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Awesomeness Summoned

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Everything posted by Awesomeness Summoned

  1. While it's possible Mr T could have a spren (aware or not) I highly doubt it's a cryptic as well. We already have Shallan bonded to one and elhokar seeing them in mirrors (likely he'll bond one) so to have a third character connected to them would be a bit lopsided since we still have more than half the orders without identified members. Not saying Sanderson wouldn't do that but I think it's unlikely.
  2. I think I'd be most annoyed with the elsecallers transporting the ball directly into the goal.
  3. Sadeas's face when he sees Kaladin's mad skills. Kaladin confronting amaram - I really don't care if it's resolved in violence or redemption. I just need them to finally meet again. The "that's impressive, but look what I can do!" moment with kaladin, shallan, and Jasnah. How shallan got her blade and why she killed her father What are the ghost blood's actual goals Elhokar finally growing a pair. Reneran too for that matter. Why the parshendi killed gallivar Mostly, I want more surges. We've only really seen 3-4 of them and, If the Szeth scenes are any indication, things will be epic when we have 10 orders fighting it out.
  4. I agree, in itself, that wasn't enough to draw them in, just that it indicates he's the type of person who has no problems creating elaborate falsehoods in order to further his goals. Plus, now that I think of it, he was also talking to darkness during the WoR prologue. Add in what hydrogen said above about Jasnah targeting his wife and it starts to look like there is more going on under the surface than the winey, paranoid king we get from Dalinar's pov
  5. Don't think he actually says he won't use a sword but he associates the swords with being a lighteyes and the spear with darkeyes so that would probably play a large psychological role in him avoiding learning the sword. He'd have to change his views on lighteyes quite a bit before he'd agree to take up the sword
  6. there is evidence he is seeing the cryptics the way shallan did. He hasn't bonded one yet but they appear to be interested in him. EDIT: Unless of course there are other orders of spren with weird symbol heads which is possible.
  7. Brandon stated in the cosmere questions and answer thread that Aimians are not human
  8. You mean other than the fact that he faked an assassination attempt and implicated his uncle just to get people to take his paranoia seriously? Don't think we have any more direct examples than that but that is enough in itself to suggest he's a shady enough person to interest the cryptics
  9. As long as you aren't using your hands, you can hold it all you want. You could squeeze the ball between your knees and run all you like. You'd just look ridiculous and it's likely to end very badly for you
  10. But then another windrunner could just do a full lashing of the ball to his foot and jump in the goal Friction = longest knee slide goal celebration ever
  11. I'm not sure it's "impossible" to use lift as an example. Darkness is one of the most knowledgeable people alive when it comes to surges, he knows lift is either an edgedancer or the other friction order at the time, and he clearly believes she can invest stormlight. That doesn't necessarily mean she breathes it in per se but it's likely more than just honor oriented surges invest stormlight into their bodies. Jasnah and shallan imply you are right, though, that at least some of the surges don't grant the ability to invest within the body. After six years Jasnah would have to have figured it out if she could do it.
  12. What is the evidence for this? I was thinking she just crossed over like the other bonded spren and hasn't yet been able to remember where she came from I don't remember the exact quote but didn't Syl play a prank on kal before the amaram shard fight where she stuck his money pouch to his belt? That would imply to me she was following and influencing him before he refused the blade. Her aversion to the blade could have even been why he was averse to taking it himself
  13. I managed to find a sketch of shallan's spren and it looks like moogle was right. Definitely a kitten. Joking aside, I thought of a cat too when I was reading that excerpt.
  14. Greetings all! I've been lurking around here for a while now in anticipation of WoR and decided I may as well make things official since I envision many years of stormlight archive theories and discussions. I was introduced to BS through WoT and he has quickly become one of my favorites authors. I've read nearly all his work (some several times) and love the idea of an interconnected cosmere.
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