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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Status Updates posted by Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  1. This is the end.

    I had a post written up, I had it down and was going to post it.I knew what I was going to say. It was short, sweet and did what it needed to do.

    It said goodbye.

    Yet... it feels insignificant. It feels wrong. It wasn't as meaningful as my goodbye needs to be.

    While I will be coming back on every now and again to say hi or to post something on a thread I like, maybe look at some status updates to see how people are doing, it will never be the same. For one thing, I have ended my characters in Insanity Clinic and TLT (oh boy, the TLT one was rushed.)

    I love all of you. There's nothing short of that. I don't know how much I can pontificate off that without coming off the wrong way. I love all of you. Each and every one of you, no matter how much I have disagreed with some of you at times. Y'all are amazing.

    I am going to miss this old place.

    Read my cover photo, look at the big paragraph block in my about me. They're all true. If you have my number or email, I'm always there if you need me. If you don't have it but you want it, ask around. Someone most likely will have it and they can ask me if you can get it.

    Before I leave, I want to tell you something. You need to remember this. If you don't, then the evil penguins will haunt your dreams repeating it till you do.

    You are wonderful, you are amazing, you are loved, you are worthy of love, you deserve the world, you can change, you can become a better person, you can get through it all, you can defeat the pain, you are valued, you are worth the world, you are the bestest, you are a good person, you make people happy, you can do anything you put your mind to, you can become stronger, you can be the best version of yourself you can be.

    You are spectacular, don't you forget it.

    I love you.

    It is done.

    It is finished.

    This is the end.

    I am going.

    I am leaving.

    God be with you till we meet again, old friend. May our paths cross again.










    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BlueWildRye


      Well, I suppose that's why he said goodbye, then.

    3. SmilingPanda19


      He intended on leaving and coming back but he got banned because of a misunderstanding. 

    4. Chaos


      Banning members is not something we consider doing lightly. Rest assured that we never take such an action without a thorough investigation.

      It is our policy to not publicly discuss the details of our moderation actions, for the privacy of everyone involved, so we will not be expanding further on this issue.

  2. *The Grammar Police pulls in a murder of vans, ropes over the edge of the mall thingies (t's a technical term) and point their guns with alacrity at your face.*

    "Put your hands up! The Grammar Police has arrived, and this time we will force you to do our bidding! Your member title is an infringement upon the law of releace dates!"

    *Whisper. Whisper.*

    "Release dates! That's what I said!"

    *Whisper. Whisper.*

    "Wait, you can hear typos?"

    *Whisper. Whisper.*

    "Well, then," the commander said, "You learn something every day."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Experience


      Connie is the founder of the Grammar Police. She isn't active anymore tho :'(.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      this commander is the new commander who took over when connie vanished.

    4. Experience
  3. Regret is a funny, nagging thing.

    Oh, oh regret...

    What I wouldn't give to redo certain aspects of my life. There are many things I would leave the same, yet... the many, oh so many wrong things I've done. The people I've ignored, the missed opportunities to stop things from going the way they've went. The way things have gone down. The way things got to where it is now.

    I hate regret, but I love it too. Without regret, I wouldn't be able to see what I've done wrong and make changes.

    Regret is a good, terrible thing.

  4. “Go TikTok children, read your naughty books.” - Tale Foundry

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Oh, that guy.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Naughty TikTok children ~_~

  5. When you know that you aren't gonna put swears in your books, but then you imagine a scene where if a character said "Not again, you mother****er" it would be super epic. 

    Ahhhhh. I won't do it, but storms is it tempting.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      Attempt successful. Won't say that again tho lol.

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      Bro that's actually so funny.

      Yeah, won't be doing that ever again either. 😂

    4. Cataclysm


      Oh my fault

  6. Huzzah! I own eight disc world books now! Wyrd Sisters and Pyramids have joined my collection. Next is Sourcery.

  7. (Sorry for posting again so soon)

    So what’s this one piece thing I keep hearing about?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Several people have recommended One Piece to me.

      Including Daniel Greene.

      Is it worth it...

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood





      good question.

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I would highly recommend the live action on Netflix it was great

      I have not seen the actual anime so I have no idea about that

  8. My outlining has birthed another character-

    Maybe I'm gonna end up with a thousand paged manuscript lol. I have no idea. I have like four perspective characters at this point with a few side ones and a writing style with enough rambling to challenge Richard and Austin. 

    This is gonna be great- maybe I'll actually finish outlining this week, or maybe it'll be another week. who knows...

    1. Cataclysm


      You know what they say about Austin…

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Austin hasn’t read enough books? Austionocracy is cringe?

    3. Cataclysm


      Um, simply put, yes

  9. poppin' in to say that it'll prob be Monday to Wednesday that I actually leave. Didn't want to write the posts today. Idk when I'll be gone and out of y'all's hair.

  10. Mwahaha

    catan is fun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Experience


      In high school my friends and I made a couple expansions for catan in order to make it more fast paced (tho ironically it made the games last like twice as long)

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      My parents got Catan as a wedding gift.

      They got rid of it because of how much they dislike it.

    4. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Indeed comrade. So it is. 

  11. Hey, just letting y'all know that the day I'll fully leave will be tommorow, Sunday. At the very latest it'll be like around lunch on Monday that I fully finish up. 

    1. RoyalBeeMage


      When you say leave you don’t mean permanently leave the shard do you?

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I’ll not be engaging in most of the conversation is what I mean. I’ll come every now and then to say hi, check how everyone’s doing, on like weekends, but that’ll be it really.

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Hey well its nice your announcing it. I just kinda randomly disappear......👀

  12. You know when you have standards? And then those standards kick you hard in the groin?

    I've said before that I have a limit on how many F bombs there can be in a book before I quit. Well, to sleep in a sea of stars has reached it in 60 pages. 

    Ah well.


    Also, I plan on making a post before I leave fully sometime in the evening today after I've written up two or three other posts, so watch for that one.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Kajsa


      for my school, it depends on the clique the movie would follow. if it followed my friend group, we’d be like really high pg13 but with personal thoughts and following basically any other clique, it would be r lol

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      My school is probably about the same as @WhyEverNot_8’s, which is a little insane because you’d think a Utah school wouldn’t be that bad, but… *shrugs*

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      You'd also think that Utah wouldn't have one of the/the highest drug addiction rates in the nation but no.


  13. *Sits down*

    I didn't plan on making this SU.

    Nor did I plan on coming on here today.

    I don't plan to do a lot of the major things I decide. They come in quick, decisive moments where every bit of my mind is chanting "Change! Change! Change!" This moment, right here, this is one of those moments.

    I could not have chosen a better place to spend my time in the past three years than on here and in Minecraft, meeting people. My time has been truly phenomenal, I've learned so much, I've grown, I've changed, I've become a different person in so many different ways. 

    However, there comes a time when you realize that you have to know when to stop. When you realize that the thing that helped you change so much perhaps has only one more change for you.

    It's time to move on.

    I... I didn't plan on this. I've already mentioned that, but I feel like it needs to be said again. I did not plan on doing this any time soon. I thought that I could stay on here the way I've been for a couple years, till my mission and all that. Yet... if I am going to actually change, I need to cut things out of my life. Which is why I am leaving the Shard.

    I'm not leaving the Shard completely, I'll come on like once or twice on a weekend to make an update or look at people's profiles who I especially care about (Hey, I care about all of you, but even I have favorites) for SUs I might be interested. I'll hop on when a new book comes out to see how the discussion is going, maybe chip in some thoughts. It won't be the same.

    I'm going to put up a few posts on threads I especially care about to wrap up some things, get a few last laughs. That'll prob be the last few times I post in those specific threads for a good long while. 

    If some of you want my phone number or email, shoot me a PM before Sunday. Anytime after and I'll prob have deleted the thing that makes it so I get emails from the Shard, signed out and made it so I can't access the shard on most days. 

    Look at the final two paragraphs in my about me. They're for you.

    I didn't plan on making this SU, yet here we are.

    This isn't goodbye, not forever. I'll be back every now and then for a small bit of time on Saturdays, and I won't be leaving till Saturday night.

    I'll post another SU when I'm leaving, to let y'all know.

    Until then, yours truly, Thaidakar the Ghostblood.

    p.s. no, I'm not doing the Bilbo speech again.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Scars of Hathsin

      Scars of Hathsin

      It has been nice to know you Thaid, Sorry to see you go, but change is something that is both hard and good at the same time.

      Best of Luck

    3. Slowswift


      It's been great having you here! God be with you. 

    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      God be with you til we meet again. Good luck

  14. Aight, yall. Heading out! I'll be back at like Saturday or something, as I mentioned. 


  15. Hey, y'all, sorry for the SUs in so close of proximity. I didn't realize I was gonna be doing this till literally just now.

    For the past while, I've been on screens faaaaaarrrr too much for my own good and there are two major reasons for this. YouTube and the Shard. Now, neither are problems. I still want to go on these things. However, I also want to write more regularly and establish the habit of taking aside time each day to write. And, to do that, I'm going to need space away from both. 

    Now, this means I will not be on the Shard for at least until Saturday. I'm going to write a post for the insanity clinic tonight at some point. I'm sorry hunger games people too, hopefully the hunger games is still going on when I come back.

    If you need to message me or talk to me after I post that thing in the insanity clinic, then pm me and I'll check my email for shard stuff every day at some point. Whether I respond or not will depend on how important it looks from the email I get from it. So we'll see.

    For now, this'll be goodbye! I won't be gone long, hopefully, but I will be gone. I'll come back on in a few hours to write that post, then I'll be off. Y'all are awesome, don't forget that. I'll miss y'all.

    From your friend, Thaidakar the Ghostblood.

    P.S. remember: Thaidakar from TLT was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries. His mother was a gerbil.

    P.P.S. also, someone post an inspirational SU for me while I'm gone.

    P.P.P.S. may the memes be with you.

    P.P.P.P.S. always.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      We love ya Thaid, enjoy writing and I hope it clears your mind!

    3. Kajsa



      also, someone post an inspirational SU for me while I'm gone.

      yessir 🫡🫡🫡

    4. Edema Rue
  16. Healing doesn't mean you never feel pain.

    Leaving doesn't mean you never return.

    Goodbye doesn't mean that you will never say hello again.

    Dying doesn't mean you will never live again.

    Finishing doesn't mean you will never start again.

    Sadness doesn't mean you will never be happy again.

    Life doesn't mean you will never experience pain.

    Life doesn't mean you will never go through challenges.

    Life means that you will experience existence in a way unique to you. 

    Life means you will struggle.

    Life means you will have all of these things.

    And at death's door, when you look back at life, when you lack back at pain, when you look back at suffering, when you look back at joys, when you look back at the fun times and the sad times.

    When you look back, I hope you see you.

    We get one life, so make it worth it.














    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kajsa


      i needed this right now thank you thaid 🤧

    3. WhyEverNot_8


      Success without struggle isn’t success

    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      As Brandon would say:

      Life without death isn't life

      Strength without weakness isn't strength

      And a destination without a journey isn't a destination

  17. Hey all in the insanity clinic, today and the past few days have been insane and I was trying to get some work done. I will write a post tonight or sometime tomorrow.

  18. oh my gosh.

    So basically I have this character who was named Braxton. The name did not fit whatsoever to what I wanted him to be, and it was really hindering how I pictured him and how I was outlining.

    I finally figured out the solution.

    His name is Laurie and he's gonna be the John Wick of villains except with eldritch powers.

    1. Wierdo


      Amazing. Give him crack summoning powers

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      ya know what...

      that could be fun.

      it could be...

    3. Wierdo


      Do it. they can summon it in the nose's of their enemies to make them high then kill them

  19. I just researched a bit about Panic! At the disco and their religious background.

    i think I wanna go vomit, take a shower, never research music artists I like again and try and forget I ever knew anything about their background in that order.

    like, they be gross. (No shade on people who do/have done similar things to them, I just think it’s nasty.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Experience


      They are a pretty well known band.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      throuples, going to strip clubs, engaging in the full "rockstar" life style AT FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and not telling your parents until two years of that has gone by and, presumably, keeping all that going.

      His voice is great and I'll still listen to some of their songs, but... I aint ever looking at their music the same.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Also, drugs and dealing drugs. 

  20. Ahah! I’ve figured it out!

    Im not as straight as a nail, since those are bendy, nor as straight as a door because those are too breakable. I’m as straight as a linear graph! Huzzah!

    I have discovered the perfect phrase!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Experience


      Honestly it's the man that would be changing how straight I am, not the money...

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      i mean... both are factors

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