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Everything posted by Odium's_Shard

  1. If Inquisitors ever walk the world of Scadrial again, we now have the most effective counterpoint. Two people, holding a length of aluminium foil between them, rush the Ruin-cursed thing and smother it in Allomantically-inert goodness! Also, aluminium shurikens/bullets could effectively counter both Wax's 'steel-bubble' effect and wouldn't be thrown off by a Slider or Pulser. Would an aluminium spike then just disable one's ability to use Allomancy? Same as a bullet, I guess. Basically, anything that is centred around you, can be ended with an aluminium spike. Anything centred outside you, can be ended with aluminium foil. They should develop throwing knifes that trail aluminium foil nets, one to pierce the Mistborn, then to smother it.
  2. Excretion works just as well. Depends how much fibre the populace at large is likely to consume in order to measure its military efficiency.
  3. I'd still go with 'Fellow Universally-based things' just to hate on parallel worlds.
  4. Subterfuge sounds like a distinctive ability for such a Shard. He shalt forth be known as: Larceny. Endowment v. Larceny. Also, quite a few Shards show this trait, subterfuge. Its more people like Honor and such who are such sticklebacks. Preservation threw in a few obviously sneaky abilities, all about detection, hiding, and confusing. Endowment is the same as Honor, if not worse. Breath cannot be taken? Harsh. However, Larceny is all about taking! Maybe Breath? Counterparts have been known to share 'fuels', if not foci as well.
  5. I believe the exact quote Peacegiver told the priest was to protect them until such as time as he would need them. Clearly in this instance he felt like he didn't want to have them again, or didn't need them. The only thing that bugs me is that there clearly is an exponential happenstance of room for a sequel at the end (one which will not be arriving for a long time), which leaves many points about Awakening untouched, as well as the issues of that 'passing of Breath without death' Command Tredelees had. Also, no explanation at all as to why Denth had Royal Locks, or at least such good control of them, other than that 'Returned can alter themselves, just like you, Vivenna', because apparently she has Returned blood. So Denth was a hidden Returned like Vasher? Also, how did the first Returned give birth in the first place? In my opinion, its left a little too wide open for my tastes, and instead of curious, leaves me fustrated at the dead ends. Also, why did Vasher have to give Susebron the Commands anyway? He could have just Commanded that Phantom army himself, then put it back when he was finished, still holding the Commands, and in complete power of the Phantom army all over again. In some respects, you are right, and Susebron was left with an awful lot of power and an awfully shattered city of gangs, thieves, and broken souls that are probably determined to torture them out of him, because he just gave away his entire Army! Also, they never gave any indication of the last power of the Tenth Heightening, even though they somehow know it may exist? Confusing ending. Too abrupt. Still amazing...?
  6. Here's a hint: See: Chapter in which Kaladin has a flashback to the day he killed a Shardbearer in Amaram's army (only to have the won Shards taken from him and his squad killed). I think he threw something into the Shardbearer's eye between the slits in the helm.
  7. And I'm glad of it. I just finished reading Warbreaker (like just now, don't know why I haven't started it before, but if you haven't, seriously read it, amazing book [as are all of BS']) so now I am, unfortunately for all of you, armed with an array of new examples (focused on the art of Awakening) to use on General Theories, access to the Warbreaker thread to argue with some more people, and a pinch of Lightsong's humour residing within the deep recesses of my mind. Good luck to you all!
  8. One in which Urithuru, a legendary city with incredible technological, and destructive, tools were held. However, it is unsure in the book as to whether the Heralds built it after their 'ascension' or whether it was previously there.
  9. Actually, the ability of the Returned to enlarge ones breasts is specifically quoted by Vasher towards the end of Warbreaker. He says Returned are altered by their own perceptions, and so grow more muscular or better 'endowed' simply by being vain. This is the reason for Blushweaver's 'inhuman endowment'. But Endowment must have given them this divine power, and thus, I am thankful for this particular Shard. Hopefully, its counterpart is equally as helpful.
  10. Spren appear when there is change within an object/medium. Flamespren/firespren appear when a fire sparks or dims, however when another's Cognitive aspect is tied to their observation or notation. Deathspren crowd around dead people (change from life to without it), however don't make themselves visible to normal living people. Dead people only see them, because in the moments leading to their death (or near it, as we see in Kaladin) they seem to have access to all three Realms, Physical (as we all have), Spiritual, where spren seem to be based, and Cognitive (see an epigraph in which a dying man claims to see a 'black sun in a red sky' which is Shadesmar). So spren must have a way of moving from the Spiritual (where they exist around people, just on a different plane of existence, so to speak) to the Physical, where peoples eyes can perceive them. Relations between the two are obviously controlled by a Cognitive aspect, and this seems to be based around change. And is limited when another Cognitive aspect interferes. Why would change induce a Cognitive passage for spren? Clearly it is the Cognitive presence of their Bonded that makes Nahel-spren appear to their host and gain sentience. But something like a fire growing brighter? Fires aren't smart. However, this does make me ponder about Brandon saying that on Roshar Investiture depended on how one acts. Investiture could be explained as the Movement of power from the Spiritual to the Physical (magic) using Realmatic theory to dictate that Cognitive controls the process. But it has been theorized that on Roshar, Nahel bonds (and thus Investiture) come from how one changes 'how they act', such as Dalinar growing more Confident as befits Order 8, Kaladin regaining his sense of Leadership, as befits Order 1. This is change. So this makes me think that change in elements is what shifts the Cognitive into drawing spren from the Spiritual to the Physical. Change in anything causes Investiture (Investiture here being used to described the process of Physical Act -> Cognitive Aspect -> Spiritual Power -> Cognitive 'bending the light' [which is applicable to all other Cosmere magics I know of] -> Physical manifestation of power, as in accordance to which way someone Invested can and did 'bend the light'). Including spren Spiritual -> Physical.
  11. This excites me. Not as a theorizer, but as a reader. Clearly Shallan will be trained, and clearly, through her confirmedly larger POV in SA Book 2, that means we will be trained in the art of Soulcasting. This then sates the logical side of me, because it means I'll have better reasons to argue with people I don't know through a fanatical internet forum about points, facts and theories that may not ever come to fruition in any of Brandon Sanderson's future works. The anticipation of SA Book 2 is almost deadly.
  12. It is Stormlight passing through her Spiritual sDNA gate. Verification of her Soulcasting abilities. I didn't include that in the main post, thanks for helping my reasoning! The gems break eventually because they are subjected to reduced temperature, which causes them to crack. In this instance I feel she is simply verified, not used (because while she feels cold, she doesn't glow or show signs of holding Stormlight).
  13. I hope Endowment turns out more like this in sequels to Warbreaker...
  14. This version was what I call my 'weak' draft. Basically I write my way through the scene by force, look at it, laugh, revise, and then rewrite the entire scene using what I learnt in revision. But soon after, following several unnecessary and rambling descriptions about the world, and a short sequence of events simply to encapsulate the boring historical drool, I forced the character to jump off the cliff in disgust. He didn't really grow at all, there was no progression, really, in the story, it was just a 'filler' chapter, and I hate those. Revised chapter is far better.
  15. It has been previously theorized that a side-ability may derive from the joining of the two attributes, ie Shallan's Memory ability seems the perfect combination of her attributes, in that is a Truthful representation made with Creativity. But what you said in the bulk of your post is akin to the fact that in Mistborn, TLR made sure nobody found out about any of the other metals, and so the populace at large then developed the theory of Ten Metals, Base Metals, Upper Metals, etc around an originally false ideal. BS likes to do this in his works, and I find it very intriguing, in that the characters set out on a dual quest of discovery and purpose, in that they set out with an original purpose (kill TLR), discover an unforseen consequence, and then set out to fix it, all along gaining previously unknown information. So your saying that the people of old saw that certain KR who could perform certain deeds had certain attributes, and so came up with the theory that spren are attracted to these attributes and then give these abilities, it being a false assumption. Perhaps even the KR unknowingly falsely operated under these assumptions, which explains why the attributes are linked to the Orders, as are the abilities, in that the KR felt it was intrinsic that these attributes are present in the individual for these powers to form, even if this wasn't correct. As opposed to the populace developing the attributes to fit KR Orders after the Recreance (which wouldn't make sense under the structure of the Orders already in existence).
  16. If you're getting in the habit, Thought, I thought I'd thread you my first line to Book 1: The Lux Chronicles: Pinnacle of Dawn. 'The sun peaked the horizon, the new day beginning in a ritual of fire.' The context: ' The sun peaked the horizon, the new day beginning in a ritual of fire. Orange streamers shot off in hundreds of directions with a single, mandarin stroke, as Set leant again the railings guarding the cliff’s hazard, watching. Flaking white paint mixed with the minute holes of the rotworms along the surface of the ancient beam, and its ability to shield the villagers against the drop had long since passed its zenith, but Set wasn’t concerned.'
  17. Meh. I am out of theories for today. Need an argument that I can revoke and reply to!
  18. My personal favourite: Flora and Fauna Pt.2: Implementation in Novels They are discussing why Twilight makes no sense (thankyou for that, at least), and then Mary states: 'If they really glowed in sunlight, surely they're the causes of global warming? Not my 1865 coal burner!' Laughs all round.
  19. I meant that perhaps the only way to stop my poor humour invading your entire being may just be to start the new thread yourself, somewhere that I won't care to look, in order to escape my crude jokes... But let me try and find and existing one, perhaps in the off-topic section.. Also, on the odd chance, can you remember what we were arguing about before the jokes, or had we come to an agreement on something and descended into tomfoolery?
  20. By having the shred of common sense that indicates that one is being manipulated. Similarly to Emotional Allomancy. You can't stop it, and the confusion element may be difficult to overcome (because force of will isn't the answer to everything, especially if the magic makes you out of your wits), but recognizing it allows you to assume that a Confuser is nearby, and tell others to prepare, or be on guard, etc.
  21. And I need a new sense of humour... Ah well, maybe I'll think up some more just to force you to find another thread that I can't find
  22. Ok, this theory is about vessels of Stormlight during Surgebinding and why it matters. Thanks to: Telcontar, Goradel's Nephew, ReaderAt2046 Firstly, my ideas about the entire 'Gem determines Effect' theory Telcontar and Goradel's Nephew were running (in which they were suggesting that a gem determines the effect in Windrunning too, and that a sapphire would be needed for Kaladin to Surgebind) , before Reader's helpful interjection (that pointed out that Kaladin uses a diverse range of different gems to Surgebind). As Reader pointed out, it doesn't seem to matter what Gem you use so long as it is filled with Stormlight. This leads me to believe that Brandon, when making Shallan use a Garnet to produce Blood in her first Soulcasting scene, may just be setting up false 'Chekhov's guns'. It has been known. Look up the definition if you aren't familiar with the technique (which as a writer, I am, and take for granted that other people should...). But onto my theory about the use of Stormlight in a gem: Kaladin is said to 'infuse' himself with the Stormlight from a gem by 'inhaling' (may be something to do with Body Focus or Order 1, Inhalation). Here, it seems any vessel can be used for the Gem -> Kaladin-infused-with-Stormlight stage. Here's where it gets sort of complicated (for me to explain, I'd hope you understand). Kaladin is the vessel used in the particular sort of Surgebinding in which he engages (presumably 'windrunning'). That's right. Not the gem. The gem, in this instance, is not used up or damaged, for it is in no way participating in the Binding. Just Kaladin. So, Kaladin, being filled with Stormlight, now uses it in order to facilitate a certain Binding (Lashing) of his choice. He then takes the damage we see the gems Jasnah use get (presumably because of the cold placed on them when used immediately [see below]), feeling the cold. It sounded like the same process as gem -> Kaladin in that he 'infuses' other people/objects. However, it is at this instance that I shall (perhaps not without precedence) say that he then 'bends' the Light to perform the tasks, and his sDNA codes for in which ways he is able to bend it using the stages laid out in the 'Three Parts of Magic' (Realmatic theory of Binding). Firstly, Nahel Bond with spren: Physical deed -> Cognitive change (personality) -> Spiritual recognition (assuming spren are spiritual beings) Spiritual spren/altering of sDNA of host -> Cognitive gain of sentience by spren -> Physical link (appearance of spren? Following of spren?) Secondly, access to Stormlight: Physical inhalation from source -> Cognitive draw (inner inhalation, if you will) -> Spiritual movement of Stormlight (assuming Stormlight is a spiritual fuel) -> Cognitive exhalation -> Physical exhalation (this sequence uses both inhalation and exhalation: inhalation is the drawing in of Stormlight, exhalation is letting it go naturally (Kaladin says breathing releases Stormlight faster) but also through things like pores in your skin)) Lastly, Binding (after Stormlight infused): Physical touch -> Cognitive will of movement -> Spiritual sDNA check (check of Nahel bond?) Spiritual movement of Stormlight -> Cognitive bending of the Light (thought of which power to use) -> Physical ramification (people stuck to the ceiling, etc) What's most important here is that Kaladin is the vessel (as would any other KR Windrunners, presumably). However, in Shallan and Jasnah's case, at no point do they inhale Stormlight, nor glow all over (this would give them away terribly, though). I believe this is because the vessel used in this instance (at the point of the Binding) is in fact still the gem. This explains the entire theory about gem -> Essence made relationship in Soulcasting, while Kaladin has no trouble using other gems. The Stormlight needs as vessel in order to be used for Bindings. This is pretty obvious throughout all Bindings. However, it is at no point specified what the vessel needs to be. In this case I take Telcontar's point that this is why gems are necessary for Bindings, because they are (as well as appropriately Bonded Surgebinders) one of the few vessels that can take up Stormlight, and at any rate, Highstorms aren't the safest places for more fragile vessels like humans. We tend to break easily. And so, in accordance with my 'bend the Light' -> produce a Binding/Effect theory, in the case of say Shallan, it was the gem she used as the vessel that determined the particular Effect produced. Because the vessel bends the Light akin to a prism splitting Stormlight. However, a Human vessel has access to as many functions as his sDNA and thus Nahel bond allows, the gem only has access to one of the Essences (and perhaps in other Bindings, one of the Bindings, as we are unsure whether all Surges apart from Transformation require Inhalation of Stormlight [because the Body Focus of KR order 1 is Inhalation]). So a Transformation would go like this: Physical touch (lets ignore Jasnah for now) -> Cognitive Truth/Giving (as Shallan gives a truth) -> Spiritual check of sDNA/Nahel (and permission given by Truthspren?) -> Cognitive Shadesmar (as in the entire transportation, talking to object, freeing it, all the necessary jobs) -> Physical rendition (goblet -> blood) This theory (probably not entirely original, its most likely already been suggested, what with the collaboration of devious minds that feed upon this forum) shalt now been dubbed, in truly flowery fashion, as 'The Realmatic Distortion of Stormlight through appropriate Vessels in Surgebinding and other Rosharian magicks'. Notes: Theory aka TRDSVSR 'Rosharian' is now completely owned and copyrighted by me unless anyone can otherwise prove that the term has previously been used. The only counter argument (to my knowledge, at least) that I can perceive to my theory (please find any others) is that the body (in my Realmatic portrait of the inhalation of Stormlight) seems to accept the inhalation of Stormlight before the Spiritual Realm has even checked to see whether it is possible that you can, and, unless these processes are instantaneous, would lead to a rather awkward moment in your chull-training career. I hope this post was very clear. If you don't understand, tell me, if you don't agree, tell me, if you have a differing opinion for which you have proof, most certainly tell me, and if you do like it, don't keep it to yourself!
  23. Zas does that mean Brandon almost explicitly confirmed that it had a Physical focus (ie something you can hold)? Lucky catch! Might post fully on General Theories with some line-to-line edits (ie taking out reference to above posts, adding in evidence).
  24. ^ Guard: Did you hear that? Guard 2: Hear what? Guard (Confused suddenly): I... don't know? Guard 2 (Makes gesture with ear): What was that, I didn't catch it, you were speaking nonsense? (Assassin walks calmly across room while the guards are facing the wall) Guard: Oh well, it must've been my imagination. Guard 2: Yeah, me t-- (Both knifed in back)
  25. It is my belief that all Power of Creation, as BS puts it in Zas' interview, is seated in a Spiritual domain, as is the fractured power of all independent Shards. And so, the Spiritual domain has two keys (for the sake of this argument, don't take this literally and flame it). One is, the code of the focus you are attempting to use (because it is agreed that the focus must be present in all acts of magic). For example, the molecular structure of the metal tells the Spiritual domain something (like the troughs and points on a key) and it frees the appropriate power. Next, Cognitively, you will the power into you. This previously required some Physical action (ingestion, touch, closing the eyes, drawing the Aon, etc). Except, the power of the metal, say, doesn't just flow into anyone. Here comes in your sDNA. Your sDNA is another, second, code that makes sure you are at liberty to use the funnel of power the metal has triggered. Say you are attempting to burn pewter. You Physically ate it, Cognitively gave the command to burn, Spiritually invoke the power (and are checked at these two locks) Cognitively use the power (in practice, ie, Push here) and then are Physically altered (stronger, faster healing rate, resistance to alcohol, etc). So Investiture, as in the Power of Creation in mortal form, can only be accessed in these two ways (structure/code of focus variation (ie pewter is a variant of metal) used, code of sDNA), and this makes sense by everything we know.
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