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Everything posted by Kidpen

  1. Tempting. Put me in as a pinch hitter for now, and I may or may not swap to a player at some point.
  2. Hello everybody! I for one am pretty hyped for this game. At the moment the most suspicious person to me is (rolls d14) Abstrusity. @Abstrusity the fact that you haven't posted despite the cycle being up for a whole (checks time stamp) 7 minutes is rather suspicious. Any thoughts?
  3. Ene! You're the Wings of Fire person, right? Cause I was looking at the panel list for a book festival in my area in March and apparently the author has one. So that's cool! I might have to read them between now and then.

    1. AonEne


      Ayyy, cool! They are good, I’d recommend them. And yeah one is coming out in March :D so that’s really cool. 

  4. O X X O O X O X Good game. This is more or less what I expected, since I was playing perfectly and I didn't think you were likely to make a mistake. You know, it's interesting how differently perfect play in this game is defined as when ties are equivalent to a win versus when ties are equivalent to a loss. If ties were a loss in my brain, I would've tried much riskier moves that would've let you win depending on whether you saw it, but also would make you more likely to mess up in a way that let me win. As opposed to this way, which basically is always a tie.
  5. I'm down. On a school chromebook though so most game sites will be blocked. Edit: Just looked up and realized that's not how it's going. You can go first.
  6. Kidpen

    Writer Quiz

    Angsty McAngstface you're gay. you're in the #bpd tag. get out of that tag you wake up!! wake the [storm] up. write that impossibly gory short story it's gross it's appalling we are loving it wow ok. somehow i'm ok with this.
  7. Yes. Heck yes. Heck hecking yes. I am so down for this. Except also we could do something other than kahoot to get around the streaming issue. I like gimkit personally.
  8. Why yes I do. On and off usually though.
  9. Kidpen

    Ask Kidpen Anything

    No comment. Only if you want it to find you more easily. 387.432897992991385. Ravenclaw. Mayyyybe Slytherin but I'm pretty sure Ravenclaw. Truthfinders lens probably. Probably the power to steal powers. Darkside, obviously. Wombats, obviously.
  10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Cae!
  11. But when Sigrun tried to kiss Truthless (platonically or not, I don't know what they're relationship is) Truthless glitched and revealed that it was actually an emotionless robot.
  12. Does anyone have an opinion other than that they're terrible and very possibly the worst injustice of the 21st century?
  13. So I've been listening to the Homestuck albums basically constantly. If you want to check it out the best songs imo are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn6Yl371mIc Rex Duodecim Angelus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU9YXh_0L4Y I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (Post-Punk Version) (not everyone will like this one, but I love it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2BLUyv7UT0 Olive Rogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMFVmz9yYJU Elevatorstuck, the only actual good song. These are some of the best, but there's over 1100 songs, so there's lots more. Most of everything is on here: https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/ And if you really really loved that, there's also a lot of fan songs, which can be downloaded for free from: https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com or https://hsfanmusic.skaia.net/lofam.html Oh also you should read Homestuck. http://homestuck.com/. Not for everybody, but I think everybody should give it a try!
  14. Something interesting I've noticed about myself: I think when I really like a piece of writing I tend to focus a lot more on the negative, and the reverse when I don't like it. Like, I'll mention a lot of almost exclusively bad (albeit minor) things when I love the writing and stay a lot more convinced that I'm right about the complaints when the writer or whoever disagrees. When I think the writing is bad (not that bad writing is a bad thing per se) I'll talk mostly about the good stuff for a little while at first and then kind of tenderly bring up a few complaints after, and usually I also completely change my mind if they at all disagree.

    Kind of interesting, and maybe not how I should actually be.

    Also, Enefel? What?


    Also, 420, haha funny weed number.


    1. AonEne


      That’s interesting. 

      Are you asking what an Enefel is? Or when you became one? 

  15. Oh dang, also I think you're the 215 thousandth post in the roleplaying section. Good job.
  16. @Elandera can the truthfinders lens be used in every previous cycle as well, or only the current one?
  17. So the people of Vriskatown renamed everything to make it make sense.
  18. Hello! I exist. Not much though, I have homework from being out of town last week. I'll check in a little though, and I'll be back in full by next cycle.
  19. Unfortunately this power was transported uselessly into the environment, someday killing everybody probably.
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