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Posts posted by Sart

  1. Wake up inmates!

    It's time we played a little game.

    I want one of you to die.

    Now, I've always been a fan of democracy, so I'll let you decide who the candidates will be.

    And be careful, I've given out some nasty little roles to a couple of you.

    One of them would kill everyone if they are killed.

    One of them knows slightly more than they let on.

    And the final one has to be killed to survive, at the expense of almost everyone else.

    Let's see how you manage.

    Welcome to the start of the Nomination Phase. Please select half of the players to be chosen as Candidates. Remember, voting is anonymous, so please put your vote in your game PM.

    This Phase will end in 24 hours at 8 PM CST on October 16th. Good luck.

    Player List:

      Hide contents
    1. xinoehp512
    2. The Unknown Order
    3. Danex
    4. Matrim's Dice
    5. Devotary of Spontaneity
    6. Araris Valerian
    7. Azmine_king
    8. Illwei
    9. Droughtbringer
    10. Lahlit
    11. |TJ|
    12. STINK
    13. Alvron
    14. Liranil
    15. Ashbringer

    Here's a link to the rules


  2. On 10/9/2021 at 9:06 AM, Devotary of Spontaneity said:


    @Sart, does the sacrifice still lose their extra vote at low remaining player count?

    Probably yes, but I'm going to PAFO that question as to when or if that will happen.

    On 10/10/2021 at 0:23 AM, Kasimir said:

    I feel like this game calls for Squid Game memes.

    None from me though, going to go back to studying :P 

    I can't tell if you're signing up or not... @Kasimir are you signing up, or do you just want the Spec Doc?

    And yes, the Squid Game memes are entirely appropriate.

    6 hours ago, Alvron said:

    Does this apply to the Sacrifice if they didn't vote the prior cycle?
    Would they gain two votes on themselves by not voting?
    Can the Sacrifice vote for themselves?

    Yes, the Sacrifice can vote for themselves, and they probably should. If they go inactive, they will self-vote twice.

  3. Rebooting...
    Are you still there?
    Starting simulation...

    There you are, you idiots. What's that? Where are you? You don't know?

    Too bad! We're gonna play a game. If you win, you get to live. If you lose, well, then I get to have some fun.

    What? You don't want to play? Who said you had a choice?

    Welcome to Quick Fix 56. This is a game based off of Your Turn To Die, a free online horror game. If you would like to play it, here’s a link. Warning: It is a horror game, so viewer discretion is advised. In the game, they play a twisted version of Mafia, so I decided to copy their rule set. Will you work with the other participants to escape, or will you be forced to betray them all? In the end, it all comes down to a majority vote.



    Basic Gameplay:

    • This game is played in 48 hour cycles, divided into two 24 hour phases.
    • Every Cycle, there is a 24 hour Nomination Phase, where candidates are decided upon, and a 24 hour Execution Phase, where one candidate is violently executed.
    • Everyone’s win condition is the same: Escape the killing game. After a certain number of cycles (determined by player count), all remaining survivors will escape.
    • At the start of each Cycle, the Roles will be redistributed among all living players.
    • There are four Roles: Commoner, Keymaster, Sage, and Sacrifice
    • There will be one Keymaster, Sage, and Sacrifice during each Cycle. All other players will be Commoners.
    • All voting in this game is anonymous. Please send your votes in via your GM PM. 
    • If you vote in the thread, it will be counted, but if your in-thread vote differs from the one in your GM PM, the PM vote takes precedence.
    • If you forget to vote, you will vote for yourself. Failure to vote twice in a row will result in your death.


    • Nomination Phase: Vote for any player to be a candidate in the Execution Phase
      • Half of the living players, rounded down, will be selected as candidates.
      • Players with the most votes will be selected as candidates first.
      • Ties will be decided randomly.
        • Example: A, B, C, D, E, and F are in the nomination phase. A receives four votes, B gets two votes, C and D get one vote each, and E and F get no votes. A and B will definitely be candidates, and one of C or D will be the third candidate.
      • PMs are open during this phase. Remember to include me in all PMs made for this game.
    • Voting Phase: Vote for a candidate to be executed.
      • The vote count from the Nomination Phase will be posted in thread, but it will not be revealed who voted for whom.
      • Both candidates and non-candidates must vote in this phase.
      • Only candidates may be voted on. Non-candidates are relatively safe.
        • In the previous example, if C wins the coin flip, only A, B, and D will be eligible to be killed via majority vote.
      • The candidate who wins the vote will be executed, unless they are the Sacrifice.
      • PMs are closed during this phase. All communication must be done via the thread.





    • Commoner:
      • Commoners have no special powers.
      • If a Commoner wins the Execution vote, they are killed, along with the Sacrifice.
      • If two or more Commoners are tied for the Execution vote, all tied Commoners die, and the Sacrifice dies as well.
    • Keymaster:
      • If the Keymaster wins the Execution vote, all players die.
      • If the Keymaster is tied for the Execution vote with any other role, all players die.
    • Sage:
      • At the start of the Nomination Phase, the Sage is told who the Keymaster is.
      • The Sage cannot lie about the identity of the Keymaster.
        • They can choose to keep silent about this information.
      • If the Sage wins the Execution vote, they are killed, along with the Sacrifice.
      • If the Sage is tied with a Commoner, only the Sage and the Sacrifice die.
    • Sacrifice:
      • If the Sacrifice does not win the Execution vote, they die.
      • If the Sacrifice wins the Execution vote, they choose one other player. The Sacrifice and the person they chose win the game. However, all other players die.
      • If the Sacrifice is tied with a Commoner or the Sage, the Sacrifice takes precedence. The Sacrifice and their chosen accomplice survive, but all other players die.
      • If the Sacrifice is tied with the Keymaster, the Keymaster takes precedence, and all players die.
      • The Sacrifice has two votes during the Nomination and Execution Phases.
        • They may split them up, or put them on the same person.



    This game will start a week from now, on October 15th, at 7 PM CST.

    Player List:

    1. xinoehp512
    2. The Unknown Order
    3. Danex
    4. Matrim's Dice
    5. Devotary of Spontaneity
    6. Araris Valerian
    7. Azmine_king
    8. Illwei
    9. Droughtbringer
    10. Lahlit
    11. |TJ|
    12. STINK
    13. Alvron
    14. Liranil
    15. Ashbringer

    Quick Links:


  4. 1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

    It was just one prior in the alphabet, then two forward, then three prior, then four forward, etc. Fairly simple, but I don’t know if there’s a name for that.

    I didn't actually crack the code. I just noticed that Engineer was the only role with 8 letters, and the first two words were clearly 'I am'

  5. I don't see a scenario where both Biplet and Quinn are both villagers. Two Village alignment scanners is way too many, especially with other forms of tracking available. As much as I would like to vote out both of them, a tie is not in our best interest. It would only take one last minute flip to ruin us. So, I'm going to force the issue. Quinn you're leading in votes, so I'm kicking you out. Biplet, have fun in the hospital. I'm a Trapper, and your times up.

  6. Vote Count:
    Szeth (2): TJ, Biplet
    Random Bystander (2): Matrim, Illwei

    I keep going inactive in this game, and it appears I'm not the only one. Right then, we've got two trains going today. Random Bystander, because he's inactive, and Szeth, because he had a tunnel on Illwei. With ties killing both parties, we would lose the game on the spot if they're both villagers. Since I'm probably not going to be around for rollover, I need to break the tie one way or another. I remember reading Szeth as village on Day 1, and while I should really go back and check that, I'm going to trust my gut on this one. Randby, on the other hand, I've gotten no read from, which is suspicious this late in the game.I know this is the pot calling the kettle black, but I'm going to vote on Random Bystander. Most hypocritical Contribution Crusade ever.

  7. Sorry for not being active. I keep thinking this rollover is later than it actually appears. Anyway, it looks like we've got a runaway lynch train. I'm not thrilled by that. I've had a Village read on Tani, although I'll admit that's mostly from Cycle one. At this point, I want to vote on Matrim's Dice Something seems off with him. I'm going to do a deeper dive tonight, but that's where my vote is going today.

  8. Is italics the new format for RP? In any case, my thoughts.

    Fourth of Legend stretched his arms, lazily getting to his feet. It had been smooth sailing so far, but now the ship was starting to get antsy. There was once again talk of saboteurs, and a referendum was being held. He had already gotten reprimanded for not participating, so he had to put his cards on the table. Obviously, Tevris (Tani) was fishing, and it looked like someone bit. He asked a simple question, and waited for responses. The content wasn't important, but it was the tells that mattered. Liars dart around like startled fish, never committing to an answer. The Saboteurs would hem and haw, while the Crewmembers would speak frankly, since they had nothing to lose. In Fourth's opinion, he would rather have the Ones above win. He doubted a neutral party managed to survive for five days in this type of chaos, so he wasn't too worried about the aliens. No, he needed to focus on the Saboteurs.

    In that regard, one person clearly stood out. Illwei had ducked Tevris's question like a scared Aviar.

    On 5/6/2021 at 2:02 PM, Illwei said:

    I think it doesn't matter to me personally. If the Elims have an engineer and they lose, then good for the Agent I guess. If I was an Elim I wouldn't very much care if I was declared the winner or not, because technically I would have won. Same way I feel about village. If we catch all the Elims I'll feel the same if it's declared an Agent win or a Village win.

    Ducking and weaving, hemming and hawing, never wanting to commit. All the signs were there. However, there was something more that put Fourth on edge.

    On 5/6/2021 at 11:03 AM, Illwei said:

    I haven't fully read the rules, but my first thought I'm gonna put out there for now, is that I don't think the Doctors are that important, and I think giving up your voice and vote for a cycle to revive someone isn't a good trade. I also think that going to the hospital at all isn't a very good trade for talking to the dead people either.

    Now, Fourth agreed that taking your time in the infirmary wasn't a great idea. However, abandoning the injured in the hospital was just plain suicidal. If the Saboteurs attacked someone, that meant the victim wasn't a Saboteur. Having confirmed good people would greatly help our chances. Yes, he supposed a Saboteur could fake an injury, but that would be a huge risk, and with not much benefit. Even if we don't trust the wounded completely, it would still double the Saboteur's workload. The longer we survived, the more we have a chance to root out the traitors. It was a simple rule. When your opponent's low on chips, you bleed him dry. We win via attrition. So, for that backwards logic, Illwei had to go.

  9. The camp cornered Kaniae Moreau. "We know you're the last Forgotten!" shouted Elysian. "Just give it up already." added Tria Noche.

    Kaniae scowled. "Humans, always so unpredictable. Do you really think you've won? We've decimated your numbers. What can six survivors do against an army of Forgotten?"

    "We'll adapt and learn, just like we always have." spoke Evan Wallace. A random bystander nodded silently, head down in her book.

    "We'll fight on till our last breath!" argued Tia Vuur.

    "And when all is said and done, we'll desecrate your corpses." whispered the Servant of the Mad God.

    With no way out, Kaniae sighed. "I accept my defeat." Her body writhed, and exploded in a mass of chalklings. The survivors had won this battle. Now, it was time to win the war.

    Vote Count:
    Devotary of Spontaneity (5): Gears, Archer, Burnt Spaghetti, Araris Valerian, Mist
    Gears (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

    Devotary of Spontaneity was court-martialed. She was a Forgotten.

    The Rithmatists and Non-Rithmatist have won!

    Items Taken:

    • Gears took a Piece of Chalk
    • Mist took a Piece of Chalk
    • Archer took a Bucket of Acid

    Final Camp Supply:

      Hide contents
    • 11 Pieces of Chalk
    • 7 Buckets of Acid
    • 8 Bribes
    • 17 Spring-Powered Crabs
    • 1 Map
    • 2 Lanterns
    • 3 Pieces of Rainbow Chalk
    • 1 Book of Vigor
    • 1 Book of Silencing

    Player List:

      Hide contents
    1. @Gears : Servant of the Mad God Rithmatist
    2. Quinn0928 : Nicole Cooper Rithmatist
    3. Ashbringer : Faleast Rithmatist
    4. Lotus : Daughter of the Prime forest Forgotten
    5. Flyingbooks Forgotten
    6. @Archer : Evan Wallace Non-Rithmatist
    7. @Burnt Spaghetti : Tia Vuur Rithmatist
    8. Ventyl : Shimamura Sakura Rithmatist
    9. The Unknown Order : Atreco Tel Forgotten
    10. @Araris Valerian : Elysian Rithmatist
    11. StrikerEZ : Frederick Kerr Rithmatist
    12. Alvron : Blackbane Rithmatist
    13. Shard of Reading Rithmatist
    14. @Random Bystander Rithmatist
    15. Illwei Rithmatist
    16. TJ Shade Rithmatist
    17. Condensation : Connie Forgotten
    18. Devotary of Spontaneity : Kaniae Moreau Forgotten
    19. Kasimir : Duncan Kerr Rithmatist
    20. Matrim's Dice: Joshua Rithmatist
    21. STINK : Respected Madman Thief
    22. @Mist : Tria Noche Rithmatist
    23. Dannex Rithmatist
  10. The Night was quiet. Perhaps daunted by the slaughter of their masters, the Wild Chalklings horde only timidly nibbled at the Camp's Defense, being repelled at every turn. The town was on guard, and they prevented any more death.

    No one died!

    Camp Supply:

      Hide contents
    • 11 Pieces of Chalk
    • 8 Buckets of Acid
    • 8 Bribes
    • 17 Spring-Powered Crabs
    • 1 Map
    • 2 Lanterns
    • 1 Pieces of Rainbow Chalk
    • 1 Book of Vigor
    • 1 Book of Silencing

    Player List:

      Hide contents
    1. @Gears : Servant of the Mad God
    2. Quinn0928 : Nicole Cooper Rithmatist
    3. Ashbringer : Faleast Rithmatist
    4. Lotus : Daughter of the Prime forest Forgotten
    5. Flyingbooks Forgotten
    6. @Archer : Evan Wallace
    7. @Burnt Spaghetti : Tia Vuur
    8. Ventyl : Shimamura Sakura Rithmatist
    9. The Unknown Order : Atreco Tel Forgotten
    10. @Araris Valerian : Elysian
    11. StrikerEZ : Frederick Kerr Rithmatist
    12. Alvron : Blackbane Rithmatist
    13. Shard of Reading Rithmatist
    14. @Random Bystander
    15. Illwei Rithmatist
    16. TJ Shade Rithmatist
    17. Condensation : Connie Forgotten
    18. @Devotary of Spontaneity : Kaniae Moreau
    19. Kasimir : Duncan Kerr Rithmatist
    20. Matrim's Dice: Joshua Rithmatist
    21. STINK : Respected Madman Thief
    22. @Mist : Tria Noche
    23. Dannex Rithmatist

    If all the players are amenable, we could end the Day early on February 22nd at 8 PM CST. If anyone objects, the Day will end at its usual time of 8 PM CST on February 23rd.

  11. After comparing notes, the Camp had everything figured out. The man nicknamed Books was clearly responsible for Duncan's death. He protested arguing that the Servant of the Mad God could have technically done it as well. His pleas fell on deaf ears though. The Camp strung him up, and when white leaked from his eyes, they knew they were on the right track.

    Vote Count:
    Flyingbooks (6): Gears, Archer, Burnt Spaghetti, Araris Valerian, Devotary of Spontaneity, Mist
    Gears (1): Flyingbooks

    Flyingbooks was court-martialed. They were a Forgotten.

    Items Taken:

    • Araris Valerian grabbed a Piece of Chalk
    • Burnt Spaghetti grabbed a Bucket of Acid
    • Archer grabbed a Spring-Powered Crab
    • Devotary of Spontaneity grabbed a Piece of Rainbow Chalk

    Camp Supply:

      Hide contents
    • 11 Pieces of Chalk
    • 8 Buckets of Acid
    • 8 Bribes
    • 17 Spring-Powered Crabs
    • 1 Map
    • 2 Lanterns
    • 1 Pieces of Rainbow Chalk
    • 1 Book of Vigor
    • 1 Book of Silencing

    Player List:

      Hide contents
    1. @Gears : Servant of the Mad God
    2. Quinn0928 : Nicole Cooper Rithmatist
    3. Ashbringer : Faleast Rithmatist
    4. Lotus : Daughter of the Prime forest Forgotten
    5. Flyingbooks Forgotten
    6. @Archer : Evan Wallace
    7. @Burnt Spaghetti : Tia Vuur
    8. Ventyl : Shimamura Sakura Rithmatist
    9. The Unknown Order : Atreco Tel Forgotten
    10. @Araris Valerian : Elysian
    11. StrikerEZ : Frederick Kerr Rithmatist
    12. Alvron : Blackbane Rithmatist
    13. Shard of Reading Rithmatist
    14. @Random Bystander
    15. Illwei Rithmatist
    16. TJ Shade Rithmatist
    17. Condensation : Connie Forgotten
    18. @Devotary of Spontaneity : Kaniae Moreau
    19. Kasimir : Duncan Kerr Rithmatist
    20. Matrim's Dice: Joshua Rithmatist
    21. STINK : Respected Madman Thief
    22. @Mist : Tria Noche
    23. Dannex Rithmatist

    The Strength of the Wild Chalklings is at 1. This Night will end at 8 PM CST on February 21st.

  12. Duncan saw the Forgotten coming. Of course they were coming for him. He had led the remainder of this camp, and now they wanted to topple the figurehead. It made perfect sense. He took a deep breath. Wyatt whispered in his ear, "You knew this was coming." Duncan shook the hallucination off. If this was the night he was to die, so be it.

    The town woke to a battlefield. The remnants of an epic Rithmatic duel were chalked into the earth. Unfortunately, Duncan Kerr had lost his final bout. And now his watch was ended.

    Kasimir has died. He was a Rithmatist.

    Camp Supply:

      Hide contents
    • 12 Pieces of Chalk
    • 9 Buckets of Acid
    • 8 Bribes
    • 18 Spring-Powered Crabs
    • 1 Map
    • 2 Lanterns
    • 2 Pieces of Rainbow Chalk
    • 1 Book of Vigor
    • 1 Book of Silencing

    Player List:

      Hide contents
    1. @Gears : Servant of the Mad God
    2. Quinn0928 : Nicole Cooper Rithmatist
    3. Ashbringer : Faleast Rithmatist
    4. Lotus : Daughter of the Prime forest Forgotten
    5. @Flyingbooks
    6. @Archer : Evan Wallace
    7. @Burnt Spaghetti : Tia Vuur
    8. Ventyl : Shimamura Sakura Rithmatist
    9. The Unknown Order : Atreco Tel Forgotten
    10. @Araris Valerian : Elysian
    11. StrikerEZ : Frederick Kerr Rithmatist
    12. Alvron : Blackbane Rithmatist
    13. Shard of Reading Rithmatist
    14. @Random Bystander
    15. Illwei Rithmatist
    16. TJ Shade Rithmatist
    17. Condensation : Connie Forgotten
    18. @Devotary of Spontaneity : Kaniae Moreau
    19. Kasimir : Duncan Kerr Rithmatist
    20. Matrim's Dice: Joshua Rithmatist
    21. STINK : Respected Madman Thief
    22. @Mist : Tria Noche
    23. Dannex Rithmatist

    This Day will end on February 20th, at 8 PM CST.

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