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Everything posted by Odium's_Shard

  1. Put bombs in all the walls at small intervals. He cuts the wall, KERBLAMO
  2. Sorry, as you can tell, my random knowledge covers a wide range of strangely and often indiscriminately remembered facts from my education.
  3. No, no, the brain tells the heart to beat for ten loops (whole ventricular convulsions) in a row by sending out delayed nervous messages to the SAN pacemaker cells... basically, it receives one delayed message every beat, but the brain sends them in batches of ten. To maximise effectiveness, the brain has about 5 wholes batches waiting in the wings, and when it dies, all five are released in periods. 50 heart beats lasts the heart another 45 seconds.
  4. Only solution: spiked walls. That'll stop that crazy baby from breaking up your precious architecture.
  5. Dead bodies can pump blood around the body for roughly 45 seconds after their hosts have 'died' in the definition of 'brain-dead', which is what we might assume a Shardblade might do, ie, cut nervous connections to the brain. Therefore the heart would continue to follow its last instruction (beat) until such a time as the next set are due, at which the brain doesn't respond, and the heart then stops.
  6. Oh, crap, Aiken, he knows about the damnation parrot! I told you not to go running your motor about those secret zoo animalia that we are keeping hidden away for exportation (and huge profits) in case the admins find out! I guess I'm going to have to call it! We'll hide them, including the {wink} giraffe inside that Alcatraz Thread that no-one will ever find!
  7. As you pointed out, I am surprised nobody else has come to this answer sooner. You'd think that after the last 1000 years of cheap labor gathering cocoa beans in South America, somebody would've realised that it isn't what actually ends up in your caffeinated drink... Starbucks has a lot to answer for. After I buy my £2.70 medium latté with semi-skimmed milk. And yes, that's with the chocolate shavings, please. However, following your zinc Savantism, I have decided to attempt to compound wakefulness, and bronze powers, and came up with interesting results, as this thesis demonstrates: Equipment Some one pence coins. Method 1) Ingest some indigestible metal coins (preferably bronze). 2) Allow to travel to the stomach. 3) Fill with wakefulness. Thankfully, I already had some stores of coffee wakefulness available at the time, and so I used these caffienated drinks stores in order to fill the minds without paying a fortune sleeping. 4) Burn. Results Inexplicably, I have severe oesophagus lacerations (maybe due to the use of small bronze spikes, after a failed Hemalurgy experiment), and have not gained any other perceivable benefit from burning the coins, except extreme constipation. Conclusion I am not a Seeker, or an Allomancer of any kind (information sourced from other, similar, experiments, involving water, zinc dust, and a lot of stomach cramps). However, Feruchemical coffee Bronze is as effective as ever, allowing me to multi-task this write up with more ecstatic stock reports. Note: Do not ingest coins, or in fact metal of any kind in concurrence with this experiment. They don't taste very nice, and nor does hospital food.
  8. Odium's_Shard


    (walks into counselling group room) Bob: Hi, everybody, my name's Bob, and I'm a Feruchemical psychopath. Everybody: Hiiiiii, Bo-o-o-ob. Bob: I am here to get help with my issues using Duralumin storage in public... Counselor: Ok Bob, but first, we are going to have to take your stores away. Bob: WHAT, NO?! I didn't sign up for this! Counselor: Get h-- Wait, where did he go? I am suddenly unaware of him... /uncomicalsketch I am the sort of guy who likes to pop people's bubbles for no apparent reason. This includes Allomantic bubbles. Therefore, I am a Leecher. Chromium is my gift, and no Allomancer is my bane. Save for another Allomancer, if another Leecher can destroy my supply of Chromium.
  9. I will take your cookie for my poor humour.
  10. Its one big-chull cookie.
  11. Please avoid double posting. If you wish to make additional points, edit your latest post using the following syntax:
  12. Do you keep that image of a cookie permanently stored on your hard-drive for this particular use? However, I will not complain. Although you have reminded my that I missed lunch and dinner all of yesterday in the mad rush to tell the CEO that nothing happened on the stocks that night. Again. They have an uncanny ability to be able to be completely boring still for periods of about [insert however long I have been looking at it all night every night six days a week].
  13. I have conducted an experiment in order to test your theory about large amounts of wakefulness! Equipment £5 note Method 1) Walk up to the vending machine at work. 2) Click the button that, strangely, is labelled 'Coffee'. 3) Await and then drink your cup of steaming bronze. Results Interestingly, I am able to stay awake long into the night (having afterwards then 'tapped' more of my wallet stores) writing up terribly interesting reports of confluence in the hemalin marketing process, several times alerting my manager of extremely joyful updates in the surrounding stock figures! Anomalies I have a niggling feeling that may it was the exasperating interest that my work provided that enabled me to stay up for so long (specifically, for accuracy, until 5am GMT 0). Conclusion I am a Feruchemist. And surprisingly, all of my colleagues are Sentries. Also, there may be bronze in coffee.
  14. Your point about the number of Parshendi warriors is interesting, but there have been theories that suggest that the reason they don't let people touch their dead is that they might be able to regenerate. Also, there aren't contingents of Soulcasters within each war camp on the Shattered Plains. Elhokar owns all Soulcasters and charges for the Highprinces to use them. This is the Alethi War Tax (in effect).
  15. The Shardplate has no seams, and so there is no way to decapitate them. Also, there is a possible use of visor to prevent the ninja black eggs (of which, incidentally, possession is banned in 25 separate countries due to their effectiveness and ability to be concealed).
  16. It has to do with the Spiritweb, and taking people's essence of Preservation within it in certain ways. Since only humans were given parts of Preservation, if you stabbed a tree, there would be nothing in its Spiritweb for you to steal.
  17. Hush up! Even the use of the word other might somehow inexplicably convince the children that there may in fact actually be subjects of surprisingly hilarious content. Not to mention all of the off-hand comments on similarly-secret threads that are contained within said other thing...
  18. As I said back over on the Austre/Endowment thread, in reply to you, Windrunner: I had the feeling that, because Cultivation would wish things to 'grow', that requires planning into the future, like any farmer would. He wouldn't plant his seeds then sit on his arse for 9-12 months. The person who takes up the Shard maybe originally be resistant from the powers that the Intent of the Shard initially present (ie taking up Cultivation doesn't give you future-sight if you're a short-sighted person), however, due to the nature of the Shard's Intent, it not only drives the adaptations within the Shard's power that enables it to perform these special abilities, it bends the Holder's personality in line with the Intent, such as for Ati. He may originally have liked to plan ahead, but after so long, he is more passionate and destructive. Same would go for Cultivation's Shardholder. Over time, their personality and tendencies will mold into the shape of the Shard they pick up, not the other way around. So in the end, they will get better at seeing into the future, whether they like it or not. They will also become less spontaneous, as I doubt Cultivation is a spontaneous Shard. If her 'experiments/harvests' fail, she doesn't go out on a retribution spree, she instead sits back and plans more complex plots.
  19. Terrisborn... I like it! Three of sixteen once ruled, but now The Broken One reigns! And when the truth dawned came, it dawned in FIRE! However, there is one he fears. In his tongue, he is called twinawesome, TERRISBORN
  20. It is actually noted that the Reverse Lashing is (contrarily) the most conservative use of Stormlight in his available powers.
  21. In fact, the more people are born, the more and more unlikely it will become for a keeper Mistborn to be born, not to mention just a Misting/TwinBorn/Ferring. They are becoming even rarer themselves. Mistborn are just legends and I don't think the populace at large knew there were such things as Keepers. However, my pet name for a Keeper/Mistborn is: Minder's Keepers Minder- Allomancy is instinctive of the Cognitive Keeper- Just completes the joke
  22. Now, well that does it. The person who killed your king has effectively broken the ancient law of 'finders keepers', a sin that must be punished by instantaneous cookie death. Don't Incite Bad Stuff
  23. I take your point about Shardblades -> Spine -> Instantaneous Death. However, if you think about it, it makes sense. Your brain no longer functions. Your entire body is, in effect, paralyzed, as your brain cannot reach them. Even if your eyes didn't burn out, the brain couldn't see with them. You can't move, enter death throes, etc. So, in your mind, in your own thoughts, you have a few minutes of life left until your brain dies, but nobody on the outside would know this, if you could effect no communication or movement. You are dead, but in the same way that a decapitated head can think for another minutes, so could yours, if, say, your spine was cut by a Shardblade. There is just no way of telling that the person is still brain-alive.
  24. I am also with Shivertongue. Everyone on this forum likes bribes/theories/cookies. I especially like to chomp on a good cookie theory every now and again. Actually, now that I think about it, I probably should have proffered a cookie response of my own instead of sat here typing away about cookies you theory.
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