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Everything posted by MonsterMetroid

  1. I agree that it shouldn't be because "he is nice to it" or "he likes to talk to it". It is because he views it as a part of himself I believe Adolin formed a bond with the blade cognitively, he views it as part of himself so much that it is so. The other things which you mentioned are just symptoms of the true cause. Yeah I think we are both saying the same thing just differently. To me "broken" means that the person cannot function: some examples of this among the Radiants are Kalladin at various times who is saved be syl (like the chasm), Teft who turns to the moss and ruined his life nearly to death and doesn't feel human without it, Dalinar who turned to drink and could not function until the night mother, and eventually his nahel bond helped him through the tough times. These people could not function in normal everyday activities, but the nahel bond they formed helps them through their difficulties, which usually are still there but are now bearable. So thats why I dont see Adolin breaking (unless shallan divorces him then I will revise this) he has been through quite the crap storm but he is still functioning and helps lift Shallan and Kalladin up the best he can. He is an anchor in the storm that never lets go. Yes I'm sure he has cracks but like that spear analogy it just shows that he is battle tested and shown not to break.
  2. Ooooh this coincides with one of my favorite WoBs: source This to me says that you don't need to be broken, you just need to be "open" for the nahel bound. Adolin has viewed himself with that blade so long and treated it as an extension of himself that I don't believe he will need to be "broken".
  3. Wow this is a pretty cool way to get to know people! I'm glad misterJack posted in it so I could see it. Though it might take me a while to read all of these haha
  4. Topics on Moash which basically are just like, I hate this guy. I mean how much discussion could there possibly be on how much you hate someone.
  5. "Valens I told you the 'T' is silent its pronounced 'Mon' 'May'" Monmet sighed. "I don't usually work in pairs so I did have some questions about it." The time to take someone to breeze was close at hand. They needed to choose someone quick Kynedath would have to be it
  6. Monmet head hurt, he needed a drink. Listening to merebs street talk, deciphering the little it had, and realizing that Sabine was already dead! Rust and ruin this was bad. He needed to get a partner. He heard Mr. T Foils statement, it was easier to understand than street thankfully but maybe he was a bit touched in the head too. @Alvron "Mr T Foil who do you think we should take to breeze then?" Monmet was genuinely curious as he had no idea but he knew the plants could be planning who to kill next already. OOC: Does pairing mean you could both get lynched though, I'm honestly a bit confused by the pairing still.
  7. Well crap I see why this is called Quick fix I still don't feel like I know anything and a whole cycle happened already.
  8. Well isn't hate a emotion which odium has plenty of? Unless there is a shard that encompassess love, god's own divine love, and romantic love had to go somewhere just as Odium
  9. While I like this theory have we had any proof that she joined them?
  10. I was thinking that originally.... but what if Cultivation and honor the shards are romantically involved, not the vessels. We have seen how the shards can morph all other personality of the holders I don't see why this couldnt be the case as well. Which if it was then she would definately want him to come back whole.
  11. I'm pretty sure that Jezrien's connection with his honorblade is captured in the dagger/gem pair that was used to kill him. Whether that was though stealing connection or storing his whole spiritual being I dont know. We have this WoB that at least helps prove something was taken from Jezrien source
  12. Not gonna lie, with all this amazing roleplay I feel like Vin at her first High society Ball but I will try. The room was starting to fill up as Monmet watched. It was unusual as the crew usually worked in small groups, unless it was a big job. But given the new they had all received it wasn't surprising to him, we had to find these plants fast otherwise they would be killed. So Monmet observed, his back against the wall, and tried to read the interactions. Valens and Wilson were drinking together with soft but serious conversation, Monmet could never keep track whether they were on or off right now but it was nothing suspicious about it for now. Mr T. Foil didn't waste anytime pointing out that Cactus's name was apparently based off a prickly plant. Monmet had never seen or heard of such a plant, and cactus seemed to take offense at the reasoning of the accusation which seemed unusual to Monmet. There was a figure in one of the corners of the room, Arinian seemed to be watching the room but especially Mr T. Foil. Was he intimidated by him? Just wary? It was hard to get a read on his emotions. Jax, what was there to say about Jax. He seemed to be a touch broken in the head, and tonight seemed like a bad night for him. Merb seemed to consider things for a while before he spoke out to the crowd. The sound of Street talk crinkled Monmets forehead in concentration, interpreting this did not come naturally to him. But he thought he was in agreement with Merb that now was a time of action because inaction was certain death. That being said merb and mac both seemed to think that Pestis was a plant. He hadn't even seen Pestis show up yet, did they know something he didn't from out on a mission? Even with all the people in the bar there was still people missing that he expected by now. Steeldancer, Gio, and Sabine came to mind right away. Perhaps the ministry already had them? Or were they possibly reporting that we were supiscious of plants now and that was making them arrive later than most. Monmet decided he need more information. He chose a chair next to merb and took a seat at the table. "What do you know Merb?" Monmet said in his gravelly voice.
  13. Hey guys I realized I dont know where anyone is actually from in 17th shard, but I was curious to see if there is anyone else that lives in the Valley of the sun that might be interested in meeting up and talking about the cosmere and such?
  14. Yeah it seemed farfetch to me I do think Odium believes it but I think he only views anger and hate as Passion I dont think he knows of any other emotions
  15. And you could be right but a demi shard is a pretty good replacement. I think all of us agree though that cultivations future sight seems to be among the best we have seen so far. That makes me think that her plans for Dalinar hasn't come to full fruition yet. It is super interesting to think though how close Dalinar is to ALL 3 SHARDS on the world. Seems crazy to me miracle the man hasn't been pulled apart.
  16. Monmet couldn't believe it, plants in Breezes crew. He has always so carefully vetted people in the past before letting them in. What changed? Monmet will have to watch his back, or better yet have someone he trusts watch it for him. But who could he trust now?
  17. I was talking with my brother the other day, when he mentioned an interesting concept that I thought I would share with you guys. That Cultivation Pruned Dalinar so that he can become Honor. To what extent we don't know yet but let's look at the quote: This tells us about what she did. She was able to prune things from dalinar to allow him to grow. She didn't add anything she basically shaped parts of dalinar to remove temporarily. Now lets look at this quote: (Sorry I dont have the ebook so its a picture) There is the question in the text "Do you know why she did that?" to me that means not only did cultivation have a purpose with the pruning but Brandon is setting up this question to eventually be answered! Now if you were Cultivation, you had pretty good shardic future sight maybe among the best, and you were stuck in a war against Odium by yourself what would you want? Backup, a second shard. I believe she saw in dalinar a way to shape him so that he would bond the Stormfather, become a bondsmith, and start to learn how to use Honors powers. We have seen in mistborn This could very well be what Cultivation has planned for Dalinar similiarly. Dalniar has changed a lot from the man he used to be and we have seen dalinar already take a step in that direction anyways. Thanks to my brother for pointing it out(If he ever makes an account on the shard I will tag him )
  18. Another one That always tears me up is the Storm for kaladin Syl just in front of him it tears me up all the time of what friendship they have. I would buy a painting of that
  19. Yay I'm glad I was able to contribute to overused topics in someway haha. Yeah those posts kind of bother me as well. I actually made a whole thread to refute it but yeah it just turned into another mayalaran thread Honestly I blame this one on brandon, since he hardly ever kills off main characters permanently and half the time it is a fake out when he does. WoR with Szeth and Jasnah did not help either
  20. Lol I guess that's true which means the Shadolin gang feels it is shipping too, bugger. Though for the record I don't think she will end up with either of them at least not from what I have seen so far.
  21. I guess it depends on what you mean by shipping threads too. I started a theory figuring that Shallan and Adolin will get divorced, but that is anti-shiping right? But yeah I touch them I just don't need to live in them. The other topic.. not necessarily thread because I haven't seen many threads around it, is I don't like "Adolin didn't get enough screen time" argument. I mean I understand that many people wished he got more time in the book... but what do they want from talking about it so much? It's not like Brandon is going to add 200 superfluous page to a book that is released. IDK just seems weird to me. haha I forgot about this one. Yeah that is annoying too and comes down to semantics basically.
  22. I agree Amarams fight felt... kind of like the last boss fight in a video game wehre the AI of the boss is so bad you can cheese him. Like it was him trying to go for his shardbow, draw aggro, gim trying to go for dalinar, draw aggro. I dont know it felt really bizzare. Then a cutscene happens and rock save you. That confrontation of the book was pretty disappointing to me, In general I enjoyed the rest though.
  23. The meme is strong in this one

  24. But what if the parshendi turn into spren when they die? Huh huh? Yeah I have avoided all of those just because it seemed obvious to me it wasn't I mean I'm as hopeful for some CS eschonai as the next person but... Yeah I don't think it will happen
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