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  1. Hi all, new to the forums and figured I'd make a post having finished the books. Apologies if this has already been discussed! Does anyone else get the impression that ever since the Heralds have gone mad in rather specific ways and doing a complete 180 of their previous characters (Jez becoming a beggar and avoiding protecting and leading men, Ash destroying all art featuring her whilst being the artistic herald, Taln becoming cowardly in battle, Nalan deserting the law to pursue his own goals, Ishar deciding to start wars to divide men, Battar killing people rather than caring for them), that the 'new' main characters are being set up to take their place? - Kaladin is a natural soldier and after escaping being a slave, became leader of Bridge 4 and relished keeping his men alive (may have something to do with his 4th Ideal not being sworn as he's going to have to accept that under his leadership his men may die and he can't accept that so far), making him a great replacement for Jezrien in terms of protecting and leading as the head of the Windrunners once he gets past the wretch that is his depression. - Shallan is an incredible artist and consummate liar - once she accepts the truths about herself properly, she's being set up to become the new Herald of Creativity and Honesty and lead the Lightweavers. - Dalinar has been a broken man, but thanks to the Bondsmith path he's on now, he's due to become the new Herald of Piousness and Guidance once he discovers Adonalsium properly. - Szeth started out being unjust and doubting his existence in the books, and has slowly become just and confident in himself, making him an ideal Herald for Justness and Confidence. Really cannot wait to see the upcoming fight between him and Nale (because we all know it's going to happen) - Renarin I think will end up something different due to his spren being corrupted, as otherwise he's already pretty learned and gives of himself a lot, so there's not much in the way of progression for him to Heraldom. - Jasnah already has wisdom and needs to relearn to care properly to end up leading the Elsecallers as the Herald of Wisdom and Care. - Lift, like Renarin, doesn't have much in terms of progressing towards Heraldom as she's not as broken as the other main characters, so I can't see her advancing too much towards it. - Taln may end up overcoming his insanity and retake his place as the patron of the Stonewards, but I can potentially see Kadash taking up that position if he doesn't, assuming he survives long enough as he's dependable, resourceful and very stubborn as well. The other orders don't have too much information on, so there's not much I can extrapolate on at this point in time. Maybe another book or two may change that. But does anyone have any thoughts so far?
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