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Vargo Seldon

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Everything posted by Vargo Seldon

  1. Algorath shrugged, "It hardly matters to me who goes, especially if I myself might not be able to." @Sorana @Chasmfiend#1 @Steel Inquisitive
  2. So I've nerfed Necromancer a lot @Voidus and possibly @MacThorstenson. I think I'll give up on the reflection character. It's a shame you can only have so many... Also, could you move Galvris's bio from Era Two to Era Three? I brought him back to life.
  3. Taz heard the man give his little speech, but wasn't really worried. Bill turned to him and said, "Well, if we make it out alive you're hired." Taz smiled, "Then you'd better give me my first payment now." Bill abruptly fired his shotgun at the men, and Taz rushed them with his staff, twirling it in one hand. The first man took a few in the chest, but at that range it really didn't do much to slow him. He galloped towards Taz, and Taz dropped to one knee, using the staff to sweep the legs from under the horse. It went down in a cloud of dust, and Bill finished him. Taz stood up, facing the remaining men, and said, "You're wrong about one thing." He smiled and continued, "I'm not a simple farmer, and I've really nothing to lose." He cast a look back towards the farm, "Except for an employer." With that, he charged them, staff taking men like a whirlwind. @Snipexe
  4. Algorath shuffled up the line, until the diminutive teller was in front of him. In a bored soprano, she said, "Name, place of birth, and abilities." Algorath said his name, but he had to think a while on the place of birth. "Well, I might as well tell you of both of them. The first one is in Fen's Quarter, the town. And the second one is in the Taliin Forests, under an oak tree." The teller looked a bit confused, but wrote them both down anyway, and waited for the third part. "Special abilities... I'm an extremely developed Apex, almost a monster." The woman handed him his sack of gold, and he joined the others outside. He came to the group just in time to hear Amara talk of traveling together. "My pack can provide protection. We don't have anywhere we need to be, so we can join you. That is, if you'll have us. We are also extremely good at hunting." @Sorana @Chasmfiend#1 @Steel Inquisitive
  5. He did summon Syl as a shield at one point while fighting Szeth above the shattered plains. Ahh yes. Giant yellow spaceships terrorizing Roshar.
  6. Galvris nodded. "Yes, channelers are extremely rare here. I heard that there was one in the Den of Thieves when––" he cut off and grimaced. He followed Ciera through the Gateway. @Dr. Dapper
  7. Galvris breathed in deeply as soon as the healing weave was done. He seized the one power, basked in it, let it scourch his insides. They always said that for woman, finding the true source was a warm embrace, a greeting among friends. For men, it was a fight to the death. It was the thrill of nearly losing yourself in the power, of being an inch from death. The fight was pure life. "Oh how I've missed you," He whispered, a tear in his eye. Suddenly, the weave of bonding a warder struck him like a blow. He fell on his side as saidin abruptly left him, as suddenly as it had come. He tentatively felt at it, but realized that it was still as strong as ever, just restrained. Channeled. He staggered to his feet as the woman said "It's done." He held out his hand. "I'm Lord Morevron, although, with my current status, it's probably just better to refer to me as Galvris." He chuckled wryly, in good spirits now that he had the power back. @Dr. Dapper
  8. So what if you guys come up with? Could it be posted into the op?
  9. Sounds good to me. Yeah I saw in the op that people were disappearing from the slums, so I wanted to RP that.
  10. And to think that I founded something that's whole point is to increase your post count.
  11. Algorath furrowed his brow, then smiled and chuckled. "Never thought I would be a hero," he muttered wryly. He pointed to the man, "so you go around, doing these things, in order to relate them to others at some point." he paused, thinking, "Geth really liked you, old man. I'll have to tell him once I find the pack again. Well, I have to run to the census building. Good talk." With that, he turned around, and began to walk into the crowds. Funny, he though, he barely noticed them anymore. He walked through the doors of the building, waiting by the entrance for the rest of the crew.
  12. Yeah wait, hey! I've been here for at least 8 months and I have less than half the posts you do! How did that happen! Edit: apparently it's only 5 months. Already starting to feel like home.
  13. Algorath looked a little taken aback. "You mean you were toying with us?! We found your shredded body! The hunt for that monster. Me and my pack brought it down eventually, but you helped us find it."
  14. It's the overwhelming power of the Seldon . I guess I should stop moving people around huh . We are on our way to the census building, a guy shot at me, I left, and began talking to the Thorstenson person.
  15. Bah. A few little mouth spikes don't increase the danger all that much. A rioter would have to be extremely powerful to get that kind of control. Of course. Would you like some?
  16. Algorath chuckled wryly. "Well, it looks like our resident deity will be able to pick him out easily enough. It's not the first time, and you're not exactly the first in line." He picked up the pace, and said, "Well, I'm off to the building, tell me if you have any luck." He strode down the street, but something caught his eye. A man selling trinkets off to one side. Where have I seen that man before, he thought. Why yes! It was that epic hunt he went on with his pack! He strode over to the man, and said in a confused voice, "Excuse me sir, but didn't you die?" @Steel Inquisitive @Sorana @MacThorstenson
  17. No! You lie! The spikes free them! They open your soul to the investiture! They give you powers! You will never know true power until you embrace the hemalurgic arts! And fear not. Our goods come in many forms. Not all of them even have to be in the form of a baked goods. Whatever foods you like, we can get for you...
  18. Yes do not listen to these lies. These people try to tear us apart, and they will not succeed. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN. WE WANT COOKIES!!! You also want cookies too right? Here, take these... Welcome to the shard! Enjoy your time here.
  19. He walked out onto the busy streets, still cringing from the overwhelming press of bodies. He saw the towering census building above the heads of the crowd (he was taller than most people anyway) and made for it. He was about halfway there, when he noticed the folks he had talked to the night before. They didn't exactly trust or like him, and vice versa, but they were the only people he knew. He altered his course and drew up beside them, saying a few words of greeting. As they walked, however, an arrow flew out of the midst of the crowd, bound for Algorath's heart. He noticed it out of the corner of his eye, and his keen hunter's mind took action. He dove for the ground, simultaneously whipping out a hand to swat the arrow out of the air. He then rolled, coming up on his feet holding the arrow. He inspected it, sniffed it, then tossed it away growling, "Looks like you're not the only one who hates me," to the Bear. @Chasmfiend#1 @Sorana @Steel Inquisitive
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