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Everything posted by Chinkoln

  1. I think you didn’t feel dread… because you aren’t there. Authors can do amazing things with words, but words can never substitute for actual experiences.
  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Who says that he hasn’t reached Silverlight? It is a big city in the middle of Shadesmar filled with scholars and worldhoppers. He might have found it (unless we have a WoB that he hasn’t)
  4. I can’t decide whether to be happy that you are doing what is best for you, or sad that you are leaving the church. Edit: I missed the bottom part during my first read of that. Don’t worry, none of us will judge you. You are still an amazing, kind, friendly person. Leaving the church doesn’t make you less of that.
  5. “Howdy y’all” Do I sense another southerner?
  6. Ah yes, I love that particular WoB. I saw it reference over and over again when there were speculations about anything related to Ghostbloods, Thaidakar, kelsier, or leadership anomalies
  7. Yes, when we are talking about it the sense of the series name ketek, we say O. When we are abbreviating it on the Shard we do OB so that it makes more sense to people, and typos are less likely
  8. Hoid is usually the person to mess around with wordplay. I think that we can assume everything said by him is translated correctly.
  9. Fadran, je ne savais pas que tu parlais français aussi! De plus, il a l'air vraiment bien Queen.
  10. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the work you do to help keep this site running!

  11. You should do an “Ene through the Ages” where you list, in order, all the profile pictures that you have had during your time on the Shard

    1. AonEne


      Storms, I'd love to, but I do NOT remember a lot of them...I know the mains! Definitely not all though. 

  12. Thank you. You have set me free. Since mid February, I have been number 1 on the weekly board (minus a 2 day period when someone else passed me, near the beginning of my reign.). Now, you have passed me. I don’t intend to try and reclaim my throne. May your kingdom be prosperous.

  13. I don’t want to get moderated, so I’m not going to offer opinions, just help with the definitions. First degree murder is a premeditated, intentional killing. If you stalk them for a while then kill them, or have plans on exactly how and why you will kill them, that is first degree. Serial killers fall under this category. Second degree murder is when you don’t plan it, but it is intentional. When you are in an argument with someone, and then grab a gun and shoot them, that would qualify. It was very heat of the moment, not much consideration. First degree murder is also called manslaughter. It isn’t intentional and it isn’t planned, but someone did die because of your actions. Some examples would be if you backed your car into someone, someone jumped in front of your car, you tripped and pushed them off a cliff (you may need some strong evidence to prove it wasn’t intentional), or even if you accidentally gave them something they were severely allergic to.
  14. No 1. This person speaks more than one language 2. This person is an orphan 3. This person is from Sel
  15. No to all 1. This person speaks more than one language 2. This person is an orphan
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