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Borio Singaldi

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Status Replies posted by Borio Singaldi

  1. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      This article is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.

    2. (See 1305 other replies to this status update)

  2. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      HA! Hahaha! I remember this one. Long time, no see, hehe.

      Weird, I got notified of this even though I thought I turned off the status update settings. That's funny.

    2. (See 1305 other replies to this status update)

  3. I think this was @DramaQueen's old pfp on Discord.

    It's trippy.

    But I'm keeping it for now.

    Sorry if it's confusing.

    You should play Hollow Knight.

    *zooms away*

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      I'm just glad I can say no one else on the Shard has the same pfp as me, hahaha.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. We’re having an open mic night at my school and I’m wondering if anyone has some suggestions on an excerpt I could read from one of Sanderson‘s pieces. It would have to be something that could be read without context 

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      I recommend one of Hoid's stories, like others on here have said. Maybe the story of Fleet, set to a stomping tempo.

      Ooh, or maybe excerpts of Alendi's logbook from TFE.

      I also think the Way of Kings prologue suggestion is a nice idea.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Well it's 9:57 in the evening and I want to go to bed.

    But it's also May 16th.



    And, somewhat unfortunately, this takes precedent over sleeping a reasonable amount.

    First and foremost.


    I've been on here for five years.

    I uh... technically joined when I was 12, but we don't talk about that. Or any of my early posts. 

    A whole hecking lot has changed over those five years, and a lot of it in no small part thanks to this site and the amazing people I've come into contact with. You all got me through a really rough patch (AKA middle school) and then about two years ago I got onto Discord and just got to know some people even better.

    You all are amazing.

    Time to start the list. 

    @The Awakened Salad SALAD. Thank you for being the other half of STAELSAHD, for putting up with me despite all of my many erm... moments of being a crummy friend, and for forgiving me. Every time I look at the moon I think of you and your 42 elbow-ed arms reaching down to pat me on the head. You're one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do without you. And I know that I most certainly wouldn't be where I am without you at this point. And thanks, of course, for watching Barbie movies with me in the ungodly hours of the morning. Honestly, those are some of my fondest memories. Dragons!!!

    @AonEne Eeeeeeeeeeeeene. I can't even put into words how awesome you are. Like dude. You ROCK. You're one of my closest friends, and the FAB squad just wouldn't be the same without you. I mean, then we'd just be the AB squad, and that'd be weird... But you're just so kind and amazing and funny and I love you so much. Hanging out with you in person is always a joy, and VCs are always an adventure. Thank you so much for coming to the anthology release, and putting up with my weird ramblings about stuff. You're amazing. Avi!!! Also I've been on the Shard longer than you so HAH. :P

    @Knight of Iron Koi. I gave you your nickname and I'll be forever proud of that fact. You're such an amazing, kind, considerate, and thoughtful friend. I love talking with you so much, and just... You're amazing. Thanks for the help figuring out Hollow Knight, and for talking about random stuff. You're one of the best people to talk to about Random Stuff. Honestly, you're just a really cool person and I really really value our friendship. 

    @Ed Venture Vennie! I LOVE YOU. I love talking about musicals with you, and often times the more serious aspects of life and stuff. You're honestly just one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I can't wait for the day when we'll be able to watch a musical together. It will happen some day, and it'll be so much fun when it does. 

    @Channelknight Fadran Fadrinooooooo. THANK YOU for going to all those awesome writing things with me. You're so much fun to hang out with at them, and your chaotic energy is infectious. Thanks for yelling at everyone to play Hollow Knight. I suck at it, but it's fun, and I wouldn't be playing it if you didn't talk about it all the time. 

    @DramaQueen Have I ever told you that you're just a really really cool person? You're such an amazing friend and I just love talking with you. You and Fadran are adorable and I can't wait to be your basement gremlin. We'll go see musicals all the time and drag Fadran to all of them so that he will actually have to listen to them. :P Tell Petri I say hi! 

    It's not letting me tag people anymore for some reason so I might just have to do that in comments. 

    @Condensation I love talking to you and hanging out with you and just... you're cool. It was so much fun to hang out with you that night in March. I don't have much that's very specific to say, just I love you and you're such a good friend.

    @Vapor VASPIE. You are the bestest bowl. And, once again, hanging out with you that night in March was one of the best nights ever. It was just a blast. I love you so much. Tell Chowder I say hi. :) 

    @Mist I haven't really talked with you much lately, but you're such a cool person. Meeting was really cool, and I hope we can see each other again before too long. 

    @Doomstick Shortie. Thanks for coming and visiting me this winter! That was such a fun day and I'm really glad I had that opportunity to hang out with you. You're a huge fricking nerd and just an all-around cool person. DFTBA!

    @Hentient ALSO DFTBA. Thank you for being the cameraman at Fadran's birthday party! I really hope I can meet you in person some time soon. (Wait I just realized that you'll be at the same school as one of my IRL friends from where I live.) You're also a super cool person. Tell Toto I say hi! And DFTBA!

    @S4S You're one of my oldest friends from here. You've been there since the beginning. And I'm so sorry you were there at the beginning. :ph34r: You're also a super cool person (is it just me, or am I friends with a lot of really cool people? Maybe I have a knack for finding you all.) and a super talented writer. Talking to you again after two years was amazing. I can't even tell you how cool that was. All I can really say is thank you. 

    @Firerust You've also been around for quite a while! Thank you for carrying on KotC for so long. You're also a very talented writer, and a very good friend. And, like with S4S, talking to you again after those two years was an incredible experience. Thanks for hanging around. :) 

    @King Aragorn of Gondor You're also super cool!!! Talking to you is always so much fun and I always tend to stay up later than I mean to when I do. :ph34r: Thanks for being awesome. Tell Bucky I say hi! He's such a good birb.

    This is by no means everyone. I'm missing a ton. However, if I did miss you, this is for you: YOU'RE SO COOL AND SUCH AN AMAZING HUMAN AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. 

    The Shard has honestly been a huge part of my life, and generally for the better. Thank you all for being here with me for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

    It's now 10:36.


    "I think two of the fundamental facts of being a person are 1. We must go on, and 2. None of us ever walks alone."

    Thank you for walking with me.

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      *tries not to cry*

      It's been some time, hasn't it? Always glad to see you around here or the Discord. I miss those frequent chat times and constant RPing, but the memories still live on in a place of gladness. I'm just glad we're still here and all still friends. Thank you for being my friend.

      Happy freakin' Shardiversary!!! Love ya!!!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. *is totally not reading tWoK for the twelfth time in five years*

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      You've posted, like, three times as much as me, so that might be what you've got going for ya. 1,919 is not "never posting anything". ;)

      Congrats, Radiant! Hey, it makes sense to be reading that one again, it's the Windrunner book! Can't get more Tesh than being a Windrunner, right? Life before death, Radiant.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Honestly, screw politics or money. The feeling of power you get sitting in front of a piano is unmatched. 

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hahahahaha guess who's having urges to reread the entire Cosmere literally two weeks before AP tests hahahahaha definitely not me.


    DANG IT.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Haha, I have finals in two weeks.

      Probably not the best time for me to want to record a bunch of YouTube music videos at one time to schedule for future release hahahahaha(laughter turns to crying)huhuhuhuhuhuhu. :lol::blink::unsure:

      That was weird to write. Come to think of it, why do we not have a written expression for crying like we have for laughing? "Boo hoo" doesn't count, because it doesn't fit in the way "hahaha" fits laughter.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Fantastic, another addition to my incredibly long list of music to listen to on Easter, muahahahaha!

      Thank you for sharing this.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I've been on this wild roller coaster of a fansite for four years and I ain't about to get off anytime soon. Here until we crash and burn, baby. ...Let's not, though. 

    This time I'm going to save musings for after the Compliments Section. This is so I can put the staff right at the top, as they tend to have limited time, so certain people don't have to ask for a TL;DR anymore. :P I intentionally won't try to mention everyone, or anywhere close actually, but I love every single one of you. 

    First up: @Chaos, as intimidated as I used to be by you, I now think you're wonderful and kind and I really admire you. I enjoy talking with you even when we're both tired and really should be sleeping. Can't wait to read your book someday. 

    @Argent, your humor and measuredness make the world a better place to be in. I'm very glad I get to know you. 

    @LewsTherinTelescope, you're cool and things. Words are hard but talking with you is always Good. You know what I mean. 

    @Otto Didact, one day I am going to meet and hug you and the world will probably be at peace or something. I need to talk to you more because you're amazing and your Dad Vibes are healing. Also, you have possibly the best hair in staff chat. Don't tell Evgeni. ;) 

    @Kaymyth, speaking of parent vibes, you are really cool like so cool and also so loving and also like can I have your autograph someday?? Literally, I mean, I'm gonna be buying your books eventually :D 

    @Paleo, your wizardry is fantastic, but your creations aren't the only thing making you awesome. I appreciate you and your help very much. 

    @Voidus, you and your care and thoughtfulness have never ceased to be there, and I hope I get to talk to you, read your RP, and hear about your campaigns and kiddos being cute forever. 

    @firstRainbowRose and @little wilson, meeting you two at the last Dragonsteel Minicon was so fun and you're both so nice! I'm excited to see you both again. Mi'ch, you are incredible and don't forget it. Kendra, sometimes I just think of you and your offers to talk about stuff and it's...steadying. <3 

    Working with all of you continues to be an honor and a joy, and hanging out with you more so. On to non-staff! 

    IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT THE BENES. @The Awakened Salad @Tesh ARE YOU GUYS READY TO BE DELUGED IN LOVE? I hope so because you're my best friends and more important to me than all the world. Specific compliments elude me when everything applies, so...reread our platonic wedding vows, kiss your pet, and know that you are the beaniest FAB Squad ever and I will never, ever forget you and our conversations and hangouts. 

    You are skilled, you are loved, you are interesting, and I will always listen to you. May dragons, avi. :wub: 

    To the many people I've met in-person at various times over the past year - I absolutely loved it, for the record, and you are as awesome as sour Skittles. 

    To those I've talked with after absences, I'm overjoyed to speak to you again. Special shoutout to @Ashspren - chatting with you on Discord has been great, Ash! 

    @Robin Sedai, I don't know you super well yet but you're really kind and I hope your life is going well. I always look forward to singing Hamilton with you :P 

    @Wyndlerunner beep. *boops your nose* 

    @#1 Taln Fan, you are awesome and amazing and funny and don't you ever let yourself forget it! 

    All of you reading this deserve individual statements, but I'm too tired to do something more elaborate - totally lost track of the days and wasn't writing this one in advance. No way I could keep up the giant lists forever, anyway. You all take care of yourselves, you do deserve it - and I know it's hard sometimes, or most of the time, but it will get better, I promise. No matter what. Keep hanging on. 

    I haven't been very active on the forums this past year. I mean, I've been on, but only about ~500 posts outside the games is telling. Still, despite that, I've had a grand time both here and on the server. I've graduated, gotten a job, and become a different person in many ways this year. I'm fairly happy with who I am now, which is nice, lol. 

    I won't apologize for this not being more ornate, I'm too tired. Knowing the lot of you is an adventure, and I never want to give that up. 

    *toasts you all with a glass of eggnog* Love ya. May this next year be better than this one, and with less hardships for those we love. 

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Ah, so I'm only not mentioned because you were too tired to add me

      Jk jk, no h8 m8 <3 u


      Man, I remember back in the day when you first joined the site. That's right, I've been here longer than you so I remember you being new. The dear sweet little n00b that was you. And then you joined every RP in existence and talked to everyone and begged me to give RWBY a try because you thought I'd like it, and you steadily rose through the ranks faster than anyone else who has ever joined (probably now being the youngest member of site staff ever, so that's an achievement!) and while I was gone on a mission, became a mod and featured Shardcaster. Yours is truly a story of greatness on here, Ene.

      Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for all that you do for us and are to us. I'm glad this site could be like an online home with a virtual family for you, and I'm glad to be part of this great, crazy online family with you.




      (And one of these days, we will meet in person and I will give you a huge hug.)

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well, here we are, with my fourth Shardiversary upon us. How has it already been four years? Like, seriously, how has it been that long? The last year has been one of my most momentous as a Sharder, despite my relative... well... lack of posts. We had the first Dragonsteel Con, and just recently the rather momentous occasion that is Brandon's secret novels. While I still notably have struggled to actually get around to reading Cytonic, we also have TLM scheduled for this fall, which is sure to kickstart a lot of discussion. Now, onto the special mentions!

    @Firerust, now that you're off your mission, I can bug you with pings again, heh. But seriously man, I cannot overstate how important my friendship with you has been. You were one of my first 'Cosmere-literate' friends IRL, and without you pestering me to start a Shard account during our little library geek out sessions, I wouldn't have made the great memories I've made here. 

    @AonEne, my friend in high places! I would not have met you without this website, and I do think that's a point in its merit. In terms of the past year, we actually got to meet in person for the first time at Dragonsteel Con after nearly 3 years of friendship. It's honestly kind of surreal!

    @overlord stick, Stick my friend! one of the few cases where our friendship hasn't really revolved around Brando Sando in quite some time lol. Thank you for always being so indulging of my eccentricity, and enduring of my continuous prods to catch up on Demon Slayer. 

    But seriously, all of you are super important to me, and while I might not post on this site a whole lot nowadays, I really appreciate all of your friendships. Here's to another year!


  12. I just realized I told Discord but I didn't tell the Shard yet - I GOT A JOB! My first! It's at a bookstore/gifts place, and so far I really like it. It's still work, but the other employees are cool and the store itself is really awesome, exactly my kind of place. My newly earned income is going to hate me, though, because I want to buy so much there :P 

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      And here I am working at a deli. Jealous!

      Congrats though, that's awesome! :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. tenpo tu li lon!

    (also for this day, DD/MM/YYYY is the only correct format)

    so it's 22/02/2022


  14. tenpo tu li lon!

    (also for this day, DD/MM/YYYY is the only correct format)

    so it's 22/02/2022


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Storming storm it, it messed up my formatting! NOOOO!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. tenpo tu li lon!

    (also for this day, DD/MM/YYYY is the only correct format)

    so it's 22/02/2022


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi


      The only reason to not use MM/DD/YY, Farhrenheit, 12 hour time, and the Imperial system is if you hate Freedom.





      Appreciate my effort, please. :P

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. tenpo tu li lon!

    (also for this day, DD/MM/YYYY is the only correct format)

    so it's 22/02/2022


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Using Doomstick's aforementioned format, we find ourselves with a perfect palindrome.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Happy birthday!

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      For me, my birthday hadn't even happened yet when you posted that! :lol: That's very sweet of you, thank you!

  18. Well, I forgot to announce this when I got back a month ago, and most people probably know this, but...

    Hey everyone. I'm back after two years.

  19. Well, I forgot to announce this when I got back a month ago, and most people probably know this, but...

    Hey everyone. I'm back after two years.

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Thanks, Nathrangking. Good to be back.

      Hey Stick, you can call me Fire for short. I am what you could be.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      *shrug* I don't know. I couldn't tell when I signed in again. But I will get a lot of notifs from it now.

    2. (See 1305 other replies to this status update)

  21. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      It's just as memorable and annoying now as it was three years ago.

    2. (See 1305 other replies to this status update)

  22. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


  23. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      We have the longest thread, is this the longest status update comment thread?

    2. (See 1305 other replies to this status update)


    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      Dude, so did you when you came back 2+ years ago.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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