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Everything posted by DramaQueen

  1. Holy scud, this spambot is going crazy.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Black magic...

      They're on to the scam me and Voldy Moldy made...

    3. DramaQueen


      Phew, this one almost got me. With a name like DR SMITH SPELLS I really thought it was the real deal /sar

      Luckily, I figured it out before I fully fell for it, and I consider it my civic duty to warn you: DR SMITH is NOT a real psychic doctor!!!


    4. Elf



      Thanks for that Queen 

      Dr Smith Spells must be another one of Voldemort's pseudonyms 

  2. I still really like the Halloweeny vibes of your pfp, it's very distinctive and recognizable. Also now we both have witches 10/10
  3. All my stuffed animals (and, no, none of them get removed from my bed when I go to sleep. They all just get kinda shoved to one side and I sleep with all of them.) (Also the three tiny octopi were made by @Teshbecause they are an incredible person)

    Maroon octopus: Malina

    Purple octopus: Amira

    Blue octopus: Reinita

    Flippy octopus: JC (blue)/CJ (yellow)

    Big elephant: Elmer

    Tiny elephant: Emory

    Parasaurolophus: Periwinkle

    Black dog: Muffin

    Red panda: Cuddles

    Sloth: Flash

    Kurzgesagt duck: Nettle

    Tan dog: Leia

    Frog: Strawberry Pancakes/Strawbo

    White bear: Sir Henry Baby Snazzypants III

    Tiny brown dog: Alex

    Leopard gecko: Leonard

    Orange bunny: Eve

    Penguin: Penelope

    Fox: Fay 

    Shapes bunny: Bunny

    Wolf: Peter

    Moose: George

    Baby bird: Christine

    Baby bunny: Rosie

    Purple bear: Eden

    White raccoon: Raymond


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      WOW!!! I love them :D

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      HEYY I HAVE A KURZGESAGT DUCK TOO!!! Mine is named Duckbert Chiri-Chiri III, Bringer of Doom.

    4. DramaQueen


      Nice!!! I got mine from Fadran, he and Vapor both have one too.

  4. I'm on mobile so often now that I didn't realize until today that my profile banner doesn't show up very well on desktop :((

    1. Sequence


      Us desktop users can just right click, press "view image in new tab", and we can see the full thing so don't worry too much! :D

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      yeah it's so irritating

  5. It brought you here. Not the first time you were here, sure, but it still brought you here.
  6. It brings me so much joy to know that my signature is still bringing people to this thread.
  7. Oh good!! ...my only comment that isn't necessarily positive is that you totally missed the opportunity to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" instead of "splendiferous."
  8. And non-single, non-Pringles, and minglers are welcome here as well, as long as they are respectful
  9. Thank you both. Functions may now continue as normal. *retreats back into the background*
  10. What protection doth it require that I am not capable of giving? Thou mayest not see the good I hath given, but it is there, and I do not wish to accept praise or worship from others for it. Thy reign may have been an accident, but still thou acceptedst the power, and, as Shallan Stormblessed well stated, thy refusal to relinquish the power tis a bad sign. We are Single Pringles, Not Ready To Mingle, as we focus on taking care of ourselves before turning to another to worship and provide for. Those who were so willing to fall at thy feet and offer wishes were weak, but thou...thou didst not even remain true to the proper lyrics of the song you meant to quote. Thou didst say "I wish…more than life…more than anything…more than the moon…I wish…" Any true drama queen would know that the true lyrics to Prologue: Into The Woods are: I wish More than anything More than life More than jewels I was initially willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, for 'twas naught but a minor mistake, but thou hast proven that thou art not worthy of even that. It hath been two and a half years since my reign began. Two and a half years of peace. I hath been given no glory, and I would not accept it, were it offered to me. I am but a humble servant of my subjects. I aim to put myself first in my own life, as I encourage my subjects to do, but beyond that, keeping the peace is my priority. This kingdom requires no protection from one who would accept my subjects' worship. If thou decidest to create a new thread, any harms that may befall upon thee would be on your heads. It is no concern of mine if thy own mistakes harm thee within thy own realm. However, as this is my realm, it is my responsibility to protect it. However, if I lose those I aim to protect, I shall not stand in their way. I would prefer this thread remain open, and if thou wouldst prefer, thou mayst begin a new thread, away from here, where thou wouldst not need abstain from electing to put one above the many. But as thou art here, thou wilt abide by the purpose in place.
  11. Do we, though? It seems that thou art the only one still standing up for your supposed "supreme being." I would also like to remind thee that I have the power to hide this thread if its purpose becomes tainted. I do not wish to take such drastic measures, but I will, should it become necessary.
  12. The purpose of this thread is that no one is truly supreme. All that I am here for is to keep things running smoothly and to step in when something such as this arises. If you wish for a so-called "supreme" leader, you may go somewhere other than my haven.
  13. A fancy name tis naught but a sign of vanity and seeking for glory, something I try to avoid within my role as Queen.
  14. Tis a place to be safe from the follies of man, a shared haven of like-minded and like-hearted people, where we focus on putting ourselves before others. A ruler such as supposed "Queen" Ajvueoamvhwyoq, who asks thee to provide for her wishes rather than focusing on thyself hath no place in this haven, and I refuse to let my refuge fall to ruins in the hands of one such as she. There be no room for an Empress within this monarchy of my creation. Thy rule began mere hours ago, while I hath been providing from the background, seeking no glory as thou hath, for years longer than thou hast been here.
  15. Behold, and I shall show you my first wise words upon consecrating this land: Twas nearly two and a half years ago when I bravely stepped into previously uncharted territory, and my grateful subjects took my offerings with willing hearts and open arms. Though it appears those days are gone, I have still sworn to protect those seeking shelter within my lands, and this is what I receive in return.
  16. Were it not for me, thou wouldst not have this safe haven to retreat to, away from those who hath found true love. Were it not for me, the words thou speakest now may never have come to be. Were it not for me, thou may not have found thy precious mistress. I hath been here from the time this haven was founded, for, behold, I was the one who didst form it. I hath been here since before the time that the one you now call Queen was brought into this world.
  17. Woah woah woah no way y'all are following a different royal leader in my thread I mean ahem Hark! What beholdest I here? Surely not an uprising among my royal subjects, wherein they be committing treason?
  18. Okay um hi I only ever played flute badly for like a year and can kinda play piano so I don't belong here but I'm not going to just sit here and let Shallan get slandered like this. She's my favorite character, I look forward to her chapters the most, and I relate with her the most. In insulting her, you insult me and my love for her. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
  19. Well, this morning up till now has been kinda awful.

    (CW for medical stuff, vomit mention, and very mild, non-intentional sh)



    I've got a really weird, painful pain in my lower back, and at one point I literally could not move. I was whimpering and crying and sobbing and the tears were streaming into my ears because I was laying down and couldn't sit up. I started stimming (which I already only do when either really not doing well or have way way way too much energy), and this was stimming where I was slamming my legs together to the point where it kinda hurt. My stomach hurt, and the most I was able to eat was four tiny bites of toast, which I soon felt like I was going to throw back up. My brother came over to help me, which was very nice of him. I took a COVID test, which was negative, and honestly I would've preferred it to be positive, because then at least I would know what's going on.

    Neither my brother nor I have insurance cards, so we can't go to the Instacare, but my parents are up here for my cousin's mission farewell. I'm currently feeling quite a bit better, so they're going to go to the farewell, I'm gonna stay home and get some rest, and if things get worse again I'll text them and one of them will come take me to Instacare. If it doesn't get worse, it can wait till after the farewell.


    Like I said, I'm feeling quite a bit better, but I'd still greatly appreciate it if all of you could keep me in your thoughts and send me good vibes to figure out what's going on and get it taken care of.

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    2. DramaQueen


      Just vibes, I think. I've been doing a lot of research on what to eat/drink/etc for a UTI, plus I'm on antibiotics now and already feeling a lot better than yesterday.

      I have plenty of books and TV shows to be watching, though. Thanks! :)

    3. DramaQueen


      Man, being sick really whacks up my sleep schedule.

      I've been sleeping pretty much all day so now that it's 3am I no longer feel super tired.

      I could still fall asleep if I tried, but I can't get my brain to want to try lol.

    4. Frustration


      Are you feeling better?

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