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Everything posted by DramaQueen

  1. Alright

    Which one of you little suckers is on the genshin impact idea board and put a version of me in there?Furina-Genshin-Impact.thumb.png.b9327e296c483f5c70e9a110f3ffdc7e.pngScreenshot_20240709_153500.thumb.jpg.73c5239d92ae5b89c0a28879189c05fb.jpg

    Blue top hat, military-style jacket, queen vibes with the crown-like top of the hat, relation with the ocean (I have an OC/stage name/character that is an ocean goddess), does theatre???????? Fess up and give me my credit rn

  2. Guys Taylor Swift brainrot is eating me alive omg

  3. Woah it's my four-year Shardiversary.

    I'm not nearly as active anymore as I used to be, but I'm forever grateful for the friendships and community this site provided me back when I was active, and especially for the friendships that have lasted, some of which have even turned into irl friendships.

    Sure, this site might also have led to a rough and traumatic experience, but that honestly fades to irrelevance when compared with everything else that's a part of my life because of Brandon Sanderson and this fansite.

    Love you guys :)))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Happy Shardiversary, it’s been great knowing you. The shard wouldn’t be the same with out you

    3. Aeoryi


      Happy sharderdiversity! I feel the same way as you here:


      I'm not nearly as active anymore as I used to be, but I'm forever grateful for the friendships and community this site provided me back when I was active, and especially for the friendships that have lasted, some of which have even turned into irl friendships.

      Sure, this site might also have led to a rough and traumatic experience, but that honestly fades to irrelevance when compared with everything else that's a part of my life because of Brandon Sanderson and this fansite.


    4. DramaQueen


      Oh also my DMs are always open even if I'm not online very often, I still love hearing from you guys :)) and feel free to follow me on discord too! @drama.queen27_11

  4. She was literally in a relationship for seven years that recently ended. Just because when she was younger and dating a lot (like normal people do) and writing about it (literally her job) people shamed her for jumping between relationships. Having her life in the public eye just made everything she did get viewed as so much bigger than it was. Even now, while she's literally the biggest artist in the world, so many people talk first about her reputation with relationships, as you literally just proved. She is not defined by who she's dated. Down Bad and imgonnagetyouback are SO good. The others too, but those two are definitely in my top five too. imgonnagetyouback didn't stand out to me on first listen but now it's one of my favorites! As well as Guilty As Sin?
  5. Okay so. I have two options. 


    1: live in my college town for the summer, it would be $775 plus utilities (about $25/month) for the full summer. I'd have to pay for my own gas and buy my own food. I would continue working my current job, which doesn't have very regular hours, but it pays pretty well. I would also want to get a more regular job, maybe at a thrift store or a coffee/drink shop or a cute little local restaurant. I would be near a lot of my college friends, so I could do things with them and continue wearing my less "modest" outfits and going by a more gender-neutral nickname sometimes and using multiple pronoun sets and just in general continue figuring myself out in that way.


    2: move back in with my parents. Free housing, free food, they'd probably even pay for my gas, I'd already have a regular, well-paying job that I mostly enjoy lined up, and I could try out for a production of Aida that would also pay. But I would either have to act like the version of me that my parents knew from when I was in high school, or let them meet this version of me when I'm not even sure I like this version of me and I'm actively trying new things to figure myself out. I know everyone is always a "rough draft" of themselves, but my current draft feels especially rough, and I don't feel ready for my parents to see it. There have already been times just over phone calls where it's felt like my parents and I are on the brink of a breaking point regarding my identity, and if I live with them over the summer it'll be even more difficult. 


    However, my program is also next year incorporating travel opportunities, so next year I could travel with a faculty mentor to New York, and the following year to London. I would, however, have to pay my own way. So, saving money by going home would be really helpful for that. But is it worth it if I would be living a lie all summer??


    Oh and I need to decide by Tuesday, because the girl whose lease I'd be buying if I stay needs to know by then.


    Any input/advice is welcome, lmk if you have any questions lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shortcake


      my brain completely skipped over the part where you said that you can continue living by your college friends and continue going by a gender-neutral name and having multiple pronoun sets

      I change my mind now, mainly because I struggle with that sort of thing as well

      you said that your current job pays well, and that you're planning on getting a second job

      and it's $25 dollars a month...

      I think you should stay in your college town

    3. Quivil


      Another question: Would it be NECESSARY to go home to get enough money to do all the traveling things you'd want to do starting next year, or just HELPFUL?

    4. DramaQueen


      Oh totally forgot that I posted about that decision on here lol, I ended up deciding to stay in my college town!

  6. Apparently this doesn't exist yet?? I would love to hear everyone's Taylor reactions and theories and opinions!! I just listened to The Tortured Poets Department today, and my top songs from my first listen are: I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Down Bad So High School Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me I Look in People's Windows But Daddy I Love Him So Long, London
  7. Hi! 

    What's going on in your lives? 

    Feel free to answer that however you want, if you want more of a prompt you can tell me one thing that's been hard and two things that are good! 

    One thing that's been hard for me is figuring out if I'm going to stay in my college town for the summer or move back home with my parents. 

    Good things: one is that I got on depression medication! Wooooo! Another is that my run of The Tempest is going well, we close tomorrow (which is sad but good!)

    1. Experience


      Nothing much honestly. I'm kind of in a waiting phase cuz I'm going to start FSY in a couple months and then college. I'm super excited for it, but I still haven't found out my exact details for FSY yet which is driving me crazyyyyy.

      I got a new bike tho, so I've been going biking each morning which has been good cuz I haven't really been exercising much lately 😅

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, one thing that’s been good is that tech week is almost over (hallelujah) and I’m super excited to open!

      Two things that have been hard are that the workload for classes is a lot, and that I went biking for the first time all winter today and I’m way behind where I want to be.

      (also on a funny side note, I saw the tempest at BYU a week or so ago, it was like for kids but they still did awesome, it’s such a fun show)

  8. Hey guys you should read the Webtoon Realta, it's what the bird in my new pfp is from and it's incredible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Aww, that bird is so cute! I'll definitely give it a go

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Dang it @DramaQueen I just started it an now I read for like an hour. I am a sucker for unique magic system's

    4. DramaQueen


      Yesssss good

  9. Oh yay! The ninja didn't come up when I searched "ninja" so I got concerned :))
  10. We were so young and innocent (when did the emojis change??? Bring back the Shard ninja emoji and the hearts one and and this ninja does not cut it )
  11. When I realize how far I've come from my old self, and how excited my old self would be about what I'm doing with my life now.
  12. Oh woah. Forgot about this, it's like a time capsule lol. Not as much as FotT would be, but this is a much quicker read than that.
  13. Starting rehearsals for it in March! Rehearsals are going well, it's a fun time!! We perform in April :))
  14. I'm really proud of this one and I'll love you all forever if you check it out :))


  15. psssst I write stuff sometimes (basically the only stuff I post anymore lol)

  16. There aren't very many that I was really able to become good friends with, but from what I've seen of y'all I think you're all really cool! The Shard is in good hands :))
  17. I always forget how much of a love-hate relationship I have with having a crush until I have another crush lol... I've liked this person for just under a year and a half now? But I only came to terms with it in like September, cuz it's my first really strong non-straight crush, so of course I overanalyzed it a TON and was in denial for a while, even though I've identified as panromantic for a few years now. And it sucks cuz I have next to no chance with them, but it's amazing because they're amazing and every interaction I have with them makes me so happy
  18. Oh, that's taller than me, so definitely not short by my terms lol. But I'm pretty impressed that everything else is accurate lol
  19. Interesting. Not very accurate, but some of that fits. I know basically nothing about you, but on first impression, I think short, brunette, longer hair, tan skin, bubbly and outgoing
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