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Everything posted by Eerongal

  1. Time for another year of Ludum! This year's theme: You are the villain! #LD48

  2. Yup. Same here, too, in Iowa. We've been having temperatures in the 40-60 range. I approve.
  3. I get the feeling that someone at the hotel feels very proud of themselves for this.... http://t.co/Pc5saWnw

  4. another year down another holiday season upon us! happy ookladays, everyone!
  5. Dvd movie at walmart. Looks legit http://t.co/4ks70tbz

  6. DOUBLE POST POWERS GO!! *later* Yeah, that totally happened.
  7. Actually, it's by george orwell (thus the word "orwellian"), I mistakenly said Orson Welles in my previous post despite meaning orwell. AFAIK, Orson Welles didn't write any books (though he may have one or two here and there, but i dont think he was a renowned author). HG wells was dead before 1984 was even published (by 3 years).
  8. This is nothing particularly new. They've caught flak before for removing books remotely that people bought. There was a big hubbub a few years ago because they removed (ironically) an Orson Wells novel (1984) from people's device. They had some reason, like they weren't allowed to sell it legally or something like that due to contractual things, but still, it has happened before.
  9. obviously what he means was "because i can-can"
  10. well, currently we can't see farther than the observable universe (obviously, thus why it's observable), so the real answer is "we don't know", however, I would assume it's likely just more empty space. There are, however, many neat guesses about this, though none of them can really be proven (we will never really be able to observe the unobservable universe, though im sure some day we might be able to figure it out). Some theories state that it's actually circular, and if you pass beyond the edge, you find yourself on the other "far side" of the universe, while others subscribe to a multi-verse theory, and once you expand beyone our little "bubble" universe, you would find yourself in another bubble universe (though the method moving between the two wouldn't exactly be clear) As far as your previous question, i see what you were getting more at now (i think i took your question the wrong way previously, and it didn't make much sense to me, but it makes much more now with this clarification), and it's actually a very interesting subject with, unfortunately, no answer in the foreseeable future.
  11. only if you think the smallest possible unit of measurement is small, then i SUPPOSE it's small. Expanding as in getting bigger? I'm not sure what you mean, the question is kinda nonsensical Everything is moving away from each other, so the size (i.e. the distance between each of the stars or whatever on the furthest edge of it) of the universe is getting bigger, thus expanding.
  12. Because it's a very common, popular, and modern language? In my 10 years of software development experience, there are very VERY many VB jobs available (though could be regional), so knowing how to use it and being familiar with it is very good. Plus it has XML literals, and C# doesn't, which is pretty nice.
  13. Good luck, Zas, have fun, etc. etc.! See you in a few years! Hope you enjoy it!
  14. Depends on the version. VB.net is a fully capable, modern language with full access to .net libraries, and should be treated as no less. In terms of what it can accomplish, C# and VB.net are basically in the same ballpark. It's probably a bit below the capabilities of, say, java, but that's just because of how popular it is these days, and the huge outpouring of support. Now, if it's a pre .net version, then yeah, it sucks (and has been essentially out of operational life cycle for....15+ years at this point? something like that)
  15. So some of you may be familiar with the humble indie bundle, which is a bundle of games at a pay-what-you-want rate, and usually packs some award-winning grade A stuff. Well, apparently, they started today selling the first Humble E-Book bundle. At a pay-what-you-want rate, you can get books like Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link, Zoo City by Lauren Beukes. But that's not all! Pay more than the average and you will get John Scalzi's Old Man war and Neil Gaiman's Signal To NoiseI! As of right now, the average is around 10 bucks, so for 10 bucks, you can pick yourself up 8 DRM free e-books! That's barely more than a buck a book! You can hardly afford not to do it! And as an added bonus, you get to help out some great charities while you're at it!
  16. yup, paper for me too. I just prefer thumbing through a book as opposed to carrying around a tablet.
  17. I believe he was simply trying to take the existential nihilistic approach and make everyone playing this game take a quick break to give there actions a bit more thought to them. That or he forgot.
  18. I dunno, even on the easiest difficulty, it was entirely possible to run into stuff that's way above your current technology level and just wipe the team you were working on, essentially putting you back to square one. Though, it makes it pretty easy if you're constantly saving non-stop. Honestly, until you figured out what you were doing, you could pretty much expect to die/lose constantly even on the easiest difficulty, which can be frustrating to a new player. I'm not saying that it was impossible, just that there was a very steep and unforgiving learning curve to it, no matter what difficulty you put it on. I never really played the sequel that much, but I have had people tell me that it got significantly harder.
  19. I do hope it's good. X-Com is easily one of my favorite games of all times. I just really hope it isn't watered down compared to the original too much. They can make it easier, though, because lord knows that game was NOT easy in any sense of the word.
  20. I would like to announce that i just got home from Minneapolis from a week-long trip for work!
  21. Moved to the introduction section.
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