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Bearer of all agonies

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Status Updates posted by Bearer of all agonies

  1. Consider this my application to be your Shardbuddy. (If you want). 

    I'm also taking applications.

  2. Just some tips to survive: 



    And something funny I saw:




    1. Scarletfox


      My Dad and I always joked about the bears wandering along and hearing bells and thinking like, "Ooh, dinner bell!"

    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. That's funny. ANd remember, always hike with a slower coworker.


  3. Hmmm. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. Yay!



    What should I do to get my rep up? And maybe become ok at this. 

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Condensation


      Oh shoot, didn't see that. That's awesome! Do you figure skate as well? :P

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Me? No. I think eltrut does though. . . 

    4. Condensation


      She does, we chatted.

  4. So. . . I guess I’m a Forger now. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      There we go, that's better.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. Yeah. It’s really fun to make. Just say something inside a quote box, go to the beginning, and press backspace or Ctrl+backspace. 

    4. Condensation
  5. Guys! It's finally here! I mean, you didn't actually have to wait that long. But, it's here. Thanks for waiting.


    The Windrunner Laser-cut Lamp!



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Can you edit gallery’s?

    3. Chasmgoat


      hey, can you do get a picture of it alongside something else for size comparison (like a ruler or a pencil), just curious since at first glance it looked kinda large.

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Oh. Yeah, sure. It’s really not that big. I think I added a few images to my gallery and one of them has my hand in it. I’ll show a scale picture tomorrow. gn. 

  6. Recap: Last week we played two games against our rivals. We thought that they were going to win, but 16 seconds into the game, we scored. Emotions were high, we were feeling great. But at the end of the period, it was 5-1 the other team. Halfway throught the secondperiod, it was 7-1 and one of our players accedently tripped and checked another player into the boards. He was knocked unconcious, and got a major concussion. The rink manager called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital. We had to end the game early because of that. Between games we went outside, and played a friendly soccer game with them. It was really fun, and they were all really nice. The second game ended 7-4 them. Then, this week we played them again, and they were up 5-1 and we came back and scored three goals and made the game 5-4. I scored one of those goals on a breakaway. It was great. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. Thanks. Yeah, it was tough seeing the kid go to the hospital. I feel terrible, even though I had nothing to do with it. 
      Yes, we won the soccer game like 20-4. Because half of my team is soccer players. Yeah, it was great that we could come back and almost tie them the last game. Yes, we will probably play them a lot so I hope for improvement. Thanks!

    3. Scout_Fox


      Any sporting event that ends with medical attention being needed is awful! I do so hope that they were alright!

      And man glad you got the soccer game on them at least! Gotta make sure they don't go feeling too high and mighty there :P

      I wish you the best of luck in your next match as well may you crush them into oblivion have another nice game but one that is victorious for you guys!

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. Yeah, it was pretty miserable. Yeah, the soccer was fun. Ok, thanks! 

  7. Spoiler


    Sneaky chickens. Who do they think they are? Climbing on the railing and couch like that. 

    1. revelryintheart
    2. Bearer of all agonies
    3. Condensation


      Sneaky chickens!!!

      I love your chickens.

      My thought process: Bearer has chickens? Cool, Bearer has chickens. They went on the couch! They're allowed inside? On the railing! So cute!

  8. I was sick of doing my zoom calls inside, so today I did them on my roof. It was great. 




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick


      I should go so them in the backyard

    3. Aspiring Writer
    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yeah, the veiw is pretty great. I love being up there. It. . . just makes me happy. I don't know why.

  9. So right now in Design and Tech we are making. . . something. Let's just say I made it Stormlight-themed!

    When I'm done I'll post it here and in the gallery.

    It's pretty cool.

    Now, you have to wait. 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      Man that sounds awesome! I love when teachers let you explore your own learning in the context of what they are teaching rather than just forcing you to do boring stuff :D

    3. Condensation


      Exactly. I'm done with LoK for now, Mist wanted to watch Miraculous Ladybug. Anyone else enjoying a show?

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yeah, I love when teachers do that.

      I'm watching the Legend of Korra for the first time right now! I am almost done with season two.

  10. Noooooooo! I changed my profile photo and now it is bad and now i cant find the photo i originally used!

  11. Aw, shucks. Sorry people, I killed Hoid. I mean, how else did I become the King's Wit? By the way, this means you don't have to play that clue game Experience started. You already know the answer. It's me. I killed him.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Lord Ruler's Wit: "Why did the Inquisitor have to go to the doctor? Because his fever was spiking!"

      The Lord Ruler: Concerned frowning.

      Hoid, spying on them: "That wit is in dire need of assistance."

    3. Wind


      He is out gunned.

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      He is. . .  a dum middle schooler.

  12. Oh yeah! Guess what I got today! Well, I guess you can see for yourselves. 




    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Condensation


      Bet? It's all right, I get it. You can't edit status updates and it was probably a mistake.

    3. Nathrangking


      But we'll see what we can do.

    4. Bearer of all agonies
  13.  I’ve been thinking about making a two truths and a lie thread. Would anyone else do this?

  14. Guess what? I'm the King's tester now! So if I  disapear in the next few days it's because (Words of Radiance spoilers)


    Graves tried to poison Elhokar and I died tasting it.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar


      Actually it’s the person who tests Taravangian’s smartness each day:ph34r:



    3. Experience



      That's actually crazy. I wonder if Brandon did that intentionally...

    4. Condensation


      I'll add to Exp's witty comment!

  15. Guys, guess what I just figured out! Channelknight Fadran Flannel version =  Flannelknight Fadran! 

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      A little late on that bandwagon, Bearer; that name's already been determined.

      Now go back under your rock.


      Just kidding :P





  16. Yay! We officially have 25,000 members! Woohoo!

  17. Just saying, everyone, I am a ghostblood so. . .  Be Scared! I will soon assassinate each and every one of you.







    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. revelryintheart


      Me: upvotes bearer so that you no longer have the same number of rep :ph34r:

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Me:Upvotes Experience and Rev

    4. Condensation


      Ha! At least you won't get to the king!

  18. I don't even know you, but I gotta say, you probaly have the best name on the Shard. You're hilarious. 

  19. Noooo! You have turned into a truthless! When did this happen?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      What? Do you have like a secret truthless PM or something?

    3. FriarFritz
    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies




      The Windrunner army will infiltrate it. You better be scared of them. They've got a mod on their side.



  20. Happy Birthday Scarletfox!


    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday dear Scarletfox!

    Happy Birthday to you!

  21. Why have my last 20 notifications have been you posting on something?

    1. Condensation


      Because I'm fairly active right now. Plus, the RPs I'm on are fairly active. Oh, and you posted a bunch of things that I replied to.

    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Oh. well, you are unintentionally spaming me. It's ok though. :D

  22. So, today I checked my email, and there was a message from Dragonsteel Entertainment. It said that my bridge four poster had arrived yesterday. I started freaking out because I thought I put In the wrong address or something, when I asked my mom and she said, ‘Oh yeah. That’s just on my desk. I forgot to tell you yesterday.’ I almost raged because I had waited like two months for this. But, I finally got it so, woohoo!




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