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About this blog

I got bored. :lol: On this blog I’ll write random stuff I want to talk about, probably, and maybe some in-depth stuff about roleplays or characters because I like talking about that stuff. 

Entries in this blog

Random Character Trivia

Because this gives me somewhere to put it so I can reference it later, and somewhere for me to let other people see it, if anyone cares? So this'll just be random lines characters might say, facts about them, etc. in the comments. This stuff may or may not ever be mentioned in-RP, and will be for any of my characters who I think of trivia for. I'll be using the comments for this, but feel free to use them yourselves, if anyone wants to say something or has a suggestion or whatever! 




I don't know why I made this entry. I wonder what its lifespan will be before blogs are killed. Chaos, Paleo, if you see this, I apologize for my randomness  




If these are going to be deleted at the next site update I can put whatever I want here and in a couple years nobody new will know what it said.  testing some features  also Truth ily if you see this 



Shardiversary Update

I just want you all to know, before I begin, that I’ve been hyped about writing this literally since I posted the last one. I’ve mulled over what to say, tried to remember parts...yeah. So that’s fun.  (Despite this, I’m still managing to write most of this way too late at night.)  I’m posting it both in a status update and in my blog as a way of transitioning this tradition to my blog in the future. I’ve only done it once before, so does it need a transition and can I call it a tradition y




I took out some of the quotes in my About Me as part of revising it, figured I'd dump them here in case anyone wonders which ones.   "The Voidspammer sneered at me. "Do you actually think you can beat the mighty ToysRUs, human?"" - Me "I give up it's Fred his name is Fred." - Arlin Me in PMs: Me: Let's make this a roleplay! Some random Sharder: Wait, but this is an Oathbringer summary PM - Me: ROLEPLAY. "GAH! You're having an emotio



I got another one for you :D

If you do this, you absolutely must tell me the first few or at least the first one that you get, it is a rule. (I got energy matter manipulation, which sounds awesome, and solar vision, which as far as I can tell I see literally just seeing normally or looking at the sun or sunlight and being able to see anything.)  These Are Your Superpowers 



Writer Quiz

This is going here because I needed a poll but don’t know if the entire Shard would care about this if I put it in a thread because it’s so small. Anyway, quiz about writers! It’s really weird but I laughed, so. Enjoy https://uquiz.com/H524X5?p=211269  I’m a “fic writer on hiatus due to Going Through It but has been going through it for quite some time”, which, honestly, isn’t that far off... 



Wait a second!

I’ve had the sudden realization that this is a place I can put polls about whatever the heck I want, which isn’t really something you can do elsewhere in the forums. Fair warning, I am going to abuse this feature. 



Character Development - Deteca

Deteca being able to Voidmake is a good way to see the core of her character development. Voidmaking is using the Void to just destroy stuff. It's not technically evil, but since hardly anyone can do it and those who can are DA, Deteca thinks of it as evil, like Hemalurgy (though that's not precisely evil either, and she somewhat knows that, but it's hard to get rid of prejudices). To me, the significance of her being able to use it is in the contrast. It's just another magic system, but it's on



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