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Explain Your Username!

S. Stormy

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Brandon originally thought that pewter was an alloy of silver and lead, so he wrote the entire first version of Mistborn with Silvereyes and Pewterarms. Then it came to the beta readers who told him it was actually tin instead of silver in pewter. And so, when the betas convinced Brandon that retconning Scadrian pewter as a silver-lead alloy was stupid, he had to scrap the name Silvereye to Tineye.

When I first heard about that, I thought "Fun Brandon reference, sounds cool, and now free of use... Let's steal that name." And I began using Silvereye as my username on the internet. However, when creating my account here I discovered that someone had beat me to the name @Silvereye. Hence the "Just A" at the beginning.

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My original name, Johnny Boy, came from a classmate who randomly started calling me that. My current name is rather obvious if you've read Elantris. Just a play on "AonDor" and "door." Hence, the profile picture.

Edited by AonDoor
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My username is the one I have on Spacebattles.com. I originally chose the name because I really wanted to participate in Quests, making my own opinion known instead of being just a regular silent Lurker.

Then I found out I liked voicing my opinions and dicussing stuff I liked with people online via Forums and I just kept doing it.

Then I heard about Mistborn from a Fic called 'Life Ore Death', got really interested in Mistborn then jumped headfirst into the rabbit hole that is the Cosmere and never looked back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My username is from WoT, the Aes Sedai are some of the most recognizable characters. I also like 6’s and 3’s, and so 18 is a good number, but 2’s are weird so I can’t have a 2 digit number. You also have to keep in mind that it’s 18=6 x 3, not 18=2 x 9. 9’s are ok, but again I don’t like 2’s. Sorry, I’m a very stranger person. 

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A David Eddings fan will notice mine. However, it is not a direct play off of one of the characters (as many people have assumed), but the construct the author set up for the names. Always makes me a little embarrassed since I've never felt anyone felt that way about me. The first 3 letters of my RL name are of course, Dan. It was the name I came up with for my first MMORPG character (Everquest) and is my e-mail address since I first got one.  

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  • 2 months later...

Well, my username has a bit more of a story now. For those of you who don’t know, my username used to be Nameless. When I changed it this Ookla season, a new user made an account, and took that username, so when Ookla season ended I changed my name to this.

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There are several different stories behind my name and they're all... true. I wrote most of a novel in high school and the protagonist was called Raven. This was because a) I really like it as a name b ) a reference to Mystique from X-men who was a shapeshifter, as was my character and c) I like ravens a lot. My IRL name also begins with an R, so I started using raven as a name online. I eventually just shortened it to Rae cos... I like the sound of it. But also, irl I always use my full name. No short versions or nicknames or anything. Rae... would be a bit of a stretch as a shortening for my name, but then Bill is short for William so meh. 

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When I joined the forum I was going to call myself Otek (one of the Gods of my fantasy universe I'm writing), but I said no, I didn't want to mix the forum with my novels (I still do to this day). Then I remembered Cenn, a character I fell in love with in just one chapter (The Way of Kings) and I was going to put that name, but I put Cellit, why? I didn't know, until today when I realised I had made a mistake and I found the solution, I mixed the name Cenn and Dallet (The Way of Kings) and that name came out. I've been laughing by myself for a while.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/21/2023 at 10:47 AM, Cellit said:

Then I remembered Cenn, a character I fell in love with in just one chapter

Oh, That's... sad.

Not that there's anything wrong with him! Other than the fact he's dead.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/17/2022 at 11:11 PM, Nameless* said:

I got my current username because my old one was “llstml” (points if you can guess the acronym) and I didn’t think that worked very well for TLT, where, for those of you not well-versed in that thread, it is traditional to have a ‘Narrator’ character that shares one’s own username. I didn’t think ‘Narrator Llstml’ had a very good ring to it, so I eventually decided on ‘Nameless’ instead.

On 3/30/2020 at 2:24 PM, Dreamer said:

What does Llstml mean? 

It's an acronym for Lu-lu-skip-to-my-lu.


Thats what you said, did I get it right??

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My name is just the 4 letters that are easiest to press so I make it my name in everything. I don't know how to change it though and now I regret making my name dumb. If you are reading this after I changed it it's wert.

I've decided to change my form every once in a while, like the listeners and singers.

Edited by scholarform wert.
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I was just like "Hmm... what do I like and what's someone in the cosmere?" Then I just took potato and made myself a wit. (Even though I'm not actually that good at roasting people. Like, whatever. Potato standards are low.)  So that's how I got my Amazing name!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stormlight Archive's 'Truthwatcher' order, combined with the 'Voidbinding' symbol as a PFP, and you get 'Voidwatcher'. Voidbinding Truthwatcher would be like a full name, maybe? Imagine if there's some poor kid out there actually named 'Voidbinding Truthwatcher', that'd be sad.

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