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We've got 4 votes down now? I'm pretty sure I've got enough EP spread around to take the DP, and I've got some Nahlrout so I can take a lashing too. Probably won't vote, as I'm unsure who I'm suspicious of, other than maybe Mail, but he's already got a vote on him. The people I had been suspicious were just expelled...

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Sorry I haven't really been active at all this round. I am placing complaints on Wonko and Mailliw. If we are spreading votes around and Mailiw is at the Horse and Four, we would need more votes on him for it to count. 




I am not a skindancer

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You can complain about expelled students, yes. But the complaint is useless because the Masters have no hold on them. They can't punish them, so the Horns has no effect for expelled students.





EDIT: Why is one of the tags 'Hammers'? Because I shattered Maill's bones? I did that with words, not sticks and stones.


Different kind of hammer.

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@Wilson: But the vote will still spread DP?


No. Votes on Masters will spread DP, but the DP will be dissolved so it doesn't matter. Votes on expelled students are no different that votes on people who went insane or died that same turn. Sort of like the turn when 4 people died because they were out on the streets, which resulted in only 4 people being taken before the Masters rather than the 8 that were expected.

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Term 6: Month 1 - A Fae Caught Unawares


[writeup to be edited in]



These students were elevated: Haelbarde, Corrin, and Danosaur.


Wilem (Mailliw73) was killed! He was a Skindancer who had studied in Archives!

Someone used an item.


Sev (Wonko the Sane) was brought on the Horns but the charges were dropped.

Amari (Araris Valerian) was brought on the Horns and charged with Undignified Mischief. He needs to apologize.

Pyra Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) was brought on the Horns and charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy.



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