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Everything posted by Chinkoln

  1. I love the attention to detail in the background. There is the broken wall, which is where Dalinar was standing. The city terrorized by the thunder last, and the red skies! Great work!
  2. Anyone who has access to 1.17, please do something. Make a creative world, find a large flat area then spawn an axolotl. Put it on a lead and try to walk around. Then repeat that process a hundred times, and be amazed.
  3. For reference, if you don’t remember, Jasnah said that while talking to Dalinar and the Azish Prime about methods to retake Urithiru. Somewhere around Chapter 100, if you want to go find it
  4. Welcome to the Shard! What misting would you be? What ferring? What Radiant order?
  5. After reading all those, I think the answer is actually “99% of correlations you find are not actual references, but there is 1% that I did put there and recognize as a reference to LDS culture”
  6. Gonna be honest, when I joined the Shard I had read all the Cosmere books, but hadn’t realized the Cosmere existed. I hadn’t even realized they were all written by the same author. I joined because I had some question about something in Mistborn, looked it up, and the top result was a topic here. I made an account because I figured, what the heck, I might have more questions later, and I might be able to help answer other peoples questions.
  7. I meant society’s rules/morals/expectations. The stuff he does goes heavily against what other people find acceptable.
  8. More Stormlight Alignment Charts! I will probably make some for other Sanderson series soon, these are kinda fun
  9. Forever lost, always searching. Seeking myself. Am I hopeless? Hopeless? I am myself. Seeking, searching, always lost. Forever.
  10. What is this? A third status update in a row from Chinkoln? Yes, but unless something dramatic happens, it should be the last for a while.

    My ankle is a little complicated. There was massive swelling, and though it subsided over night, it was still very swollen in the morning. I went and got my 2nd vaccine, then went to the doctor. 
    95% of the reason it hurts and is swollen is because I sprained/twisted (same thing) it REALLY bad. My ligaments are in TERRIBLE condition. That leads into the other 5%. The ligaments are so stretched, that one of them actually pulled a chip of bone off of my ankle. That is called an avulsion fracture.

    95% of my ankle pain is sprained, and 5% is from a fracture.

    I’m going back next week for someone from ortho to take a look at it. Until then, I have to wear a huge leg brace, everyday. I can’t do gymnastics for at least a month, probably more. 
    I should write a biography one day, I could probably make it pretty interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      @Chinkoln me being here is something important.

    3. Chinkoln


      Ya know, my rep has been getting lower. I have averaged about 130 rep on the weekly board, but right now I am down to about 90. Take this chance. Dethrone me. I’ve been in the leader for all of (minus two days ) the last 4 months, approximately.

    4. Procrastination


      I’m proud to say that one of those days was won by me!! 

      (Practically nobody was posting, everyone was giving me rep:D)

  11. Welcome! Both of you! I hope you enjoy your time on the Shard!
  12. I know I have done a lot of status updates recently, but too bad!

    1. I have 2,500 rep! I am Most Ancient! I average about 2.74 rep per post. That’s pretty good.

    2. There was a church campout. My dad and some siblings arrived there, and we helped some people set up tents(we didn’t set up ours because we weren’t planning to stay the night). Multiple people had brought frisbees (all the youth love frisbees). We started playing a game, Moss. I went to catch it, and I tripped. I fell, heard a loud pop/crack, and I couldn’t walk anymore. I am getting it X-rayed tomorrow, but the swelling made my ankle more than twice the size it normally is, so that isn’t good. Based on the swelling alone (the majority of people there were either Eagle Scouts or very advanced Boy Scouts) it is either broken, twisted, or sprained.

    3. I’m going to do another status update tomorrow about the official, medical conclusion on my ankle!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chinkoln


      I don’t know, I did 2,500 divided by 912. Rep divided by post count. It is an average.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      okay. also too bad about your ankle, hope its okay.

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      You're ankle's messed up? Cool!

  13. Doubtful. The reason Ruin and Preservation were so connected was because they were both so heavily invested in Scadrial, because they literally created the entire planet and everything on it. They shared a type of relationship that so far, we don’t know of any other Shard having.
  14. Is it weird that I have more Days Won than I have followers?

    1. Tesh


      It means the entire Shard follows you...

    2. Argus the Awful

      Argus the Awful

      Congrats on your 53rd day won!

  15. No, you can’t have RoW spoilers anywhere, even if you put it in a spoiler box with a warning
  16. @GoWibble No RoW spoilers outside the RoW board
  17. Not technically. Because of the unique way Preservation and Ruin intertwined, metal piercing gave access to the mind in a unique way. When pierced my a spike, preservation can hear thought, but can’t insert them. Ruin can insert them but can’t hear them.
  18. Happy Birthday!

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