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Everything posted by MonsterMetroid

  1. This is one of the things that confused me most about this whole movie. In one scene they mention how Rey is no-one special and the force is for everyone. But in another Yoda is saying and the fact that the force chose her as an opposite would that Make her special? Why would there need to be a prophecy of one to bring balance to the force if the force always balances itself... Some things in the movie really did feel like they couldn't make a decision between two options so they chose both. You are right of course she did beat up the thugs but look at this clip: I think we can all agree here this more looks like a bar brawl and not the refined duelist style we saw from her in the last jedi. Even her fight with Kylo felt unrefined in TFA. And that's the issue many fans are having is she hasn't trained at all because luke won't train her. If you want her to be amazing with the lightsaber you need to explain it because skills with lightsaber and skills with the force are separate. Now I enjoyed this movie a lot! But the main thing that prevents me from loving it is the plot holes it opens up into the Star wars universe and the movie in general. Remember this is Star Wars 8 if you are going to make a movie in a series you must abide by rules set in the universe not just pick and choose what you want and this movie makes it feel fairly obvious that this trilogy isn't being planned as a trilogy, but as 3 separate movies and it shows. Without belaboring the points I made on page 4 of this thread already here are some questions to ask yourself: Why would Luke Skywalker, who surrendered himself to the empire to attempt to save the 2nd most EVIL person in the galaxy because he was his father, even Think about killing his nephew the only son of his sister and his best friend? Why would luke leave a map to find him if they needed help to only refuse to help them when they found him because he came there to die? Why didn't star destroyers warp in front of the cruiser during the longest space chase ever and surround them? Why would Holdo not tell Poe (the guy that sent a bunch of people to die in a mission earlier against orders...) that she had a plan to stop him from ruining her plan? How in the heck did Finn and Rose get back into the base on the planet when they were one step away from the AT-ATs after their salt speeders crashed? Why are Finn and rose even in this movie? (Note I really wish they would have done a stand alone movie for these two cause i love these characters but this arc does absolutely nothing besides make the movie LONG!!!!) I the force balances light and dark whats the point of trying to fight light or dark because if you go dark wont it choose someone else to go light or make someone else more powerful? If darth sideous and darth vader were the last two Sith, where did Snoke come from? Why did the fake dice stick around after Luke died? Heck why didnt he actually come himself? How did Rey escape Snokes ship, meet up with Chewbacca, got on the Falcon, and then find the resistance with no problems from a whole army of first order troops/ships? What did the dark side of the island even do for rey? Anyways like I said it was a great movie but I would have enjoyed the movie much more if it was in a galaxy not far, far away.
  2. I kind of think this would be a stalemate as I dont believe either of them have weapons that can kill the others. I mean even Merry (with his anti Nazghul dagger) and Eowyn only reduced The Witch-Kings power in the Physical realm because Frodo and sam saw him afterwards: And yeah not sure that steel would do much against the Unmade either. Lots of screaming and weird noises I wouldn't want to be around though for sure.
  3. Before Oathbringer this would have totally been me. Which I should have realized as soon as Brandon started making him relatable that he was super ded
  4. Everyone is right that the link to honor and the color blue is tenuous at best. But we know Syl is fathered by the Stormfather and syl is blue-white. Now how boring would it be to just have one of your moons be white? But also most importantly as we see from this quote Sounds kind of like blue-white doesn't it? Plus its way more fun to assume that the moons are associated with shards or investiture sources If we do go off these assumptions though who would be associated with Violet? Remember from the first WoB that OP shared that all existing investiture was assigned to a shard upon the shattering so the shard never actually had to be there to set it up if Adolnasium did it himself. The first thing that comes to my mind is... Ambition. I have always imagined that the shades are a purple hue, and if they and someone knows what color they actually are that would be cool to share. But there are other reasons I like this idea. First is this: There is a whole lot of ambition in SA in people motivations like for instance venli's description on the cover: And if you think of it plenty of other characters with ambition to change culture, tradition, or kill a high king and so on. But we also have the unmade and what they seek/represent I would argure that each of the unmade represent a common goal of ambition... that was twisted by hatred Ashertman- lust and gluttony Dai-gonarthis- suffering of others Nergaoul- killing, physical superiority Reshepsir- Envy twisted into violence and pain Sja-anat- leadership twisted into a form of slavery or mastery and Yelig-nar- pure unadulterated Power So I think the unmade are a splinter/natural occurance of Ambition that Odium also added his splinters to. Thus why Sja-anat would say: It would also make sense why Odium would kill ambition first then come to a Storming planet with two shards!!! he knew he could coopt and hack a portion of the magic system that was no longer being actively directed by a vessel. But thats just a Theory, A cosmere Theory! Thanks for Reading.
  5. Teft is my favorite, as someone who has struggled with addiction (though a different kind than teft's) I thought his chapters were beautifully written and mirrored many feeling of worthlessness and unworthiness I have felt. The parts where his friends find him and show him love really warms me.
  6. There is also this post that really heped me out theorize with the void chart if you need more help
  7. Good theory with some pretty convincing evidence! I have only read through half so far so i will edit this when I finish.
  8. Yeah, I think this is a real Shallan glimpse or at least a portion. She has let all pretenses fall because of her amazement she has stopped portraying lies because she forgets anyone is watching.
  9. Main suggestion I have is when you click a recent source on the sidebar it should take you to the event page with the sources tab set as active. Small thing, but it jars me every time.
  10. I guess I can show you what I have been working on. I'm far from done but this is based on @Otto Didact amazing map found here So I don't have a super detailed portion of Thaylenah city but it looks plausible that storms could deposit gemstones there from kira area. The only concern is that thaylenah mountains are offering a lot of protection to the city there.
  11. Fantastic Post! I am starting to think that you could be right. Something has been bothering me about Shallan and the Davar family in general. We know so little of what is happening with them and the way they all go dark. I am starting to think that not only Shallan but her whole family was touched by Sja-anat. The way Lin is constantly described as having a darkness in him and changes drastically personality wise throughout the flashbacks. The way Balat was tearing things apart, and Jushu and Wikim. It could be that with the brothers this was just grief but with Lin I definately think something was influencing him. It will be interesting to see how the brothers see shallan from others points of views as she in unreliable as a narrator. It will definitely help us know more about this
  12. I agree with @JoyBlu that this definitaley seems intentional and Brandon has said through multiple WoB's that he views Warbreaker as a sort of prequel to SA he wrote it intending to introduce Kaladins Swordmaster. (If I have time I will link the WoBs here later) If that's the case I expect plenty of nods to nalthis and it makes me wonder since we are seeing so much of it what kind of shape nalthis is in currently in the timeline. Maybe there is other reasons Vasher had to come to Roshar besides just convenient investiture.
  13. So we wake it just as the Fuzed woke Thunderclasts from stone, right? We bond Urithiru with a spren. Or multiple spren. Spren that can be trapped in a heart of emerald and ruby. Hmm That's super interesting I always just thought they inhabited the stone itself, but it would make sense that the Thunderclasts would use a gemstone to form there stone body around! Where are the inquistitive minds of the world we need autopsies gosh dang it!!! Haha, yes, my thoughts exactly. I think Dalinar's vision of the destruction of Kholinar included some thunderclasts too. And now at Thaylen City. More data points for @MonsterMetroid's maps? Yeah interestingly I do have purelake as a likely place that gemhearts would be spread haphazardly around as the the bottom of the purelake was described (going off memory here) as having ridges and holes.
  14. Nice haul @JoyBlu That part with Evi and the Iri is super interesting though... makes me wonder if something happened to nalthis that caused a migration.
  15. Sweet!!!!!! ok now we know that patji is laready invested or at least there is investiture already on first of the sun. Thanks!
  16. I am thinking about selling my collection of cards as I have not played in years. My question is what would be the best way to price my collection according to current prices?
  17. yeah I'm having the same problem I have gotten some newsletters but never white sand and I signed up over a year ago
  18. Thanks Joy! I assume it is but if it is we know that patji is already invested and if not we know that shards can grant simliar powers even in different envionments and that patji investing hasnt happened yet.
  19. Not a song but... And what happened, then? Well, in Roshar they say – that King Taravangians small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of the Diagram came through,
  20. Can someone ask "Is Mraizes aviar from First of the Sun, or is it from another planet?" This will help us know if Patji is already invested in the timeline or if it happens later. It will also let us know if magic is affected by location of the shard or not. Edit: man i wish I could come since I'm only in Arizona :'(
  21. Hmm we are starting to get way off topic but this does make me wonder if I would have a better feeling for Dalinars character If I was a widower with kids and an old flame came around. Does this limit how much I can relate to Dalinar?
  22. Sorry but I just have to point out Gallant is a thinking being too
  23. My understanding is that any question as to whether there is an outside force has been RAFOd not definitively confirmed or denied
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