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Lego Mistborn

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Everything posted by Lego Mistborn

  1. Makes sense. Thank you for sharing. They all look great so far, better than I could do in a million years.
  2. We have a winner And second place? And third I thought I'd stump you all a little longer. Guess I'm just bad at this XD.
  3. I'm curious, why did you apply a base coat to Syl, you mentioned you wanted that glowing affect, wouldn't covering up her translucence negate that?
  4. Nope This person died This person does not like people looking at them defiantly. (Not a cytoverse reference).
  5. Oh, by the way, I got accepted into my college of choice, not that it matters since they won't let me defer enrollment to go on a mission, so I have to reapply.

    My GF got a full ride though so I'm super pumped for her.

    1. TwinSouls


      Congrats, and condolences!

  6. My Uncle, who hasn't read the Cytoverse, and my aunt, who hasn't read any Sanderson (yet), got their kids, who are much too young for Sanderson, taynix plushes, and let's just say my cousins loved them. (And the inquisi-tater I made, but that's another story.)
  7. I got several of you, either directly or through others. I am satisfied.
  8. I lost twice today, and misery loves company. I hope all you who are following me see this HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. If ever you feel like it, I would like you to know that Oathbringer is a harder book to read for a lot of people and they usually enjoy RoW more. It was that way for me. It's definitely a more Cosmere-aware novel though, so if you don't like that, it might not be the best. Don't force yourself though!!! And hey, @ me in the TSM thread.
  10. When you obsessively search for 16 or it's multiples everywhere.
  11. I'm terribly sorry, I ruined your perfect 16 followers. You seem too cool to not follow though.

    1. Experience


      Might as well hop on the bandwagon...

    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Now it's not a perfect 17 either.

      It's okay, you'll soon have more follower's than me.

    3. TwinSouls



      Thanks, I just saw this and… yeah.

      Thanks again!

  12. Serving in our ward (it was in the middle of a transfer) we usually have 2 sets of 2-3 because our ward is quite bi-lingual, but not big enough yet to split into English and Spanish. Right now we don't have any missionaries out from here, though 2 or 3 of of are leaving this summer. We have a small youth population.
  13. You missed the mark with my message I'm afraid. That's probably on me, cause I didn't explain very well. For sure, Thaidakar is stuck in the vicinity of Scadrial, and I'm sure he would love to find a way to not be stuck. However, the quote you posted and what we know about the Heralds leads me to believe the affliction referenced there is not being stuck, nor do I believe the Heralds would be any help at all in getting offworld.
  14. I only think of the Book of Mormon My ward had 8 missionaries a couple of weeks ago. It was awesome.
  15. Nice for now... JK There will be tough spots, but it will be worth it, even if it doesn't work out in the end because you'll be able to grow as a person. Just give it your best shot.
  16. The quote you list here reads more like Thaidakar's "affliction" is immortality and the insanity the comes with it. He didn't seem ·ike the most sane person to begin with, so I imagine he'd want to avoid getting worse. If he wanted to get off planet, he should just talk to Vasher, who has actually managed, as opposed to the heralds who haven't got any further than Braize and Ashyn, which are supposedly the distance a Rosharan can go anyway.
  17. All state auditions are on sunday. I'm one of 30 tubists trying for 8 spots and 4 alternates so the odds are not good. Oh well, I've definitely improved by practicing the audition etudes.
  18. Guys, this is Brandon we're talking about. We know he has hinted that Shallan is Chana's daughter, so either he is, or he wants us to think that she is so he can pull the rug out from under us with an amazing plot twist that makes perfect sense at the last moment. There is no doubt that the evidence points to Shallan Chanasdotter though.
  19. Anyone else's school get a bomb threat today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oh my gosh.

      That's terrifying.

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      We get a few of those each year.

       Sorry about that though, that’s rough.

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      It wasn't really. They tightened security a little bit and state police sent someone to do a sweep of the school, but we didn't lock down or anything.

      The same email was sent to a lot of schools last year and nothing came of it then, soo.

  20. Cute and tiny for about a month, and then you want to lock em away because they're freakishly annoying. We weren't like that though. We were better. And less tiny.
  21. I'm not sure either, you'd have to ask an arcanist. I gave it a shot, but didn't really care to get in depth because it's not a serious theory.(I don't think)
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