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Everything posted by Eerongal

  1. This is the official, correct answer, obviously. It's not any sort of weird cloning experiment or hemalurgical construct tinkering on our end. Not that anyone would ever think this is the case, of course. Why wouldn't everyone believe this 100% real, obvious answer chaos provided instead of these unfounded rumors? You people are merely misguided in your attempts to unfound this perfectly valid answer.... . . .
  2. A common saying among some IT folks i know is that "a computer won't do what you want it to do, just what you tell it to"
  3. Rogue legacy (available on steam) was released recently, it's a pretty good platformer rogue-like.
  4. More realistically, though, i honestly think it has to do with the subject and focus of the site more than anything. Afterall, it's not terribly surprising that a writer for adult fantasy (not like erotic-style, but like not teenage twilighty stuff. Like thick, 1,000 page epic fantasy books) has more well-read fans who are capable of coordinating themselves like adults. Also probably has to do with community size as well. We aren't exactly huge here, which helps control the atmosphere a bit better. If there was thousands of visitors and posters every day, i'm sure we might have a bit more issues.
  5. Sort needs to be around here more. That slacker. He doesn't show up here nearly often enough! All in all, i do miss the TWG days. Hard to think it's been what...3 years since it was shut down? It's been a while...Good ol' times.
  6. It would be nice if we could something like stackExchange.com does, where it gives you a small amount of rep points for doing small things like filling out your profile, posting for the first time, etc. just to encourage a little bit of initial participation, though i obviously have no idea what the plugin we're using is capable of (and i doubt it's capable of that )
  7. Yeah, the videos of it look outrageously awesome. From the description, it sounds like terraria+. Too bad the release date is vague, though.
  8. So this is totally a thing. The gameplay is basically like terraria, it would seem, except you can visit other planets which are all procedurally generated. Oh, enemies are procedurally generated as well. It looks totally awesome; I all sorts of preordered.
  9. I don't think it matters. So far as I can tell it's a "buy this book so he gets money" kind of thing, not a "buy this book on X day to get him MORE money" sort of thing. I.E. *any* books sales help him, not necessarily in a certain period of time.
  10. Nah, you should be fine. Context is pretty important when something is or isn't considered spam around here, especially since you aren't directly hawking or benefiting from it.
  11. If you're looking for a non-standard roguelike, you can get FTL on steam for a few bucks. It's a great game.
  12. AFAIK, you wouldnt be able to "hide" topic titles unless the entire forum is hidden from a user based upon their user group with IPboard, provided there hasnt been some kind of update to IPB that lets you do some weird topic hiding thing.
  13. So i set up a minecraft server, anyone wanna play? The server should have near 99% up-time, it's on a dedicated ubuntu server installation, and I have a static IP with 20 up, so if anyone wants to play, feel free to pop in and say hi sometime! Connection info: IP: Port: 20065
  14. ....Now i want to see the monstrosity that is a physical WoT omnibus.....
  15. Are you sure the group you're looking at has any members in it? Which forum in particular were you looking at?
  16. Before you start programming android apps specifically, you should know how to program java first, so if you don't know that, that's where i would start.
  17. Making a cover of a song is allowed even without the permission of the author...There's no copyright issue (though might be royalty issues) if its a cover, even if you sing it 100% exactly the same.... edit: for references from wikipedia - Since the Copyright Act of 1909, in the United States there has been a right to record a version of someone else's previously recorded and released tune, whether of music alone or of music and lyrics.[7] A license can be specifically negotiated between representatives of the interpreting artist and the copyright holder, or recording of published tunes can fall under a mechanical license whereby the recording artist pays a standard royalty to the original author/copyright holder through an organization such as the Harry Fox Agency, and is safe under copyright law even if they do not have any permission from the original author. Other agents can also help facilitate clearance including Limelight, the online mechanical licensing utility powered by RightsFlow. The mechanical license was introduced by Congress in order to head off an attempt by the Aeolian Company to monopolize the piano roll market.[8] While a composer cannot deny anyone a mechanical license for a new recorded version, he or she has the right to decide who will release the first recording of a song; Bob Dylan took advantage of this right when he refused his own record company the right to release a live recording of "Mr. Tambourine Man".[
  18. I would like to announce that the voting for Ludum Dare is over, and i've scored higher than i have with any of my previous year entries!
  19. Going to go see the hobbit at the science center of iowa on their domed imax!

    1. Kipper


      That sounds awesome. Have you seen it already?

  20. Another year is upon us, and i have once again participated in Ludum Dare! (An explanation can be seen in my last year's post) Anyways, here's my entry! It turned out pretty well in my opinion! Also: My Post-Mortem
  21. http://t.co/xFU6R8pq Just submitted an entry for this month's ludum dare! #LD25 #ludumdare

  22. Oye! No thread necro-ing! *bans everyone* (just kidding! happy birthday, rioter! )
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