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Everything posted by DramaQueen

  1. To my recollection, i have never once in my life talked about the intricacies of cup stacking. I think you may be getting me mixed up with someone else.
  2. ......when am I off-topic?? Why is that my legacy? I'm fine with the eccentric cousin bit, but I feel like I'm pretty consistently on-topic...
  3. You Deserve The World (But Not This One) (October) [untitled villain song] (October) Haunting Tune (October) (to the tune of jingle bells but in a minor key lol)
  4. Adventure of our Dreams (over a year ago)
  5. (Also thoughts/feedback are welcomed and appreciated)
    1. DramaQueen


      Some of my poetry + music

      Most of the more recent ones are a bit too personal to share, but I can share these

  6. Hey! I've been writing a lot of poetry and music stuff lately, so I figured I'd share some of it :)) Promises (written more than two years ago) Made to Hurt (2 years ago) Not Lit (2 years ago) Contradictions (2 years ago) Hope (2 years ago) Drown (2 years ago) Dragon Lullaby (under two years ago) Depend On You (...year and a half? Ish?) Defied (also year and a halfish?) Love? (Yearish ago) Dino Poem (Maybe a bit over a year ago) Voyage (little over a year again) Good In Me (pretty recent, end of March) Ocean (written yesterday) (tw mostly vague mentions of abuse) (not based on true events) That's all for now, I tried to keep them all fairly in order of when they were written. I'll post more when I write them, or when I find old ones that I want to share.
  7. Fair enough. Just thought I'd mention that, since it is called Sharder One-Liners, I believe its original purpose was to document quotable things said on the Shard. However, thread purposes can change so keep doing what y'all are doing lol.
  8. That's......what the vast majority of these are. Usually things said irl aren't included unless they were said by Sharders.
  9. Day: *is kinda not vibing*

    Me: *listens to church youth music, reads scriptures and conference talks*

    Day: *is kinda better*

    Apparently it really works!

    (At least for me today)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mat


      Thanks for the reminder. I don’t utilize the youth albums enough.

    3. DramaQueen


      They're usually easier for me to listen to because I find them more engaging than, say, most hymns. But there are some hymns that absolutely slap, too.

    4. Frustration


      I competely agree, they're such small things, but they completely change your day.

  10. I have a very important question for you all.

    Answer carefully, for this information may define the way I perceive you for the rest of all time.

    You may never answer as important of a question as this in all your life.

    Do not take this lightly, else I shall "lightly" take your kneecaps.


    What is your favorite dinosaur? If it be a tie, you may say more than one.

    Mine are (don't look at this till after you've answered; I don't want to affect your response):


    Parasaurolophus and Pachycephalosaurus.


    Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Doomstick


      I personally like the hummus-consuming T-Rax

    3. Quivil



      All the various pteranodon - type dinos


    4. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      Velociraptors are like death chickens.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frustration


      Brandon does that too?!

    3. DramaQueen


      Does what specifically?

    4. Frustration


      I suppose I should say doesn't l, as in he doesn't feel powerful emotions.

      I felt so weird because of it.

      Like things happen to me and I'm like "I should totally be crying right now" but all I can muster is a general melancholy.

      Feels nice knowing someone else has that.

  11. Just popping in here to say hi y'all should check out the YouTuber Katherine Steele and join her internet theatre cult :D. She's amazing and has a lot of tips and stuff but also she's just really funny and has a lot of entertaining videos and stuff, it's just a grand old time. 10/10, highly recommend.
  12. I've done more research in the past two days than I think I've done for all the rest of my life.

    Orcas, man.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DramaQueen


      I could literally go off for hours. And it'll become more and more as I do more and more research. They're just. So. Ahhh words fail me.

    3. Frustration


      Yeah Orcas are crazy.

      Did you know that they have a hunting technique where a group of them all swim in unison, at the surface of the water and they create a wave that they can use to knock seals off of floating sheets of ice?

    4. DramaQueen


      I did!!

      Most of my research has focused on orcas in captivity, but I did know that about wild orcas.

  13. Prioritize yourself. Be nice to yourself, because you deserve it. Give yourself time to do what you need, and even when it's hard or you're worried that it might hurt someone else, take care of yourself and set the boundaries you need to set. You can't be there for other people if you're not there for yourself first.
  14. Well, now it's done, but President Nelson's was definitely my favorite by a long shot. I think everyone (including non-members) could get a lot out of it, it was so good.
  15. It's going alright! Been pretty busy with school, work, choir, maintaining a social life, and keeping myself alive (adulting is hard), but I'm surviving and I think I'm doing pretty good for someone who hasn't even had a year of experience with adulting yet lol.
  16. I feel like being asked things.

    I started my AMA ten days after I joined the Shard, so my OP isn't very up-to-date but y'know. Just ask me stuff that you're curious about. Thanks :))


  17. I'm not gonna rate yours just because I just barely rated someone, I'm just gonna answer your question, so whoever is after me, rate Nerd (is it okay if I call you that for short?) here instead. My witch is a picrew I made of myself.
  18. Yeah I'm bored so I'm dropping in to win real quick. ...do you ever think about the fact that, eventually, someone actually will win forever? Like this thread will eventually have a permanent last post and that's really weird and I don't like that thought.
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