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Everything posted by Soulbinder

  1. I'm going to have to assume you are capable of doing so, yes. How do you make your evil monologues more dramatic?
  2. Chuck Norris is every Epic's weakness.
  3. Hard one! I think the Lopen would be really fun, but I'd rather take the chance to learn from a master chef like Rock. WYR have a mistcloak or a replica of a Shardblade?
  4. Pretty decent, yeah! TPBM Iikes stuffed animals.
  5. I really like them! Especially making them. What dystopian book do you think is actually a great idea?
  6. Granted. However, eating now takes you a minimum of two hours per meal. I wish for a good idea for an April Fool's prank.
  7. The way the plots are seamlessly woven together and incorporated into a big payoff. Also, the characters. What's your advice for making friends?
  8. Reading time, of course! What offering have you brought to appease the eldritch abomination?
  9. Granted. The llama keeps trying to eat your hair. I wish for a weird hat.
  10. Thanks, have my socks. I have a handful of mushrooms of dubious origin.
  11. Have a beach ball colored to look like a zebra. I have death muffins.
  12. Depends. If it's small, try to catch it for science. If it's large, get as far away as possible. What's something you have to know to get a job at McDonald's?
  13. Granted. You have permanent writer's block. I wish for the second Rithmatist to finally come out.
  14. Pretty sure it depends, but most often three. What's your favorite thing to eat?
  15. Simple. I think we've reached the opposite of elaborate. How about the next word is quiet?
  16. Have a ring pop! I have a white rabbit who lives in a cave.
  17. Yes! Many times, actually. TPBM recently picked up a new hobby.
  18. Burning pewter does nothing for Chuck Norris' physical ability because you can't enhance what's already perfect.
  19. I think they all have their merits. I prefer the paper version, though. Where do you think is the ideal place to raise a child?
  20. Granted. It's delivered directly to your face. I wish for a cactus.
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