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Everything posted by Kidpen

  1. I dislike the Elandera lynch, largely because I used similar internal logic myself. Not that that lynch is even going forward at this point, but worth saying. Striker is pretty meh to me. I could really go either way on them. I like the idea of lynching people under the radar, but also I think Joe might not show up at all this cycle, in which case he dies anyways. For those reasons I'm gonna vote on Striker.
  2. Ok yeah this is a really weird lynch, but I'm not convinced it's weird cause Devotary is village. At this point, the teammates of elim!Devotary would face a lot of suspicion if they defend Devotary (not necessarily if they had done so closer to the beginning, like you) and later they flipped elim.
  3. Geema stepped out into the market once again, this time without a care in the world. After all, it was Christmas! Why should she care about something on this most wondrous of days. Not that Christmas was a day that was at all different from every other day. Some people quietly do their own thing, but the vast majority of society just kind of continued with life as normal. What was there to celebrate, after all? That didn't stop Geema from enjoying it though! As she walked through the stands, she felt a skip in her step she hadn't felt since last Christmas. Why be worried and depressed when you could be happy all the time! Who cares that there are traitors walking around killing at the drop of the hat. Surely they would wait a day, given that everyone could see how incredibly excited she was. Geema needed exactly 3 more words, but she went a little above and beyond and wrote 2 more sentences! Surely she oughta get some extra credit for this, it was really quite impressive of her to put all this work in even on Christmas. *** I am not loving the Devotary lynch. I can see the reasoning for it, and he certainly wasn't in a good place for that lynch Wow, ok. Just read through C1 again, and although I still feel a bit iffy about Twi, I'm having trouble imagining elim!Twi holding off on changing their vote until the very last minute in the cycle, for fear of it becoming solidified in the opposite direction. And wanting to get the vote solidified is a perfectly valid reason for swapping votes. I'm feeling a lot better about the Devotary lynch. Devotary (just to be clear)
  4. Joining on Christmas? Ultimate power move. Welcome to the shard! Hope you stick around for a bit.
  5. Well that certainly changes things. Grabbed what I saw of important posts (thank goodness for late thread locking and combining) about and by Sart and put them here, mostly for my own convenience. I'm not totally sure if that makes Twi more or less evil tbh. I'll be back to say more soon. Also, quick random note: strongbox was purchased.
  6. It looks like Devotary voted for similar reasons as me. Not that I posted any reasoning. Based on other people's reasoning and my own gut I felt like one of Twi and DeTess were elims, and given that the lynch was leaning towards Tess, I decided it would be best to solidify that vote. I'm going to hold off on voting on Twi until I look through everything again now that I have more time, though.
  7. Alright my take so far is that exactly one of twi and <color=red>tess</color> is Elin but not both. Can't write more on a flip phone.
  8. I didn't take an action. I'll be back with more once I read more in depth. If there's anything anyone wants me to respond to specifically, let me know now.
  9. Yes hi, I'm here with about an hour to look through and respond to stuff ahhhhhhhh why do i do this to myself.
  10. Geema suddenly realized something: she hadn't done enough things! To receive an adequate amount of currency, she would have to go do more things. Appropriately, she proceeded to have a long and interesting conversation with another dude about the origin of epics. The debate stretched the full range of information, each of them reaching every bit of obscure facts available to them. It went on for hours and hours, really digging deep into the depths of philosophy and science. By the end of the conversation, they each felt like they had enough of an understanding into the topic that they could've written a 90 page thesis on it, if there were still any colleges existing to demand so, that is.
  11. Sure, they're very useful, but I have trouble seeing how they can become problematic for the village. The only items that would seem to me like they would be worth blocking by the elims are the binoculars and a knife that's being used on the elims. I could be wrong, but I suspect that binoculars are too rare to really warrant too much worrying about that as long as they aren't outed, and knives could also be used effectively if we organize them well, depending on how many end up out. I think 2 elims with knives is unlikely to be a large problem.
  12. I'm fairly sure it used to be 3. I'm just planning to stay Ookla for a while, I guess.
  13. Geema stepped out into the market, perusing the stalls of various illegal items. She was among the oldest there, as far as she knew. Contraband has always been a young woman's game. That's never stopped Geema though. She examined the items like a hawk eyeing her prey. Almost nothing was of any value. Only 5 or so really, with varying amounts of inventory in stock. She would have to save up to get the real good items. Unless, of course, she just decided to buy as many strongboxes as possible and make russian nesting doll type thing. That could be fun, she thought. Probably not worth the money though. :shrug: she emoticoned, but in real life, so actually she just genuinely shrugged. *** Hello! I exist. Finals are finishing up tomorrow, but they're easy finals and winter break starts right after that. This doesn't seem like that much of a problem, realistically? The only things a knife could possibly block are the gun, binoculars, knife, strongbox storing, stealing, elim kill, and item steal guarding. None of that seems super detrimental to the village tbh, unless I'm missing something. As long as nobody is incredibly obvious with what actions they plan to take, it shouldn't matter. Actually, maybe I should check. @BrightnessRadiant does the knife block the bulletproof vest or smokebomb? I'm assuming it doesn't but worth checking. also if this is stupid you can probably ignore it, I'm a bit tired and stressed right now. I'll look at this again tomorrow to see if I'm just forgetting something obvious.
  14. Ah, thank you! That's about what I expected it to be. I'm moderately excited for that, it sounds like it could be pretty good!
  15. Any chance someone could link to where he's talked about The Original? Based on light research on Will Smith movies I think I have a general idea, but I'd like to see what he's said about it. Super excited about Call to Adventure, especially since it's standalone now. I haven't gotten any of the board games yet, but I'm still planning to eventually, and this might be my first depending.
  16. Can you think of something to do with tomorrow? What about the next day? The next week? The next month? I think when it comes down to it these questions are most important. A lifetime is made up of years, a year is made up of months, months are made up of weeks and weeks are made up of days. The most important step is the next one. On the other hand, I'm a small child who doesn't really know much about life, so idk how valid this advice is. So *hugs*!!!!
  17. Ah, cool. Terezi is a bit of a hard character to get right, honestly. Good luck!
  18. I was actually asking which characters your fic will have. I've finished Homestuck and am currently following HS^2. I probably could've been more clear, sorry. When I said the chess guys I meant the Black Queen and co.
  19. I just searched Homestuck and this was the first thing to pop up and I am now vastly more interested in this. Is it just chess guys or more? I mean I'll probably read it either way but I'm curious.
  20. I think my website is a combination of blacklist and automatic blocking, cause there's no way someone personally went in and blocked everything that's blocked. Honestly I suspect that's the case for most.
  21. SOURCE: https://ectojazzmage.tumblr.com/post/172468159521/a-summary-of-the-cosmere#notes (beware of swears) So yeah, not mine.
  22. *also hugs* Whatever you need from us to help you get through this. We're here for you.
  23. This is what I and I assume most other people using Chrome are getting. Edit: Picture disappeared. One sec.
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