular one good at that?
    • So many Dragon things
      • there are Dragon deactivation bands
      • they HAVE to stay in one form or the other for cultural / ritual reasons (Adonalsiums wisdom you say??? hope we get more on that)
        • human form is punishment because they cant fly....does it also restrict their access to investiture?
      • they transform in the light of Yolen, is this a purely spiritual thing, or is the light invested?
      • is Frost the leader shes talking about as having put her in the bands?
        • probably not since she is Hoids apprentice?
      • Xisis - so here for it
    • full aetherbound, does that mean someone who has all the aethers as a part of them like TwinSoul?
    • the weapons of the Scadrians that are so powerful, they have to be harmonium based right?
    • confirmation Radiants and Scadrians are at war war, not just hostile / tense?
      • does this imply anything about Harmony -> Discord?
        • I dont think so as I believe the imperial Scadrians we have seen are Malwish and Harmony would believably let them do whatever they want
    • he changed the color of the Radiants armor from violet to blue
    • what happened to the perpendicularity on her home world?
    • if the ships need a metal base to launch into space, how are they navigating in orbit / when theyre not in 'hyperdrive'?


I said I didnt want Sixth of the Dusk sequel but I was wrong. This is exactly what I wanted.

When he said 'High Cosmere Connectivity' he wasn't kidding...

Edited by CtrlAltDepressed
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What I was shocked by are Shard-Guns. The Radiant clearly had one. The only thing I don't understand is how the power-pack works. Maybe is is a god-metal or an alloy or Cultivation and Honor.

And also, Frost seems like a really great guy. I wonder if we will see him and Hoid interacting. It says he sat on a Faine-wood throne, which I thought he wouldn't like since it is kind of a Sho-Del thing.

Nazh being a CS is really weird, and he seems different from when he was alive. He seems far more jovial. It sounds almost like he might be Starling's keeper. It also makes me worried for the fate of Khriss.

Xisis owning the ship is fascinating, and it implies that whatever he did on Lumar went alright. I think it is likely that Frost or some of the other dragons somehow declared him responsible for Starling.

The aethers mentioned are not Lumar. It seems to be the name of the aether home world he said in a WoB. They mention old spores being drowsy, which is weird. The conversation also implies we will see Silverlight on screen in this book. Also, we know Dhatri didn't have a perpendicularity "anymore". This implies it did at one point, and perpendicularities are normally Shardic in nature, so maybe a Shard settled with the Aethers. 

It mentions her referencing Master Hoid, and him vanishing like typical. This implies he remains alive in time for this book, and that she somehow knows him well. This makes me think that maybe Hoid and Frost or some other dragons are getting along better now.

The bird-people sound interesting, and make me curious on Sleepless war crimes. Maybe it has something to do with their talking about the Dawnshard. 


Edited by The Stick
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17 minutes ago, The Stick said:

The only thing I don't understand is how the power-pack works. Maybe is is a god-metal or an alloy or Cultivation and Honor.

I interpreted it as Rosharans manufacturing other vessels for stormlight other than cut gems.

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13 minutes ago, The Stick said:

What I was shocked by are Shard-Guns. The Radiant clearly had one. The only thing I don't understand is how the power-pack works. Maybe is is a god-metal or an alloy or Cultivation and Honor.

At the time the Sixth of th Dusk II preview came out, it was reported that it might contain Dor.

Just now, CtrlAltDepressed said:

I interpreted it as Rosharans manufacturing other vessels for stormlight other than cut gems.

I think there is WoB that said that synthetic gems also worked.

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1 minute ago, Dofurion said:

At the time the Sixth of th Dusk II preview came out, it was reported that it might contain Dor.

That would mean that there is now a way to make investitures of different Shards compatible, which is pretty interesting.

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2 minutes ago, The Stick said:

That would mean that there is now a way to make investitures of different Shards compatible, which is pretty interesting.

Sorry, translation problem. It was theorized that it could be Dor.
There is nothing official.

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1 hour ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:


  Hide contents
  • implication that the Sleepless committed some pretty horrible atrocities
    • is being a doctor an ability of Sleepless or is this particular one good at that?
  • So many Dragon things
    • there are Dragon deactivation bands
    • they HAVE to stay in one form or the other for cultural / ritual reasons (Adonalsiums wisdom you say??? hope we get more on that)
      • human form is punishment because they cant fly....does it also restrict their access to investiture?
    • they transform in the light of Yolen, is this a purely spiritual thing, or is the light invested?
    • is Frost the leader shes talking about as having put her in the bands?
      • probably not since she is Hoids apprentice?
    • Xisis - so here for it
  • full aetherbound, does that mean someone who has all the aethers as a part of them like TwinSoul?
  • the weapons of the Scadrians that are so powerful, they have to be harmonium based right?
  • confirmation Radiants and Scadrians are at war war, not just hostile / tense?
    • does this imply anything about Harmony -> Discord?
      • I dont think so as I believe the imperial Scadrians we have seen are Malwish and Harmony would believably let them do whatever they want
  • he changed the color of the Radiants armor from violet to blue
  • what happened to the perpendicularity on her home world?
  • if the ships need a metal base to launch into space, how are they navigating in orbit / when theyre not in 'hyperdrive'?

A few replies/thoughts

  • The Scadrian weapons may not be powerful, if you drop a big enough rock from space it does the things described
  • I did catch the change from violet to blue, so that takes away some of the Warlight ideas. The color of the Radiant's armor has always varied by their order and the associated gem/color, but what confuses me is the questions on local Law and the blue glow emitted
  • Once you get into orbit it is much easier and could be done with Zephyr spores from Lumar potentially


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Something that I also found curious is the mention of "composite metal." One of my first theories when the Sixth of the Dusk preview came out was that the Rosharians would be much more advanced with respect to crafting materials such as "high entropy materials" since manifesting them would be very easy with soulcasting, and that the advantages What allomantic metals give to Scadrian society could become a brake on its metallurgical development due to the fact that they would be allomantically inert materials. But it seems that will not be the case. My question is, are they feruchemically charged metals or alloys with Godmetals? Maybe a mix of both?

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1 hour ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

The Scadrian weapons may not be powerful, if you drop a big enough rock from space it does the things described


True, but given that the ships we have seen thus far from MBE 2 were effected by the weight onboard, it seems implausible to me that they would be lugging massive rocks for weaponry. Also i fully expect magical weapons in a fantasy.


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2 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

they HAVE to stay in one form or the other for cultural / ritual reasons (Adonalsiums wisdom you say??? hope we get more on that)

human form is punishment because they cant fly....does it also restrict their access to investiture?

We know that it's part of their life cycle, kind of dragon puberty. Interesting that there's a way for it to also be punishment, though. 

1 hour ago, The Stick said:

And also, Frost seems like a really great guy. I wonder if we will see him and Hoid interacting. It says he sat on a Faine-wood throne, which I thought he wouldn't like since it is kind of a Sho-Del thing.

The aethers mentioned are not Lumar. It seems to be the name of the aether home world he said in a WoB. They mention old spores being drowsy, which is weird. The conversation also implies we will see Silverlight on screen in this book. Also, we know Dhatri didn't have a perpendicularity "anymore". This implies it did at one point, and perpendicularities are normally Shardic in nature, so maybe a Shard settled with the Aethers. 

Dragons are fainlife, as are Sho Del. I imagine fain trees would be just fine with them. 

I wonder if the perpendicularity disappearing might be something to do with the "dark aether" TwinSoul mentioned on his home planet? 

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3 hours ago, The Stick said:

What I was shocked by are Shard-Guns. The Radiant clearly had one. The only thing I don't understand is how the power-pack works. Maybe is is a god-metal or an alloy or Cultivation and Honor.

And also, Frost seems like a really great guy. I wonder if we will see him and Hoid interacting. It says he sat on a Faine-wood throne, which I thought he wouldn't like since it is kind of a Sho-Del thing.

Nazh being a CS is really weird, and he seems different from when he was alive. He seems far more jovial. It sounds almost like he might be Starling's keeper. It also makes me worried for the fate of Khriss.

Xisis owning the ship is fascinating, and it implies that whatever he did on Lumar went alright. I think it is likely that Frost or some of the other dragons somehow declared him responsible for Starling.

The aethers mentioned are not Lumar. It seems to be the name of the aether home world he said in a WoB. They mention old spores being drowsy, which is weird. The conversation also implies we will see Silverlight on screen in this book. Also, we know Dhatri didn't have a perpendicularity "anymore". This implies it did at one point, and perpendicularities are normally Shardic in nature, so maybe a Shard settled with the Aethers. 

It mentions her referencing Master Hoid, and him vanishing like typical. This implies he remains alive in time for this book, and that she somehow knows him well. This makes me think that maybe Hoid and Frost or some other dragons are getting along better now.

The bird-people sound interesting, and make me curious on Sleepless war crimes. Maybe it has something to do with their talking about the Dawnshard. 


Xisis owning the ship also gave people the impression that Crow is the captain.

4 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

You might be the person he mentioned as predicting the book correctly!


This is wild. So many things. My brain is overwhelmed but just off the top of my head, in no particular order (SP5 reading, MBE 2):

  •   Hide contents
    • implication that the Sleepless committed some pretty horrible atrocities
      • is being a doctor an ability of Sleepless or is this particular one good at that?
    • So many Dragon things
      • there are Dragon deactivation bands
      • they HAVE to stay in one form or the other for cultural / ritual reasons (Adonalsiums wisdom you say??? hope we get more on that)
        • human form is punishment because they cant fly....does it also restrict their access to investiture?
      • they transform in the light of Yolen, is this a purely spiritual thing, or is the light invested?
      • is Frost the leader shes talking about as having put her in the bands?
        • probably not since she is Hoids apprentice?
      • Xisis - so here for it
    • full aetherbound, does that mean someone who has all the aethers as a part of them like TwinSoul?
    • the weapons of the Scadrians that are so powerful, they have to be harmonium based right?
    • confirmation Radiants and Scadrians are at war war, not just hostile / tense?
      • does this imply anything about Harmony -> Discord?
        • I dont think so as I believe the imperial Scadrians we have seen are Malwish and Harmony would believably let them do whatever they want
    • he changed the color of the Radiants armor from violet to blue
    • what happened to the perpendicularity on her home world?
    • if the ships need a metal base to launch into space, how are they navigating in orbit / when theyre not in 'hyperdrive'?


I said I didnt want Sixth of the Dusk sequel but I was wrong. This is exactly what I wanted.

When he said 'High Cosmere Connectivity' he wasn't kidding...

Note that the bracers are "silver against her skin" I don't know but that implies this is either silver or aluminum interacting with dragon magic. My guess is aluminum, and the silver is in there to throw us off.

Full aetherbound appears to mean simply be fully bonded to a live aether(as opposed to a dead one).

The radiant seems to be a skybreaker to me, since he flew in just his shardplate, and the windrunner glyph looks nothing like a bird. That said some others were suggesting a radiant with transportation, though I find that suspect, given the flight and the radiant asking about laws.

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1 hour ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Note that the bracers are "silver against her skin" I don't know but that implies this is either silver or aluminum interacting with dragon magic. My guess is aluminum, and the silver is in there to throw us off.

I think that they're actually Dragonsteel. It's not based on anything, but it would make sense for dragons to be limited by it. 

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