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You're right that I didn't kill Meta. that was all part of trying to get Ryuk to contact me on the downlow, so that you guys wouldn't learn there were two shinigami. And let me clarify, a bunch of the things that I said before this cycle were lies. I don't think I've lied this cycle. I'll need to go through my posts and PM's to be sure, but this cycle I'm simply refusing to answer the gamebreaking questions.

What about next cycle?

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Three people died at the end of C2: Amanuensis, Meta, and Conquestor. Joe claimed that he killed Meta, and Conquestor was lynched. Interestingly, the writeup said Amanuensis and Meta "have died", not that they were "written out of the game", so they weren't killed with a Death Note.

Meta was killed via Death Note.  I should've made that clearer but I thought that being killed by Multiple stab wounds would be unlikely way to kill oneself.  It has been fixed.

Edited by Alvron
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Um... It would be really nice not to have the lynch decided by a Holder for the third time in a row. So... Weaving Webs. Even lynching an inactive would be better than letting Joe decide. Not that I can do much unless someone gets on in the last 6 minutes... Trelagist, I see you viewing the thread. Care to join me?

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Elbereth is my most suspicious hunch this game. I'm trying to guess Alv’s role distribution based on how Rem acted when (s)he converted joe to her/his side. I'm not so sure about this though. I know this is a last minute vote, but I'd forgotten to vote earlier.

Edit: Ninja'd by Elb.

Good point. Elbereth

Weaving webs

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Day Five: Officer Down


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/13/2016; 1400 by

Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876649

Name: Alexander Notlimah
Date of Birth: July 15, 1970
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: European - Greek
Body Identified by: Naomi Misora

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped over his desk at 1330 by Naomi Misora.

Evidence Collected:
Thirteen (13) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Packet of ‘Otoko Kaoru’ brand chewing gum
One (1) Wallet containing ¥4373
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 1100 and 1300
Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest
Manner of Death: Homicide


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/13/2016; 1730 by
Inspector Shiori Akino
2 Chome-4-5, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-3486 (FAX 3-6808-3321)

Investigative Agency: Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #:  876650

Name: Nate River aka Near
Date of Birth: January 9, 1997
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: European - British
Body Identified by: Roger Ruvie

Location of Subject:
Subject was assaulted outside Kanazawa Station

Evidence Collected:
Eighteen (18) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards

Elbe Oniel


Time of Death: 1700
Cause of Death: Blunt Force Trauma
Manner of Death: Homicide

Master Elodin - Alexander Notlimah has been written out of the game.  He was a Police Officer.
Weaving Webs - Near has been lynched.  He was a Civilian.

Vote Tally:
Weaving Webs (2): Elbereth, Mark
Joe (1): Trel
Cloud (1): Hael
Trel (1): Joe

Player List:
1: Metacognition - M Corrupt Police Officer
2: Elbereth - Elbe Oniel
3: The Only Joe - Joseph Busshu
4: Mailliw73 - Maokani Civilian
5: Master Elodin - Alexander Notlimah Police Officer
6: TheMightyLopen - Frank B. Ingram Police Officer
7: Burnt Spaghetti - Sumiko
8: Haelbarde - Hal Heatherlocke
9: AliasSheep - Kai Lo
10: Cloudjumper - Huko
11: Conquestor - Con L
12: Trelagist - T
13: Amanuensis - Yushi Kurimura Corrupt Police Officer
14: ThatTinyStrawMan - Straw
15: DeathClutch19 - Mello Civilian
16: Hellscythe - Ryuzaki Death Note Holder
17: Weaving Webs - Near Civilian
18: Mark IV - Mitai
19: Arraenae - Rikku
20: LUNA - Tsuki Serial Killer
21: Bugsy6912 - Akiyama
22: RippleGylf - Gylf
Edited by Alvron
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So, people finally learned that I would always Last second vote. That was fun.


EDIT: Tried to respond in the other thread, but you locked it.

Not according to my clock.

Huh, according to the site we both posted a minute before the hour. Ah well. Now I know when your clock say's it's over.

Edited by The Only Joe
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...I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joe.

Well, I was going to ask "what the heck, Hael?", but I think I get what you were doing. Not sure if that kind of last minute vote actually helps us figure out who's an eliminator, though. We need to have more votes thrown around than... what, two? Both by Hael? Before the end of day madness, anyway.

Poor Alv, though.

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So, as I was saying, for me, it's a toss between Elbereth and Burnt right now.

Sure, Hael could be Ryuk, but if you see, Ryuk has been consistently killing R&R players (except Maill, I believe. He was killed by joe)

(I know this is weak reasoning, but I realised (a bit too late (brackets inside brackets!)) That we need to start voting. So, here I present my feeble suspicions as votes.)

Sorry for the double posting there. My internet had died and I didn't know it had come back alive fight before the end of turn, so I'd sort of just mashed the post button.

EDIT: Would Tregalist have counted? His name is Trelagist, if I'm not mistaken, isn't it?

Edited by Mark IV
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So, as I was saying, for me, it's a toss between Elbereth and Burnt right now.

Sure, Hael could be Ryuk, but if you see, Ryuk has been consistently killing R&R players (except Maill, I believe. He was killed by joe)

(I know this is weak reasoning, but I realised (a bit too late (brackets inside brackets!)) That we need to start voting. So, here I present my feeble suspicions as votes.)

EDIT: Would Tregalist have counted? His name is Trelagist, if I'm not mistaken, isn't it?

I don't think Elb is guilty yet, but that's just a gut read. Since I'm relatively new and all, I'm not sure how accurate those are on my part. I agree that we need a lynch, however, so I'll vote if no more compelling evidence comes forward.

Oh, and I've seen abbreviations and misspellings be counted as votes, I think it'd count so long as the GM understands it.

Edited by Bugsy6912
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When I started voting, no one else was voting, and I didn't want Joe to get free reign. So I put down a vote on Mark. Then Joe copied my vote. So I decided to jump it around as an experiment to see if Joe'd follow, but also to see who Joe would be willing to vote on with time about to expire. Given that he had no qualms about lynching Trelagist or Cloudjumper, I'm willing to soft clear the pair of them from being Rem. Definitely cloudjumper (backed up by the PO claim), and most likely Telagist. Mark's a maybe. At half an hour, there was plenty of time. So probably can't comment on that. Of course, either of the pair could be Ryuk - Joe claimed to not have been contacted by Ryuk, so wouldn't necessarily know if he was lynching Ryuk, if Joe could be believed.

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Sorry about my low post volume. This is mostly just a gut vote. Also, what does R and R mean?

Edit: and can someone restate how to do votes on mobile?

Edited by RippleGylf
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