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Everything posted by mathiau

  1. I think OP was talking about her ability to elsecall TO Shadesmare, which actuality came from the fact her spren didn't want to get her there. Also, her inability to get back to the PR is not simply due to a lack of light, even now she still has trouble doing it. Dustbringers also don't get everything from the start according to the quiz
  2. I still don't see where the Sibling promised that. Dabbid understood he promised to heal him (which is different, he would just have to convince another Spren to bound Dabbid, or have Dabbid become a squire of their Radiant) and it's possible Dabbid just misunderstood.
  3. I don't remember that happening
  4. Yes, it compresses a small zone of spacetime in front of it and expand a small zone of spacetime behind it which make the patch of spacetime between the compressed zone and the expanded zone move to faster than light speed compared to exterior spacetime and result in effective FTL travel without the object inside the bubble ever accelerating. Is this what you meant by "reducing the distance they travel"? Don't worry, it did not I think Brandon mentioned some were not at all immortals but used temporal dilation.
  5. I think you're confusing alcubierre drives and wormholes, what an alcubierre drive does is make a patch of space time move faster than light compared to the space time around it, which does not break the laws of relativity because the "nothing goes faster than light" applies to objects in space time and not to space time Well that's an issue. Especially since Hawking radiation is not just heat but also gamma rays and high speed particles It's true. My point is if Vivenna is indeed ageless I don't think anyone would be shocked.
  6. Alcubierre Drives are true FTL They do?
  7. As other people noted, I never said walking in the CR was always FTL, just that for a certain meaning of the world FTL walking between planets in the CR is FTL. Also, about the distance question, remember that the Ire's fortress is close enough of both Scadrial and Threnody for CSs to come over. And my point was that there's nothing better than a plane as far as travel through the CR is concerned in that case And I'm arguing that Brandon never said there was one, which sound slightly important to the debate. And as far as the actually theory go, I have nothing to say. Otherwise I'd have say it. I did. Only if you parse the sentence in a way I didn't intend. Which I guess is on me for making a sentence that can be parsed in two ways. The way you define FTL doesn't matter. What matter is what Brandon thought you meant by FTL And he didn't understand you. If it wasn't in the context of that WoB, I'd agree. But we are speaking in the context of that WoB. Perpendicularities? I still don't see why that idea wouldn't work Also Vivenna is heavily implied to have reach at least to the 9th Heightening at some point so she could very easily still be 5th Heightening By the way, the main reason we don't know how much the compression is is because it's the same everywhere. I don't see where Brandon said the FTL method he was talking about didn't have this issue You don't but there are other issues to creating new unkeyed metalminds from other unkeyed metalminds. Depend on what specific type of plasma, the ones in gas cookers wouldn't do much to a plane There is no permanent perpendicularities but there are unstable temporal ones As for what that mean, I don't know I think there's a WoB that they used something similar to an Oathgate Do you have a source? The only WoB I remember about Tia Worldhopping could be interpreted as "the transportation range is really long" Dalinar is bad example, he's connected to the smallest non-Shard mass of Investiture Ishar on the other hand... Though both of them are kind of cheating with Spiritual Tension
  8. You can walk faster than light in the CR Of course. What I meant was that the "planes" technology is enough to allow people from Taldain and minor worlds to very easily reach other worlds. Though I doubt minor shardwords will ever get much better than planes as far as worldhopping is concerned unless they steal some Major World magictech.
  9. They were not, they were created when Odium killed Dom and Dev Don't worry, that happens to everyone all the time, especially me.
  10. Brandon was probably just talking about bringing material through a Perpendicularity and building planes in the CR.
  11. Wouldn't a double-Dawnshard theory with Feel or Passion as one of the Dawnshards solve this issue without having to create a new concept? A lot Why did you put the God of stasis in the Change part? As @Solant said Cultivation is controlled growth and therefore fits Natural far less than Ruin (entropy) Why did you put the Goddess of love (Devotion) out of the Passion line? Isn't the Give Dawnshard a bit redundant with Endowment the Goddess of gifts? Why is Invention in Give? Here's my attempt at a double Dawnshards theory based on Change/Bind/Continue/Feel that take into account the Passion WoBs, placement of course not finals (especially Endowment) Hey @LewsTherinTelescope and @Kingsdaughter613, there's a new Shard-Dawnshard theory in town
  12. Don't know how that matters to this, but I leave this here
  13. Definitely before he said the oaths (which is different). Note that Dalinar still felt the Thrill at oath 2
  14. (Sequel of the dusk) Unmarked Sequel of the dusk spoilers are forbidden (same for the other unrealised novels). @Legui01010 this also apply to when you're quoting and answering a Sequel of the dusk spoilers Note that Dalinar already managed to Ascend in Oathbringer Splitered Shards can be reforged. How about a half-Shardic Ascension? In the great war Legui and I have been fidgeting with the idea Unity might be one of the broken parts of Honour
  15. Can be about Sja, maybe it uses a Corrupted Creationspren instead of a proper Voidspren?
  16. I'm saying you can't discuss the quality of a god without first discussing the nature of godhood
  17. That's not how I remember it So your criteria is "Must have created the planet, the life on it and guided life's development"? Yes and no Yes, I had forgotten English speaking people wrote it with a K I think letting people worship you like a God without being one makes you a very bad Spiritual figure.
  18. Definitely the Surge of Illumination, I don't see why the fact the Masked One exist would mean the form can't. Why are you writing in size ten? The Void of transformational seems to be more related to Enlightenment than to changing your appearence (also you accidentally posted this topic twice)
  19. As a matter of fact, "none of them are X" is a perfectly valid answer to the question "who is the best X" It might be helpful if you actually gave a criteria for being a god and explained why these two fit it Well we are arguing over a book made my a Mormon. By the way, do Chronos fit your criteria for being a god?
  20. Considering that part of the reason she Returned Shashara and Warbreaker seems to have been to create Nigtblood, I'd say she even did the opposite of mitigating damages.
  21. Yes. And that's why Harmony is the best spiritual leader of the Shards. And why it was not that big of an achievement.
  22. Do you mean that moment? Also from the method used he's probably among the strongest non-sliver CSs That's what I had understood This made me think of that for some reason I'm betting on Cultivation Yes, we don't have any reason to believe Aesudan was killed between the Kholinar battle and the Thaylen field battle, do we? Fair point I don't follow I don't see the issue, Khriss wouldn't know much about the forms of power, would she? (was the essay even written before the Everstorm?) Except Pailiah who has the Elsecaller's platespren and Shalash who has nothing They look as much as lucksprens as Taln's orange dots look like painsprens (granted, painspren is our best guess guess at Stoneward's platespren but it's quite flimsy) He did not Honestly I think Dawnsingers used the sprenless surgebinding Brandon mentioned once, this type of Surgebinding is supposed to be very dangerous, especially with Transformation. Possibly because Musicsprens aren't actually about music and Rosharan just made an incorrect assumption
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