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Awesomeness Summoned

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Everything posted by Awesomeness Summoned

  1. I don't buy that. I'm sorry, but if a windrunner was coming after me, I'd be pissing my pants even if I had a shardblade and full plate. Shards are no longer the identifying mark of a KR. Tons of non surgebinders have them and as you said even the Parshendi do. To say the parshendi wouldn't believe he was a potential KR cause he wasn't wearing plate just isn't true. Very few people have seen surgebinding in action so in my opinion that would be the tell tale sign to look for when identifying potential spren bonds in humans. For all we know they could actually see Syl and knew from that that he was a potential KR. As I said, they are interested in the bond, not if he was a full KR. As for fearing him, I only used that word to describe their reaction to him because that was the word you used. I personally felt it seemed more like reverence when I read that chapter.
  2. In Dalinar's last vision from WoK, Tanavast told him that he might be able to force Odium to choose a champion which would give them a little more of a chance since there are certain rules he still has to follow. I'm not sure if Tanavast said anything about Dalinar having to pick a champion as well to face him but I think that is what vikorr is referencing.Edit: too slow on that one
  3. It's a good theory and I can see kaladin playing the "champion" role but I don't fully agree that is why the parshendi react to him the way they do. In Eshonai's interlude, the parshendi are searching out how to recover their lost forms which involves bonding spren. I imagine "Nashua Kadal" means something like knights radiant. They know the KR bond spren to gain part of their abilities so they are fearful to attack kaladin partly because they know what KR are capable of but also because they think he might be able to help them recover their lost forms. Just my thoughts on it.
  4. In almost every culture on earth there is the idea that certain foods benefit or enhancing various mental and physical abilities. Perhaps they have similar beliefs in Alethkar. Some foods are associated with physical strength and prowess on the battlefield while others are associated with mental enhancement. Over time those foods became gender specific based on the attribute they enhance.
  5. Welcome to the community and kudos on the palindromic name. I'll send some rep your way for that.
  6. slightly kavorkian and makes me feel like we should keep lightweavers away from hospitals and retirement homes.
  7. Pretty sure we have no idea when exactly the epilogue occurs in relation to WoK and WoR at this point (please correct me if i'm wrong). For all we know, it still doesn't happen until after the events of WoR.
  8. In my mind, her beliefs on numbers is just a result of an illiterate child trying to feel "awesome" despite not being able to count past ten. What's so special about being able to count past ten if they are all unlucky numbers anyway? I like Isomere's guess as well but if her abilities were the boon, what was the curse? Always being hungry due to her gifts burning all her food? Perhaps she can't actually breathe in stormlight like other surgebinders. Burning her food is the only way to invest. Edit: @vikorr - it's clear from the text she is 13. She says she's been 10 for 3 years. Aleksiel was saying she might be frozen biologically at 10 years old
  9. It could just be that once Jasnah arrives at the shattered plains it becomes apparent that multiple avenues of study are required. She decides Shallan has proven herself enough for a certain amount of responsibility and tasks her with studying the shattered plains while Jasnah pursues other leads. Edit: added quote so it's more obvious what my comment was in reference to.
  10. Yes, historically, they were a result of that. For the vast majority of human history, life sucked. It required an enormous amount of time to acquire food, prepare food, raise children, and take care of the home. It was necessity for survival that the family and community as a whole be divided into roles based their strengths and weaknesses. Dividing by gender worked out extremely well for us when it was needed. You are correct, though, that those roles became parts of the cultures and as a result persisted even after many become unnecessary. Modern technology and society has made it so that most of those tasks can be performed equally by either gender so i'll agree with you that many persisting gender roles are unproductive and unfairly limiting. But there still are differences and I'll agree with Alexal that we sometimes go overboard in trying to make things "fair" and ignore reality. Regardless of how much nature effects development, a woman is never going to legitimately play in the NFL and a man is not going to give birth without some serious genetic and drug intervention. Making an attempt to rectify that biological "unfairness" would be a waste of time and resources. So, while we should make every attempt to ensure someone isn't limited based on roles that are no longer valid, there are still differences between the genders and in some cases trying to make things completely equal can be just as counterproductive.
  11. I rarely ever have dreams that cause me to wake up and, thus, rarely remember my dreams but I really wish I had dreams like this: Part 1 Part 2
  12. I thought of those at first as well but it's cutting straight through the middle of the clouds, as though in front of the clouds not as though it is a break in the clouds. A break in the clouds would be less symmetrical and smooth. It's poorly drawn if that is the intention (nothing against the great whelan, love your work, keep it up).
  13. Not sure if it's been mentioned, and not sure why I never noticed it before, but what is the orange line cutting across the scene in the background. It doesn't seem to flow like part of the storm and seems too large and deliberate to just be an artistic flare.
  14. Either all life as you know it will stop instantaneously and every molecule in your body will explode at the speed of light or it will allow you to close the gate to Gozer's temple.
  15. I sure hope he doesn't get shattered anytime soon. Wait, maybe I do. Then I could acquire a shard of Brandon and ascend to Best Seller status
  16. Pretty sure the alley thugs saw themselves as, well... themselves, but she still turned them to crystal and fire. I think the soulcaster's cognitive vision wins out
  17. "And here we see the murder-crab enjoying it's favorite past time, stomping on and devouring puny humans. Notice how the... Whoa! Did that little grey man just catch the crab's foot? That's pretty crazy."
  18. Yeah, I read that and thought, "Oh no, shallan... Be scared again. Don't you read books?. You should know better."I didn't initially think we'd learned enough of Jasnah's hinted at secrets for her to die yet but your post reminded me of the cover flap excerpt. It talks about shallan bearing the terrible burden of having to prevent the return of the voidbringers and making it to the shattered plains was more difficult than imagined. It doesn't seem preventing the voidbringers would really be her burden (she's just helping right now) unless Jasnah were out of the picture. There is only so much room on a cover flap so maybe I'm over analyzing a summary.
  19. I would a assume that since hemalurgy is acquiring a stolen ability that no it would not make you metalborn. Though, if you burn larasium you become a mistbiorn (a metalborn category) even though you weren't "born" with the ability. Edit: fishy sniped me
  20. I think it will survive. It might take a few chapters for her to finally get the chance to read it but I doubt sanderson would title the current book Words of Radiance and then have no one read from that book within the story.
  21. Please tell me King's Wit will be one of those titles
  22. Based on the scene with taravangian, Dalinar is the only person at the shattered plains who is currently on his hit list. Taravangian doesn't want them to unite under someone other than himself so he'd prefer to leave the other high princes alive to squabble amongst themselves once Dalinar is eliminated.
  23. Well it's also known that Hoid worldhops through shadesmar. If he can enter shadesmar at will, it seems likely he can soulcast too
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