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Vargo Seldon

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Everything posted by Vargo Seldon

  1. Algorath was alarmed when the bear put himself between him and the other two. He lost control of human form completely, and transformed into the horrifying mix of wolf and man. He growled back at the creature, casting aside the coat. "I don't know who or what you are, but in a city where everything is new and unfamiliar, you're the only thing that struck me as known. I wouldn't have ventured out at all if I hadn't seen something I could feel comfortable with. Why does everyone assume that just because I evolved from a simple beast that I'm evil? I have just as much intelligence, and just as much sentience as the rest of you. Perhaps more." As he spoke, his words started coming easier. They sounded less primitive, more eloquent. Les guttural, more flowing. Give my sentience an inch, he though, and it would take a mile.
  2. The woman smiled in a friendly way at Algorath when she addressed him. He was still extremely mistrustful of her, as a user of nature magic, but maybe, just maybe, he was judging them a bit too harshly. He started. Where had that thought come from? His sentience was taking more and more initiative lately. Why couldn't things just stay the way they were? He had been happy as a wolf, and as a human. He had enjoyed what he did. Until the foolish demigod had decided to fuse the two. Wolf and man, making a terrifying hybrid. A hybrid who didn't know who or what he was. Truth is, his Apex status had come more quickly as a result of a sentience in his being. He didn't know what he wanted. Did he want to embrace his sentience, or to run with his pack? He realized that while he was reflecting, he had lost control of a human form. He quickly schooled his features, but they had probably noticed. He tried at a smile that probably showed more of his wolf nature than friendly human side. "The demigod said that this would be easier once I had attained Monster status." He tried to frame his words eloquently, but his wolf body was not accustomed to forming human words.
  3. Galvris listened with growing trepidation on his face. At the mention of "warder" he scrambled back as if repulsed. "I... That seems reasonable, considering the past I've had. I-I just have some biases from my time as an Asha'man. The thought of being a warder just seems... filthy." The seemed to weigh his options for a moment, "But, I would do anything to have access to saiden again. Anything." He
  4. Algorath had spent a nightmarish night in an alley. There were so many people. He had found a grubby section of the city that had less people though, so that was good. He had come for the money, although, what a wolf did with money he didn't know. It must be his sentience asserting itself again. Honestly, sometimes it was hard to figure himself out. Was he a man or a wolf? Running with the pack, pulling down the weakest of the herd, and tearing into it ravenously made him enjoy his wolf aspect, but left his sentience unsatisfied. Decisions like this, coming to the city for money, fascinated his sentience, but terrified his wolf aspect. In the early morning light, it was easier to face his identity crisis. As he walked down an alley, enjoying the scents of the city, he could see the advantage of both sides of himself. He then noticed something that brought him to a jarring halt. As a wolf in the wild, he had trained his mind to notice detail. In the process of evolving to an Apex, his sentience had made him one thousand times better at this. So the fact of a missing person was extremely obvious to his hunter mind. The man, Geb, who had been sleeping by the alley mouth, was gone. Normally, Algorath new, this wouldn't be so odd. But, the man had stayed up late the last night, drinking with his friends. After a night like that, he should've been out so cold an earthquake wouldn't wake him. He was gone. It was conceivable, however, that he had been carried off, or had sleepwalked away. He would've ignored the disappearance completely if not for one, undeniable fact. There was a spot of blood on the ground. He smelled it, and instinctively new that this was the blood of a deep, artery wound. This man had been either mortally wounded, or killed. Without making a sound or disturbing the scene in any way. His hunter's mind was fascinated, but what he saw next drove the mystery from his mind. A girl with nature magic walking down the alley. The hackles on Algorath's back rose, and a half-growl half-whine came out of his mouth. She was lightheartedly walking down the street, juggling a ball of water back in forth. Algorath retreated into the shadows out of fear until the girl passed. He shuddered again, and continued on his way, lashing out at random things in anger. He stumbled through the busy streets, being pressed on all sides. The emotions of the disgusting mob surging around him. Around him, friends called to each other, shopkeepers hawked their wares, people conversed loudly, and worst of all, magic was everywhere. He saw people practicing ritual magic, nature magic, and even some human deities. He had changed his form to that of a semi-man, and with a dark cloak went almost unnoticed. Still, the press of people, the chaos, the headaches... He wanted to rip the head off of the man next to him, even though he had nothing but bump his elbow. He wanted to transform into full hunter form, and kill everyone in the street. He was confident the normal humans, and even some deities wouldn't be a problem. But the nature magic... he shuddered again. Still, his sentience balked at such a heinous act, and his sentience usually won out in such situations. And besides, he was a hunter, not a murderer. He couldn't possibly eat all of these humans. It was then that he noticed another animal. It was a hulking bear, accompanied by two other humans-looking creatures. Curious, me moved towards them. As he got closer, however, he smelled something that nearly made him lose control and turn back into Apex form. The girl, she possessed nature magic. He made a soft growl in the back of his throat, but the prospect of meeting maybe another magic augmented animal overpowered his dislike of magic. He strode over to the group, and said in a gravelly, guttural voice, "Hello. I'm Algorath. An Apex, on his way to becoming a Monster. I hoped to meet another forest animal, the city is an overwhelming place. For me, at least." @Chasmfiend#1 @Sorana @Steel Inquisitive Edit:
  5. I have the most win. Most being a superlative, it is grammatically impossible for you to have more win than I.
  6. Keleth played the recording. It was everything Keleth had said it was and more. Keleth nodded though, and said, "You have valid points. I acquired this from an inside man. I can't speak for his honesty, or if this recording is just a fraud." Edit: Keleth nodded. The kid was doing good. Keleth got up and interjected his thoughts, "The Ghostbloods have a violent history, but look at the DA. On a regular basis, the commit murder and the occasional soul-rending for their little 'experiments'. Pretty much any guild here––other than the newer ones––can attest to having a violent past. My own guild is on the verge of a major war with the Keepers, and has been at war with the northern yeti tribes for the past few months. You can't judge a guild's innocence by their previous actions. Until we have hard evidence, we should avoid pointing fingers. Confession by him," he pointed at the Jackal, "Would be optimal. Preferably under duress of the oathrod, so the truthfulness of his statement can be trusted."
  8. Galvris opened his eyes. "What? I was severed?" He sat up, hope flickering briefly in his eyes. He leaned forwards, hands clasped. "You can heal me!" He exclaimed, "You can heal me!
  9. Keleth watched the images with horror written on his face. He spoke up, "The Ghostbloods indeed have control of their members. I have evidence to support that someone is deliberately trying to frame the Ghostbloods. Possibly the Jackal, but it hardly matters. The fact of the matter is, the Ghostbloods aren't stupid. And making an enemy of both the DA, TUBA, The Church of the Whiterose, and pretty much everyone in the government is stupid. This, however, is hardly evidence. The real evidence is here: I have a recorded conversation of two unknown men discussing the Ghostbloods being framed. I can play it for you to hear, but it is long and full of unimportant details. This was the action of a third party."
  10. Galvris looked up. He dimly saw a woman rush over to him and ask him a question. He forced himself to his knees, and and answered. "You're wasting your time. I was burned out. You cannot heal me. Nothing can heal me." He sank back to the ground.
  11. Returned laughed. "Yes well, the current Roar that you bested has probably been killed for seeming weak by now. A new one has taken it's place. And they will not instate a human as the Roar, even if you best the current one. The discrimination is too deep-set. But I am relying on you to best it. Do not fail me."
  12. Returned prepared for a counter stroke. He strode the length of the courtyard on his Rhyshadium, giving orders and and sending missives. The men were rallying quickly. As were the marines and, of course, the superlifeless stood emotionlessly and ready to march. The strike would serve to drive the yetis back into the hills. He turned to his second, "Prepare your men to take out the Roar. This campaign will carry on for quite a while." @Grey Knight @Element of Chaos @beantheboy12
  13. Darkness arrived. Just in time too. He had just missed the Ghostbloods being destroyed by the DA. Simple cleanup now.. he could handle that. He walked up to the man in charge, and asked how he could help, identifying himself as a Ghostblood. @Sherlock Holmes
  14. Keleth went and stood behind Wes. He wasn't much in a fight, but he would put all of the Diagramist polital power with their allies.
  15. It was the dead of the night. A pair of guards stared lazily out into the blackness. One yawned, then leaned back on his pike. The other shifted restlessly. A twig snapped somewhere in the darkness, and the second gaurd started. Nervously, he peered out, as if the intensity of his gaze could pierce the veil that obscured the land. The first guard said, "Oh come off it Nel. It's probably just a deer." The Nel shot a look to the first gaurd and said, "Jag, if we don't jump at the sounds that are inconsequential, then we won't be ready for the sounds that are. You've got to take this job seriously, this city is important, and is in immediate danger because of this fool census!" Jag flushed, and responded angrily. The arguement began to escalate, until the two were shouting at each other, "Nel, if you don't quite your self-rightouse little speech, I––" He was cut off, and a small squeak escaped his lips as a dark shape loomed out of the Darkness. It was huge, with glowing eye. And it was holding Jag by the throat. Nel, taken by surprise, raised his pike to attack. Before he could take a stab at the hulking figure, a grey blur shot out of the darkness and took Nel to the ground. The shape resolved itself to be a large timberwolf standing atop the man. The wolf reached for Nel's throat, but a growled word from Algorath stopped him. With a guttural yell, Nel threw the beast off of him and readied to attack. The wolf, however, melted back into the darkness and did not strike again. The dark figure holding Jag put the guard down and turned to Nel. Nel, in a panic, grabbed a torch to ward off the beast. In the light, the beast features resolved themselves. Nel wished they hadn't. It was a man, standing upright on the legs of a wolf. His arms were muscular, and ended in a human hand with wolf's claws. His body was covered in thick grey fur, and he wore a brown leather tunic. But the most frightening thing of all was his head. His otherwise human neck ended with a wolf's head, that was snarling at him. Algorath batted the torch away from himself, and crossed the ground on long legs to the guard. He opened his mouth, and, in rough guttural words said, "I.. am here fo-.. for the census." Nel swallowed and nodded. "Right this way sir".
  16. No, he's leaving them outside the city.
  17. The man was hauled off kicking and screaming by precursor gaurds.
  18. A man in the upper corners of the room shouted "THAT IS BLATANT USE OF HEMALURGY INSIDE A CITY OWNED BUILDING!!!!!!! OFFICERS ARREST THIS MAN!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"
  19. Good question, they'd die for my character, but they're harder to control while in a frenzy or other such instances. It's purely situational.
  20. Edit: A short man in furs half walked half staggered into the training area. The scouts in the hills had just missed him due to his epic powers, which had strengthened enough for him to walk through walls. Apparently, losing one form of investiture allowed the other to grow. He had crawled through the dark tunnels beneath the Den of Thieves for days before he had discovered Aeodin's body. It was laying broken and bleeding on the cold rocks, like so many other men who Galvris had brought through. His faithful servant, like Valdwen before him, laying dead at his feet. Except this time it was his own fault. He had wept for hours, or maybe it was days. It was hard to tell time in the caverns. But now he was here. He fell to the ground, and lay there unmoving for a while... @Dr. Dapper
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