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Everything posted by mathiau

  1. Seems like Hoid is asking himself the same question Not a chance. The GBs wouldn't consider to destroying Scadrial
  2. Probably not. From the Traveller I'm almost certain Hoid's current aim is the same as it was when he helped Shatter Adonalsium and if it was creating a new Adonalsium it'd have been easier to take up a Shard to do so. Also there's the fact he's actively trying to keep Odium away from the other Shards.
  3. Welcome to the Shard The Heralds did not cause the Recreance. As for why they respect them despite of their broken oaths, I don't know.
  4. I don't see how this is a problem, TenSoon is the one who has Kel's bones. The steel Spike is attaching Kel to his body?
  5. Do we have confirmation there never was an Amian or an unkown type of non-human who became Radiant?
  6. And I answered I didn't believe your argument was valid. From your other arguments it's likely it is indeed at least somewhat Spiritual, but that one argument is not valid (I think). That post got reposted after three hours for some reasons
  7. YOU CAN'T HAVE MY DUMB! Sorry for some reason that's what I thought when I read the title. Also, they actually did not come from by the CR. Apparently whatever Ishar did with the Surges there allowed to use Transportation on entire countries.
  8. She does store it actually, and she's only leaking because she is over the amount of investiture a sword her size can hold Yeah they'd have suspected something was up
  9. The SF doesn't know much of anything that happened before Honour's death
  10. Why Sel though? He was still hunting Ambition when he left Sel
  11. Can't they be CSs? Fleet's spirit is supposed to be eternally racing against the Stormfather.
  12. Odium definitely didn't create the humans on Ashyn. My pet theory is they originate from Threnody and went to Ashyn to flee from the Evil.
  13. There's no chances the Rhythms of Odium and Devotion sound the same, same for Preservation and Ruin. Opposite, but not inverses. True Stasis can only be archived by removing every way something can change, and making entropy go to an absolute maximum will do just that.
  14. I was talking about people who had part of their Souls removed but Hemalurgy not hemalurgic constructs
  15. Dominion is already Conquest actually Also Honour+Odium isn't War. Fusing Honour and Odium can give War but there are other possibilities. Mistborn Era 2 + WoBs
  16. The fact soul damages (like Hemalurgy) almost don't have effect once you're in the Beyound implies it's the Mind that goes to the Beyond.
  17. I don't remember a moment the soul wasn't the part of the being in the SR and the mind the one in the CR
  18. Actually, this is exactly what Oltux was saying. If you don't have enough investiture your soul will wither (this is what you call the pull of the Beyound) and at some point your mind will leave your soul and go to the beyond.
  19. The part that goes to the Beyond is the mind. When we saw it happen from Eshonai's perspective it sounded quite instantaneous.
  20. Note that this is the Vasher interpretation, it's uncertain it's the truth I don't like this wording, the Soul is made of Investiture even for a Drab, she can't be be substituted with Investiture, just strengthened. If this process start after the death (we've seen it happen both pre and post death) and is interrupted you'll just end up with an unstable CS that will die after a few hours
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