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Status Updates posted by Hen

  1. I don’t care what people say nothing will ever beat the bravery it takes to blindly reach for a hot curling iron.

    And I don’t care what people say nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment that I get when I get the handle. 

  2. Im so proud of my bumper stickers




  3. Hi there. it's been a while. 

    Picking up where we left off (which in other words means random pointless updates from Hen), I'm "quitting" sugar. Cooooooold turkey. It's hard. but anyway,

    I looked at a bar of soap tody and thought "Mmmmm That looks yummy"  

    And this has been updates from Hen.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hen



      me too

    3. danex


      Yay no sugar gang

      its very hard

    4. Emi


      I tried eating soap once

      it's not worth it


  5. am a parshendi

    Exhibit A: Iambic Pentameter 

  6. Alright. 

    I’ve got an idea.

    Hear me out.


    A 5 person teeter totter. 


    This amazing and only slightly dangerous contraption came to me in a dream (which means of course, that it’ll be amazing, and completely fail safe)


    So it’s a teeter totter with 5 people, and to get on it you have to be harnessed cause this thing gets wild.


    Each of the 5 main bars are connected to eachother, to the ceiling, and to the floor, by a bunch of ropes and pulleys. They’re all movable from side to side and up and down. In the center, there’s a hoop. I think you see where this is going (or maybe it so contrived only my sleep drunk brain could make these connections). There’s also a ball. The goal of the game is to get a basket, first person to make one wins. But, since everyone’s connected by both the basic teeter totter stuff, and by the ropes, there are so many ways to stop someone from making a goal. You could use gravity, pull on a rope and hope it connects to them, ALL THE THINGS.


    Oh and did I mention the whole thing spins? Also in my dream physics wasn’t really... the first priority. So I just have to make this thing so that it doesn’t bother physics. And also find a way to keep the ropes from getting tangled. And also a million other problems. 

    But I think it’s a solid plan.


    Also also in my dream I played this in the backstage of a baseball game during half time. There are so many things wrong with that sentence I can’t even comprehend it.






    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hen


      Awesome I’ve got 5 guinea pigs, I’m so pumped

    3. Mat


      Now just to build the thing...

    4. Scarletfox


      It looks like your roster is already filled up, but maybe I could ride on someone's shoulders?

  7. I would call what I have a tan. 

    Nor would I measure said tan by shade of skin tone.

    but I might measure my tan by pigments.

    in which case I have a slightly darker pigmentation then I did 5 days ago. 

    And this has been: the random thoughts of Hen


    Anyway, have a sunset! 883D4AEA-7411-4654-9E5B-D2068F4102DB.thumb.jpeg.1a09abc669420be4d12ab497d30b9093.jpeg


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doomstick


      like you, sweetiekins :wink:

    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      That’s a pretty sunset!


      Not pretty BOOTIFUL!


    4. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Tans are nice!




    I mean, I’ve already read it. But that crack in the spine of a freshly opened book is just :chefskiss: 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. theTruthshaper
    3. Truthless of Shinovar
    4. Tesh


      Ah, yes, I love the cracking of my spine when I open a book.

      It's so perdy!!!

      That's awesome!

  9. *Ahem* Alrighty, I've got a couple things, nothing that you probably care about but I'm sharing anyway :D

    Number 1:



    Its a record I painted for my friends birthday :P The lyrics are from a song called "Fred jones part 2" I painted the Spotify code on the back but I sadly don't have a picture of that. The lacquer is a bit uneven which bothers me but oh well. 

    Next up we have:


    Drum roll please


    My to be read list. I'm sharing it simply because there is SO MUCH Ahjsdhakljshdlashdk;jash



    And those are just be books I do have. The books on my TBR list that I dont have yet are:


    2,3 of Wool

    2,3 of A Darker Shade of Magic 

    2 of Six of crows

    2,3 of shadow and bone

    1-12 of Alex Rider

    1-5 of Fablehaven

    1-4 of Dragonwatch

    Enders shadow 

    The Chemist

    pfffffft I'm fine. Are you fine? Cause I'm fine

    I guess I shouldn't complain though, since I have control over my to be read list. I just want to read ALL OF THEM and there are SO MANY asjbdlasjbnf;klajefbhlsdhf ;lekf;onf;on

    *deep breath*

    The true purpose of this status update: Hen makes things harder on herself then they need to be.


    Okay okay. Last but not definitely not least (I think that award goes to the TBR list (well actually probably not cause that's so long. This phrase is dumb):


    Go, my friend, and drink some water


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Hen, that record looks amazing!! (Ben Folds is amazing)

      Also holy cow that’s a lot of books. Go! Quit looking at my reply! Get reading!

    3. Condensation


      I got Red Rising, I'm going to read it soon.

    4. Scarletfox


      My book list is so similar! I want to read all the books in the world, but there's so many of them!!


    Today on Hen shares things she makes,



    This is a Christmas present I made for one of my friends! I’m just a tad proud of it :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tesh


      It's so cute!

      And crocheting is a very underrated skill. ;)

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Just a tad?!? That’s Storming amazing! 

    4. Doomstick
  11. Guess what! 


    Soggy donut


    Hmmm that doesn’t work as well as chicken butt does it. 


    I met Scarletfox today!!!! AJSKAKSKKAKAKAKAJSJSJAJ IT WAS AMAZING. Scarlet my family loves you just so you know. We didn’t talk for long but still it happened:D:D:D:D




    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Hen


      So ‘take out girl’ doesn’t find you! 

    3. Scarletfox


      You gotta watch out for Scarletfox: Take out Girl (also known as take away girl in some countries)

    4. Bearer of all agonies
  12. I... *deep breath* okay, I was looking through my old voice memos cause I used to record myself singing and playing the piano and stuff... okay. I cant play the piano. I am horrible at it. But I was SO PROUD of myself when I recorded these ahhhhhhhhh little Hen was so... *face palm* here’s one: 

    This Is Me.m4a

    its literally 10 seconds long and I remember just beaming with pride ahhhhhhhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Experience


      I. Hate. The. Rep. Limit.


      I love it! Greatest showman is amazing!

    3. Hen


      Ahhhhh no the praise, it hurts. Let me make fun of myself in peace. 

    4. The Windrunner Supreme
  13. Guess what


    Chicken butt




    I made this for my friend to distract me from the lack of RoW in my life. (Sorry they’re sideways, I’m to excited to take the time to fix them) 08AE77F8-7F7B-4AE2-AA67-52742FE81F5C.thumb.jpeg.8a4d8db522779fd923c9b1a82340c328.jpegE931DC48-66A0-474B-8E18-4CF215CBCFBF.thumb.jpeg.fd703e2607ea255cc659c31b46a0c98c.jpeg


    Why am I excited you may ask? 




    Okay that’s all you can go back to your life now. 







    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Holy cow! That looks awesome and congratulations!

    3. Hen


      Thank you :lol:

      The words I hand painted, I'm really proud of them. It was hard to get them that straight. 

      And yeah, RoW is nice too:P 

    4. Scout_Fox


      Dang I can only imagine! Cuz yeah they look perfectly straight literally looks like it got printed on. Nicely done!

  14. Was queen ever real, or did we simply imagine her? Like a myth that we all took part in. 

  15. If I see one more "RoW came!!!" Status update I am going to shed tears. 


    I'm not saying don't post them, I'm just saying that I WANT MY COPY ALREADY


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies
    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Mat, get off this status update.

    4. Hen


      *Gently nudges Fadran out of the group hug*

  16. Hen

    Ahhhhhh I’m so sorry Wind I thought I was already following you!

  17. I wasn't following you already? I'm sorry, I thought I had! 

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. It's ok! Thanks for following me back!

  18. This is you're friendly reminder to go drink some water! 


    It has come to my attention that I drink a dangerously low amount of water. But I've been drinking the same amount of water for so long that I guess I'm just used to being dehydrated?


    You're supposed to have half your body weight in ounces every day. So for me, I need about 75 Ounces. Yesterday the only thing I remember drinking is an 8 ounce cup of water that wasn't even full. 


    Drink water, Its good for you! 



    Seriously, go drink some. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spockledorf


      I've survived by having the goal to empty my water bottle daily--some days I'm good, sometimes not...

      Thanks for the reminder to maintain a safe level of brain lubricant! :P

    3. Hen


      I just ordered a water bottle with time markings that tell you how much you should drink by a certain time. It should help. Yay for progress!

    4. Spockledorf


      Woo! That's awesome! ^_^ I didn't know they made those! (But seriously, that sounds super cool)

  19. It is officially November. You know what that means?




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vapor


      Thank you for that.

    3. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      Have you no respect for Thanksgiving?!?

    4. Vapor


      None at all. *shakes head disapprovingly*

  20. Szeth-son-son-Vallano, thruthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king.

  21. Okay so I have another stamp that I made (This was actually my first one, not the Soulstamp), but I didn't want to make an album for it cause... there's only one, and its not really Sanderson art, so I'm just putting it here! 



    Its a big stamp and its hard to ink without an ink roller which... I don't have, so the ink is really light and a little choppy, but tada!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Condensation


      That's awesome. I really like that one, it's cute.

    3. Scout_Fox


      Wow I totally never even knew that could be a thing. Must take some pretty good carving skills though :P Cool stuff!

    4. revelryintheart


      holy storms hentient that's awesome!!

  22. I think I found your spirit animal Connie. 


    “Oh, come now. It won’t be so bad as you think. They’re will be hardly any pain at all.”

    “I don’t care if there’s pain or not. I’ll still be dead. And you used the wrong version of ‘they’re.’ You wanted ‘there’ instead.”

    “I did? How can you tell? They’res no difference in the sounds they make.”

    “Actually, I can hear apostrophes.”

    “What, really?”

    “Yes. I can hear spelling too, actually.”



  23. Me: Hey [My brothers name], name a baseball movie

    My Brother: 24

    1. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      Pfff. He got it backwards.

    2. Scout_Fox


      "And now presenting..... Robinson Jackie!!!"

  24. *Ahem* I think is is how you do Status updates?

    Okay, Question time. Does anyone have the setting turned on where is tells you if people you follow post new content? Wouldn’t that get... annoying? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I have email notifications, but I never check those.

    3. Mist


      So, I have Shard notifications, which I do get when someone I follow posts something. I largely ignore those, although sometimes not.

      Then, I have email notifications, which are for the stuff I want to pay attention to, and I check all of those/archive them when I know I've read them. 

    4. Scout_Fox


      yeahhhh..... had those on for a bit but got annoying pretty fast. Especially if you follow a bunch of people. Super up to you tho especially with the two systems of email and Shard notifications.

      For me, I have all email notifications off cuz I'd rather just log in and check for notifications than have to check my email to then come here (I also never looked at them lol). Then for the ones on here I do as Condensation does and leave status updates and things I follow on (+ mentions, quotes, follows, etc.). 

      I also do the auto follow for things I post to because generally if I'm posting I want to know how the rest of the convo goes and just makes it super easy. Then, I just remove topics that hath kaputted every once in a while.

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