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Everything posted by DramaQueen

  1. I am out of practice and it has been quite some time since I've read Warbreaker, so we'll see how this goes May the best roaster win!
  2. Lift, pancakes, and...is that the bi pride flag?? 10000/10, I see no way this could be improved more.
  3. Very simple, but also recognizable and fits with your username. 8/10
  4. What I did last time was have one stanza per person. So: Intro Roasting person 1 Roasting person 2 Roasting person 3 Closing out
  5. Join! Please! We need at least one more person!!

  6. Oh, sure!! I'll compete as...hm. I was Spook last time I did this, so I probably should pick a character I'm not as practiced writing as... I'll be Elend, I guess.
  7. Hey!

    Anyone need any kind of help that I could provide? Words of affirmation, internet hugs, character names, whatever, feel free to ask and I will do my best to provide :))

    1. Medium


      any idea how to tell my girlfriend i’m struggling again?

    2. DramaQueen


      Honestly, just tell her. Clear, open communication is key, and I'm sure she wants to know when you're having a hard time so she can support you.

      Don't make it her responsibility to make you feel better, but give her the chance to do what she can just by straightforwardly telling her what's going on.

    3. Medium
  8. Already did an SU, mentioned the probably less than 16 people thing And sorry I didn't look back very far for who people wanted to be
  9. Please join!! I'll run the round no matter how many people join, but it'll be a lot more fun if we have a full roster of 16 people!

    If you're not interested in writing the roasts, still consider following the thread! I will be holding votes for victors via Google Forms (not collecting emails, your info will be safe), and the roasts are sure to be interesting to read!

    1. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Do you want me to be the organization-stuff-thingy-guy?

  10. OKAY! We are officially reviving this! I'm quoting the OP just so it's a bit easier to reference. For this round, we currently have: @stormform wert as Eshonai @SymphonianBookworm as Lightsong @yeshevishman as Adolin @DramaQueen as Elend And @The Sibling as The Sibling This list will be kept updated as more people join, please advertise for this so it doesn't just flop!!
  11. I can organize it to at least get it back on its feet, hopefully it'll gain more traction after the first round or so.
  12. Anyone else just randomly be like

    ...but what if instead of having a normal career I make money off of being a professional mermaid/princess

    I mean, I'm currently majoring in theatre, so that's not really a normal career, and tbh it'd probably still be really helpful if I decide to be a professional mermaid/princess and I could still do theatre...

    I'd have to take more swimming lessons for the mermaid part. I love swimming but tbh I'm not the most impressive swimmer by any means and I'd probably have to get a lot better lol.

    I just don't want to grow up ever so instead I try to find the most childish of careers that tiny me would be like OH MY GOSH THAT'S OUR JOB???? THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      Hmmm.... perhaps you could get a job acting as a mermaid or princess? Therefore, you could still do acting, still get paid, and be a professional mermaid or princess!

    3. DramaQueen


      Yeah, that's...exactly what I'm saying I'd do if I decide to go with the princess/mermaid thing.

      It's just not stage acting, so it's different from my major in that way, so I'd probably still want to do stage theatre sometimes.

      Plus, today is literally the first day ever that I've actually seriously considered this specific alternate path, whereas theatre is something I've wanted to do since the dawn of time.

    4. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      Oh! Sorry! I didn't realize :P

      I'd suggest continuing with theatre but in your own time auditioning for small on-camera roles and seeing what hits!

  13. HAPPY PRIDE!!!!! Man, I wish I actually could've gone to Pride this year...maybe next year.
  14. Thanks! And hmm I'm tempted to take a screen recording of me doing a simple edit on my ibisPaint app for like a tutorial or something, is that something anyone would be interested in?
  15. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH (yes I'm a tad late BUT I HAVE A NEW PFP NOW :))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadonin


      What is a p f p?

    3. danex



      What is a p f p?

      profile picture

    4. DramaQueen



      Mine's PRIDE now

      An asexualotl hehe

      ...can't figure out how to include the panromantic part in the pun, but that's okay.

  16. Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse is SO FREAKING GOOD!!!

    I think I'll need to watch it at least five more times before I can properly express how much I enjoyed it, so for now suffice it to know that me and the friend I went to see it with were elbowing each other with excitement and awe basically the entire time.

    And then afterwards when we were trying to rant to each other about it, the conversation went something like this:

    Me: And then--the part where--yknow, they--amxnnsjsjjsjjshbsAAAAHAHHAGAHGZGZHHAHHhahgzhahha



    Him: YEAH!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quivil


      BUT ALSO


      Quarterfeather, Demiblob, I, and a non-Sanderfan friend saw it today

      The entire way home we were talking over bits of it


      Like the differences between Aaron/Prowler and Miles/Prowler, and maybe Miles/Spiderman, being himself an anomalous Spiderman, wouldn't break everything by saving his dad, and little things like Webslinger's gun shooting web bullets and Webslinger's visual and time period similarity to Spiderman Noir.

      And the fact that Hobie's an anarchist, really wise, and a sweetie.

      It was fun

    3. DramaQueen



      Not sure but kinda think mentioning the "To Be Continued" screen miiiight qualify as a spoiler.

      I found out that it left off on a cliffhanger before seeing the movie and I do think it affected my perception of it, the To Be Continued didn't hit nearly as hard as it would've otherwise, it was kinda just meh, and I wish it would've hit harder.


    4. Morningtide


      I'm so excited to go see it!!

  17. You can change your username, actually! Not super often, there's a limit, but yeah! Somewhere on your profile, I can't remember exactly where.
    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Whatever happens, I hope you know that your masterpiece is beautiful and should live on forever.

  18. I feel like my pfp should give...kind of a sneak peek of me as a person? And throughout my time on the Shard, who I am and what I want to have represent me has changed. My first pfp was Shallan, then my RP character Queen (who is basically literally me, just in a different world) as drawn by revelryintheart, and now I've just kind of been using picrews I like. During Ookla season, I was Ookla the Blight and had Amity Blight as my pfp, but other than that, yeah, picrews. I try to make them as accurate to how I want to appear as possible. My appearance and perception of myself changes sometimes, so my pfp changes, too.
  19. I took one costuming class for one semester and decided it'd be a grand old idea to attempt to make a Rapunzel dress completely on my own.

    I have the fabric for the bodice and sleeves and have created a pattern for the skirt and started trying to make the pattern for the bodice...wish me luck.

    1. DramaQueen


      I will be posting pictures if/when I finish it. And maybe some throughout the process.

    2. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      I wish you all the best in this endeavor :]

      Cant wait to see the pictures!!

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