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Master Silver

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Everything posted by Master Silver

  1. Is that true of all Bondsmith spren or just the StormFather. I feel like Bond Smiths break a lot of rules. And I say transportation because it sort seems to me like the gem just appeared there (and magic right?). Someone said the Sibling was asleep, but it seems to have woken up. Maybe Radiants being more a tuned to rhythms is an indication of this (or maybe they are just encountering more Singers and Fused).
  2. Only read the first page of comments, by my theory is Navani's mysterious communicator is the Sibling. In many ways it is similar to what happens to Dalinar with the StromFather. Remember how skewed the StormFather's point of view was before the bond. He tried to wipe out the Alethi. Without the bond the Sibling views fabrial technology as an assault on all spren, whom he considers his kin and family. I guess the sibling can use transportation to communicate with Navani. The way she has already become more of a fabrial scholar and made leaps and bounds in a year indicates the possibility that a bond is already forming. Also how she can see more when Dalinar creates a perpendicularity than others can see is also an indication that a bond may be forming. Going out on a limb but perhaps reviving dead eyes (dead sharde blades) is how she can prove herself to the Sibling and for goodness sake get Dalinar a blade.... cough* Oathbringer. Sorry if someone has said this on the other pages.
  3. So, that is true. Dismissin and summoning the blade is not dependent on the type of gem. But would havign the proper gem be of any help? Much like the argument could be made, it doesn't matter who wields a dead shard blade, but we see with Dalinar and Adohlin that the blades somehow remember them and hate them less. Would the right gem, be another step to healing. Help the dead eye spren in some way (would having stormlight in the gem help? Good memory by the way on the gem in Oathbringer. I'd love a chapter recounting everything Adohlin has tried to help Maya
  4. So for dead shard blades, there is a gem in the pommel of the blade that allows the blade to be dismissed and summoned again. What if you were able to find out what type of spren the dead blade was and somehow capture the cousin spren (that make up the plate for that particular order) in the gem? Also using the proper tyoe of gem would help. Maybe then, the dead spren would be able to somehow fuse with the companion spren and recover (not sure if oaths would still be needed or not). So if the dead blade were an honor spren, the blade would need a sapphire with a wind spren trapped inside. Maybe then you would need to take the blade to Dalinar, who does some fancy Bondsmith thing, that fuses the wind spren and the dead honor spren, using a large amount of stormlight, to revive the dead spren into a living spren. I have no idea what the side effects would be. Perhaps you end up with surge binders, but not Radiants (so no oaths).
  5. Would it be possible that Shallan was actually the Fabriel and she was responsible for the wealth her family accumulated? That mental block could also be why it is so hard for her to soul cast.
  6. Not a prediction but it would be super funny... Kaladin makes it out of the burning cellar, and THE Lopin, say hey Gancho catch, and throws him an honor blade. Kaladin sputters, and says whaaaa, Lopin...wait... what... Lopin says, yeah Moash dropped it after I stabbed in the face half a dozen times....
  7. Ohhhhh... I just had a thought... if the one Honor spren that is holding out was doing so for Moash, now Moash is in the vicinity and perhaps less near the influence of Odium, I know he (Odium) is a Shard, but still not omniscient or omni-present. So what if what Renarian does, allows the honor spren (his or her) chance to get through to Moash. Perhaps Moash's conversation with Kaladin was also a conversation in which he was trying to convince himself... Honor winning that conversation sounds a lot like Moash swearing the first ideal. Life, before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
  8. So are you saying that Kaladin being able to stand up again and be the leader of Bridge and let Moash go might save Moash. So Kaladin not giving into despair, may create a better Moash. Kaladin can be the light, the way Renarin provides light and hope to him. Also this is the third time Kaladin has been saved by others because of his failure to swear the fourth ideal. Scar and Drehi, Dalinar, and now Renarin.
  9. The point is if Amaran was given a chance to stop and even repent. In my mind Moash would never order the slaughter of men under his protection. Hence why I think he has a chance at being redeemed.
  10. Compare Amarain and Moash. Who is worse? Compare and contrast their crimes. If Moash doesn't believe in Journey before destination, then it is logical that since the humans don't deserve the land and that they are gonna lose, the merciful thing would be to put them all out of their misery. A couple of key differences, Moash seemingly will not raise his hand against Kaladin again (he could be lying, but we don't know). Two Moash, did take compassion on the Singers that were being beaten and defend them. Three if Odium or an unmade is influencing Moash, their still seems to be a lot of guilt and pain, and part of him that is conflicted about not standing with Kaladin. When Kaladin asked Amaran why do you still hurt? Anyway, I'd very much like to see Moash pull a St. Peter rather than continue along the lines of Judas if you know what I mean.
  11. Roshone is dead dead it seems. So, perhaps Laral+ Kaladin has a chance. He does need to work a couple of things out first though.. cough fourth ideal...cough. Otherwise, that might not end well. If Laral were a Truthwatcher or Lightweaver that would be icing on the cake (we can dream right?)
  12. We saw this very thing throughout TWOK and WOR. When Sanderson would take about his training the troops or even going up for guard duty at the palace. Then when Syl almost died Kaladin reflected on how much of it was the bond and how much of it was him. But he also realized how dependent he had been on stormlight. and several times he mentions how relying on it or drawing in too much could be dangerous. @DracostarA great observation. I'm unsure when the Syl interlude is but all of this must be connected. I think the 4th ideal must really help the Radiants stabilize. Not that depression or anything else goes away. But they can now be considered masters to focus more on helping others make the leap.
  13. I agree. Renarin seems to play the role of spoiler for the Diagram. I said it earlier, but I think that Moash's plan either came from Odium or the Diagram. I think this will give Kaladin the time he needs to finally confront what scares him about the fourth ideal, When he does that, I think that will help break the stalemate and start a snowball effect.. Brandon likes to do that.
  14. Yeah, that is what I mean. Boromir's redemption came with him laying down his life to protect Merry and Pippin. I'd much rather Moash take Talin's place getting tortured to by the Radiants time. I think that would be acceptable. And probably Jezrian's spot, since he has his blade. I do find it curious that, even though everyone knows that it is Jezrian's honor blade, it is still identified by many as the blade of the Assassin in White.
  15. Wow...so glad there was more in that chapter with Kaladin and Moash. I think this was the bottom for Kaladin, and he is going to take time off once he gets back to Urathiru. I also believe that this attack by Moash, was orchestrated by Odium (obviously)...but from the Diagram. Renarian saves Kaladin here, and it will have ripple effects. So instead of Bridge 4 collapsing at the death or betrayal of Kaladin, all of them will continue to carry the Bridge together. I also think that the oaths serve as a defense against the words of Odium. In this exchange, Kaladin forgot "life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination." But his current oaths don't seem to be enough. So he needs to swear the next idea, and perhaps this acknowledgment of and acceptance of not being able to always save the ones you love will in an ironic twist allow him to save Moash. Like, "I will not despair when I fail to protect the those I love, and will save the ones I can." And then Kaladin fights and nearly kills Moash. Moash as he is dying admits Kaladin is right and swears ideals 1 through 3. Also, I am hoping that Moash's time in bridge 4 allows him to do what Amarain couldn't which is see through the lie of Odium and have a redemption arc, not ending in a death like Boromir from Lord of the Rings.
  16. Is it tomorrow yet lol. I am really hoping we get more Kaladin story that we haven't heard. I really don't want to wait another week.
  17. It makes sense that they would keep them in reserve and then try to either bring them out for a last desperate defense, or steam roll the Radiants in a final push. One of the down sides to waiting, is that the humans/team Radiant has stabilized and gained a massive amount of combat strength with the huge influx of new Radiants and squires. With the influx of new Edge Dancers,and Truth Watchers. Casualties on the battle field are going to be a lot lower. Human Soldiers will fight with more confidence knowing that they can be healed of many once fatal wounds. Besides that, if the difference between dead plate and live plate is anything like between dead and live shard blades, once a good number of Radiants have sworn the 4th ideal, a squad (10) or even a platoon (30) of Regals or fused in dead plate is not going to be able to make up the power gap the Radiants will gain. And all of that is likely why there is going to be a fabrial arms race... only way to ultimately beat human Radiants.
  18. Theory: The Heavenly Ones, Nale's Skybreakers, Relain, Vehnli, the remainder of the Listeners, and some of the Singers, form a third coalition that is neither team Dalinar nor team Odium. Some radiant spren will side with them instead of the humans.
  19. Well, we know that the Singers/Fused/Listeners have the blade and plate Eshoni carried. They also have Moash and his buddies, blade and plate (not sure if the second set was among the Alethi numbers). That makes 3 sets. Amaran Sadius had 2 blades and two sets of plate (all recovered by Dalinar and company). So was five, after the battle of Thylenah city back down to three. Did the Hardazians lose any?
  20. So I guess you are right. At least there was not a Shard bearer in Kolinar during Oathbringer. To me that seems very strange. I don't remember anyone saying all the shard blades and plates of the Alethi were on the Shattered Plains, but if you remember that then must be. Have the fused attacked Vadinar yet? They have the second highest number of plates and blades after the Alethi right?
  21. There is supposed to be a stash of shard blades and plate somewhere. I wouldn't put it past Odium to have hidden them. If they don't have access to those I'd imagine they have between 10-20 sets of blades and plate. They picked up two just from Moash. They likely picked up more with the conquest of Alethkar. But no real way of knowing with a year time skip. We haven't seen any radiants in dead plate, although according to Syl it is way less offensive than dead shard blades. I wonder if Odium is storing them and training Fused in their use for a massive final assault.
  22. What do you mean by "retained". The blades would reappear like normal I imagine. And even if a Fused cannot use plate and blade because of the screams, I imagine a regal would have no problem using it. At least Eshoni seemed to be doing fine. And we also don't even know if storm form is the best Regal fighting form. How many sets of plate and blades do you think they have?
  23. @Oltux72Moving to this thread. So what about light an iron shaft coated in lead with steal arrow heads (maybe coated in aluminum). And am I talking to an engineer, mathematician, or physicist? I will certainly concede the math. But the practicality of carrying arrows (and perhaps they can have grips on them so they are easier to hold onto and put 4-5 lashings on them). This would be some work no doubt. But wood workers could make the arrows (and they can be large arrows) then they can be soul cast. Thoughts?
  24. Ok maybe we should move this conversation over there. In terms of acceleration, they can lash something many many times. And I did just look at the equation. There is no reason why you couldn't modify the materials of the arrow, to make this more efficient. For instance a metal shaft. The arrow will be sharp so that will help
  25. So this Honor Spren shortage, The Honor Spren could very well be besieged. We know the Fused are trying to conquer Shadesmar too. Also I think aside from Rock, Relain and Moash are two other possible candidates. From Moash's perspective, he may have gone after both Elothkar and Roshone to do what his captain and friend could not. Curious to see how it plays out. Hoping for something big to happen in the next couple of chapters.
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