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Vargo Seldon

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Everything posted by Vargo Seldon

  1. Galvris swallowed, but nodded. He had no choice in the matter. He needed saiden back. @Dr. Dapper
  2. The Alleyverse, where you get to kill your fellow sharders multiple times, and do pretty much whatever you want. Join today.
  3. @Sorana Algorath got up, and stretched. The group of homeless people below him had disturbed him all night with their laughing and drinking. It must have been almost dawn when they had finally dosed off. He looked down, and sure enough, they were still there. lying by the remnants of their fire. He was about to turn away, when something caught his eye. Yes, he thought, there was five of them last night. I remember counting. But there was four people now. Another disappearance. He climbed down, and saw the same drop of blood where the man was sleeping. It was exactly the same as last time, from a deep, artery wound. He shivered. Might he be next? He was confident, however, that whatever was taking these normal men wouldn't catch an Apex such as himself unawares. Still, it might be wise to take precautions the next night. With his mind full, he headed off to the census building, shifting to human form automatically.
  4. Returned glanced the way of the short man. "And leave the rest of the yetis to flank us?" He chuckled, "No, not wise. This must be strategic." He strode down to the courtyard, where the rest of the army was assembled. This is it, he though, it is here we must drive them away. He began giving orders, rallying the men, and over all getting ready to charge out of those gates. But before he could give the order, the alarms began to sound on top of the walls. Returned cursed by his own name, and rushed up to the wall to see. The yetis were forming up about a mile off, and were ready to charge the walls. "If those monsters reach the walls before we're out," he yelled, "Then we'll be pinned against the walls and slaughtered!" He rushed back to Trajan, and said, "Get your air forces up there. Delay them as long as possible." He ran down to the courtyard, and bellowed the order to open the gates. His forces, meager as they were, rushed out in a majestic charge. @beantheboy12 @Grey Knight @Clever Username
  5. Oh the way the rest of the alleyverse used to be. No index, no numbers. Just pure character Development..
  6. This is awful! Why would you do this?! You must pull him out of TLT. Sever all ties, and denounce those heretics!
  7. Algorath nodded to the rest of them, and headed back to the understreets to sleep. He wouldn't want to bed down among so many people he didn't trust. He walked back to his alley, and climbed a wall to a roost. He then bedded down to sleep, letting his consciousness fight an ever-intensifying war in his head...
  8. Keleth watched as the Jackal entered a private conversation with the boy and Althea. Great. Now everyone in the building would think that they were colluding. He sighed. Now he would have to hold the wolves at bay, so to speak, while the Ghostblood reps weakened his case with every passing moment. "I wasn't present for the Seven Day War," he started out, "But I was present for the rise of Solace. I will say, that the Ghostblood leaders stood against the violence and destruction that that man thought to unleash. Even going so far as to sacrifice the citizens of Oasis City to stand against him. After all of that, do you think they would turn around and do the very thing that they thought to stop? I tell you, this was an isolated incident. The Jackal is a known criminal. In speaking privately with the Ghostblood representatives, he reveals his anxiety. He does not want to pay for this attack. His nerves reveal his guilt." He sat back down.
  9. It's a closed system, which has it's own magic system. You could I guess send a normal character here, but he won't be able to get out until the end of the era (by which time Algorath will be in the last battle ). You can catch up by reading the first post in this thread. It tells magic systems, details of the word, and current characters. It's really interesting. I'm enjoying it.
  10. Oh really. English is really the only language that uses it. If you are, indeed grammer, then what about contradictions in different languages? Wouldn't the fact that so many people use so many different rules of grammer make your little exception-filled mind explode?
  11. Algorath muttered in frustration. "I'm different. I didn't become this way the normal route. I didn't start out as an ordinary beast. I was human once. I've read your books. I'm a learned Apex. There are so many things that set me apart. And once I evolve to monster, I'll be fully aware of both sides of my aspect. Wolf and man. At least I hope." As he spoke, his anger came out. His vocabulary degenerated, and his features took on a more wolf-like quality. "Bah. There's no convincing you. Tomorrow, I leave for the census building, and will see the last of you. The thought doesn't pain me in any way." He turned his back, and headed to get another drink.
  12. *gasp* Mr. Grammer sir! I've always been a great admirer of you, and it pains me to beat you at this in such a humiliating fashion!
  13. Sounds interesting. No, because I feel like we've already given the city a reputation for life and vibrancy.
  14. Returned listened, interested in the Marine's outlook on tactics. He nodded, "Yes, but your air force is put to better use against the greater bulk. Besides, it's a matter of honor for Edalb."
  15. Algorath exposed his fangs at the bear's harsh words, but then something strange happened. A man stepped in between their little group and the guards, and seemed to exude calm. His soothing voice reminded Algorath of flowing streams, sunlight filtering down through the trees, working on barrels in the carpenter shop, and many more things. Everything that brought him peace in both lives. He found that even the blatant use of magic of the girl didn't bother him much, and the other one––who he was sure was some form of deity––he didn't hate anymore. Nature magic was repulsive, but human deities were destructive, offensive, and needed to die. Still, he found that in his state of peace he didn't feel as though he wanted to kill this one. When the calmer asked if they wanted drinks, he found himself agreeing, despite his discomfort at being so close to people. When they arrived at the tavern, he shifted to human form to be able to sit in a chair more naturally. He found that human form came easier, and looked more natural than it usually did. He sighed. His sentience wouldn't be happy until he and the bear solved their issues. He walked over to the hulking beast, who was now enjoying a bowl of honey mead. "Look," he said, "If one of my kind took someone or something from you, I'm truly sorry. But holding a grudge doesn't help. I know. A demigod took everything that I had known, and mashed it up with everything else I had known. A poor human cobbler, who liked woodworking, with a fierce wolf, who liked nature. I still hold a large grudge against human deities, but I've only just started to realize. It's not worth it. You judge the individual not by what his kind did, but by the content of his character." @Chasmfiend#1
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