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Everything posted by Odium's_Shard

  1. Do you like my signature? No waffles, but plenty of The Epic God Metal.

  2. It wouldn't surprise me. I'm more interested in the psychology side of things, which is what lured my interest in quantum mechanics. After all, what better way to disturb the human mind than to meet something it cannot fathom? Also, the fact that things exist that we cannot control or even understand in the slightest, that challenge every rule we have ever known, makes for interesting theological contradictions within the human ethos. Limits the powers of 'anthropocentralism'.
  3. I still feel that this was the basis for the spren-observation phenomenon, with a few edits so that Brandon wasn't fully copying the original theory, ie, the addition of the need for the notation of the observation. But then it has been theorized that the connection to the spren Cognitively causes them to conform to certain patterns.
  4. Why don't we just call everybody who has so far participated in this thread a 'Discoverer of The Epic God Metal'? Signature material, that.
  5. Does it? Or do they just write it down anyway, and don't notice that it's the fact they are being measured that alters the spren, not the process of notation? EDIT: You know of the Double Slit experiment? I underestimated people's awareness of this experiment. It was quite popular at the time, but isn't taught anymore because its 'accepted' science. Hat's off to you for knowing the reference.
  6. As sound as the The Epic God Metal? I thought not. Now hush as me and CrazyRioter enjoy our chips while watching a giraffe king.
  7. Before you start, yes, I am a 'nerd'. If you aren't, what are you doing here? In the words of Shivertongue: who let you in? Now, on topic, interestingly at University today in a lecture, I got my teacher talking on the subject of quantum mechanics and a few of the foundation rules of it. Now, you'll probably find this terribly boring, but I decided to put together a little demonstration as to why I feel that spren are related to quantum physics. Firstly, the experiment. A beam of individual photons is fired at a wall directly into the center, that has two slits on either side, which at the same size: --------------------| ----------------------<-slit ----beam-----> | <center ----------------------<-slit --------------------| You see? Now, ordinarily, you'd think that light would just hit the center and nothing would happen. Wrong. Photons are particles, unlike light waves, and so the can move. So, oh, ok, they'd just go through the two slits and the journey to the paper behind and cast light in two dots, parallel to the slits, right? Wrong? Yes, actually. Instead, the light particles spread out, and they hit each other, which causes interference. Eventually you get a pattern that looks like continual bands of light and dark, and it looks somewhat like this: Cool huh? Right, out with the nerdy stuff. In with the 17S stuff. So, when you don't actually observe the path that the photon takes (it has to choose one and only one of the slits, presumably), you get this effect. However, when you make this adjustment: ------------------------| --------------------------<-slit ----beam-measurer> | <-center --------------------------<-slit ------------------------| ie when you add an implement that is capable of measuring the path of the photons, with someone there watching as the photon picks which side it went to (this experiment was originally done to measure tendencies of movement of particles, by the way, not for this exact purpose), you get different results. Instead, the photons alternatively picks a side, and then for the two dots of light at the end, that you would expect without the above fancy pattern. So, if you observe it, the photons act the same, uniformally. This implies that when unobserved/measured, the particles take boths sides at the same time, effectively splitting and then reforming on the other side, to make the fancy pattern. This phenomenon has never been explained (as it defies all laws of physics, as do all the laws of quantum mechanics). and the moment I heard it, it immediately made me think of one thing: spren. And that interlude in which the two people observe it and noticed that it becomes a uniform pattern, and yet when unobserved, the spren seem to move about randomly. Do you think Brandon used this experiment as an idea to base spren's movements around? Or is it coincidence. Do you think that spren move this way in all environments, not just Roshar? And what do you think to the theory in general, as in, as it takes place on Earth? Surely it is extraordinary? And what do you believe actually makes spren behave like this, other than the fundamental principle of quantum mechanics: Observation alters the outcome of the experiment. Similar to the old adage: If a tree falls in a forest, does anyone actually hear it? Or just see the dead tree and presume that it fell?
  8. Odium's_Shard


    In order not to deviate the topic, I have put my response in spoiler tags.
  9. Can't reasonably avoid it? They can't force you to burn it! But, as you say, if she hadn't, they would've killed her. Also, very good for popping a Cadmium users bubbles.
  10. Did you know that the Dead Sea is named so because it has so much The Epic God Metal in it that when any animals wishing to live in it breath in the water, their minds are so suddenly filled with creativity that they implode and die based on the law of The Epic God Metal makes you mentally insane.
  11. I was thinking of Shards like diamonds all through your post. In order to break diamond... hit it with another diamond.
  12. The waffles with giraffe honey. Everyday, 4g of fibre. Where can you go wrong?
  13. Sorry about that. I thought it'd be okay if I... invited a few friends. I never meant for the giraffe to be killed, honest. Nor the parrot. Light-hearted fun, y'know...? After all, its not as if any of us have been causing some sort of completely off-topic ruckus or anything, right?
  14. Or, additionally, you could Riot somebody's tendencies towards pain. So Riot their sensation of pain, then stab them non-lethally, and the screams will severely damage moral.
  15. You do know that the best way to counter aluminium is not to actually eat any of it ever? The best way to counter chromium is not to let random strangers touch you. Or wear an aluminium-foil cape.
  16. Did you know that giraffe's saliva contains a poison that makes people love cuddly animals? It's true. Did you know that giraffe's tongue are black because they lick their body to heat them up in the winter, and black absorbs sunlight? It's true. You get the gist?
  17. Don't worry, Kaladin will save us all! And if he dies: But if the fails, we still have Siri and the God King! But, then, if they kick the bucket: Even so, I'm sure Harmony's not going to just sit around and...
  18. You... You! I swear to you, that giraffe king was my kill! And I won't let it go! I'm teaming up with Shivertongue against you! And don't try to spin me no story that the giraffe was eating your damnation bagels!
  19. As for the problem about being below Emotional Allomancy as a Mistborn: This could be solved by having a Soother/Rioter and a Nicroburst against a cavalry charge, ie, Sooth away their confidence, or Riot their fear.
  20. Odium's_Shard


    No, one would assume that they would equal out. The blood flow would move fast to one side, then slow to the other, and the heart would then pump at the same beat. The neuro-transmitters would be slower, but they travel at the speed of light (3x10^8m/s) anyway. The heart attack occurs when the heart either stops beating or cannot beat (due to a blockage, etc.).
  21. I apologize because at some point in the future you will be, once again, burdened with unnecessary and useless knowledge, solely in order for me to drive home a point. Eventually you will sink from the battleship-worth of random facts that will be unloaded onto you if you again question my 'knowledge' of heart neuro-transmitting units... and the involved chemo-transcriptular organs to receive electro-convulsion impulses...
  22. The fact it works on animals make sense. After all, you're injecting the appropriate Spiritweb for, say, Mental Allomancy right inside it! But, I doubt it would work from animals, as they don't have the Spiritweb of Physical Allomancy for you to steal, however it would work if you were going to steal something like strength, because animals have that. If you were to try to steal Enhancement Allomancy, it would give the same effect as stabbing a human who doesn't have Enhancement Allomancy: nothing.
  23. And the giraffe, Spoonface... Think of the giraffe! I can't believe he's gone... And that no amount of wordhats can save him...
  24. Hatred, as in Odium, is the very essence of patience. Revenge is best served cold, for example. If you hate something that much, as Odium hates everything, then it is more important to you to win the war instead of the battle, to annihilate your enemy completely. Odium is the kind who would wait for the opportunity to wage a massive scale desolation of the populace, as opposed to taking every potshot he can to kill anything. After all: The best revenge is to survive.
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