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Everything posted by Eki

  1. Yeah, I think Listener forms are older than the shards' presence on Roshar.
  2. Depends on what you want to do. There's lots of world exploration if you haven't done that, and lots of ways to gear up without HoT as well. You might also want to try WvW if you haven't already. It's not for everyone, but some people really enjoy it. I haven't played for a while, so I don't know how the PvP scene has changed. Last I played, many elite specializations were generally superior to their base classes... Is that more balanced now?
  3. I'm playing Bravely Second. Mostly an improvement over the first game, but it was very easy to get overleveled.
  4. Just finished The Lies of Locke Lamora. I really liked it! It took a while to get used to the viewpoint though (third person cinematic? I'm not even sure), I'm so used to reading third person limited or first person. Also, the real life quotes in between parts kind of took me out of the story... Nitpicking, I know, but I don't really understand why they are there... I'll continue reading the series for sure!
  5. Susebron's sexuality is actually a bit interesting to think about. Like he told Siri, he finds everyone beautiful - full of intricate colors. That doesn't necessarily mean he finds everyone attractive, but it does mean he thinks more about personality than anything else. Who knows, having such a ridiculous amount of Breath might turn a person pansexual!
  6. Among the ones no one has mentioned yet (I think?), I think Bleeder's death affected me the most. It's just such a sad story, in almost every way.
  7. Eki

    Baby Breath

    That's a good point. In the book we also hear of the daughter of a God king, with no mention that she was Returned.
  8. What's the patron shard of people who wake up slightly too early and then feel kinda almost-tired throughout the day?
  9. Keep in mind that the second arc could possibly be up to fifteen years away. That's a lot of time to change.
  10. Eki

    Baby Breath

    From what I understand, this is often how it happens, but not always. Sometimes the next God king really is the son of the current one. We don't know how that happens, or if that child is stillborn or not.
  11. Part of them did. Even Ruin's changed versions didn't fit Vin completely, but she still believed they referred to her.
  12. You mean iron, I think. Steel stores physical speed. I just want to point out that conservation of energy doesn't really seem to hold in our universe, since the expansion of space messes everything up. Two gravitationally bound objects technically gain potential energy as the space between them grows, and the wavelengths of photons are stretched out as they travel through expanding space. Not much to do with this topic I suppose, but interesting nonetheless!
  13. Vin was chosen (by Preservation) sixteen years before the Well filled up, and by then Kelsier hadn't snapped, so that's something to keep in mind too I guess. Personally, I think Preservation designed the prophesies to fit Alendi, Vin AND Sazed, along with any potential people who had taken the power of the Well before Rashek. Remember that Preservation wanted Vin to take the power. If she had, Sazed probably wouldn't have Ascended. You could also argue that because of Preservation's precognition, Sazed's Ascension was inevitable, and that Vin would have killed Ruin regardless... I dunno. Prophesies are complicated.
  14. He took them back when he went out to find Vin, and I don't think he put them away when he returned with Sazed. I might be wrong though.
  15. I'd say a metalmind is passive, and filling/tapping is active. I'd also say holding stormlight is part passive and part active, since it leaks out. If someone would hold it perfectly, then it could probably be called completely passive, when not directly used.
  16. WoK epilogue I believe. When he's in Kholinar, waiting for a certain arrival.
  17. It may just have been some kind of mistake or caching issue.
  18. I've thought for a while that the main other reason was simply that she had been chosen by Preservation already, and that's why Ruin also wanted to influence her. The same thing happened with Alendi, I think.
  19. I believe Brandon has said that the next trilogy will be about There is a parallel here to red hair, I think. There is an urban myth going around that red hair is going extinct. It's not - the genes are just being spread out, and red hair is recessive. But as long as people with the red hair genes get the same number of children as others, on average, the ratio of the genes within the population will remain the same. I believe Allomantic potential behaves the same way - on average, the amount of potential remains the same over time, but it's getting spread out. Fewer people with a huge amount, and more people with just a little. You could argue that Mistings on average would have an advantage in life over others, since many of them could get better jobs and therefore a better quality of life. But people also tend to get fewer children as they get richer, so... It's tough to say.
  20. That's a good point. We don't know if the remaining Heralds were kept by the Pact, but I assume they were.
  21. There is a beggar who turns out to be a high ranking Darkfriend, who meets with one of the Whitecloak Darkfriends. I don't think that's Hoid though.
  22. The Wheel of Time is gonna be a tough adaption. Not only because of the scope, but also because the magic is very visual. It will be difficult to represent weaves in a good way, I think. If they succeed, though, it will be really cool. I can imagine an Aes Sedai weaving intricate threads of fire in slow motion, then having them snap into place and turn into a fire ball that shoots out... I don't think the time scale will be a big issue compared to the other things. Worst case scenario they can just extend the in-universe time. It will probably not be a massive problem plotwise since the seasons are being corrupted by the Dark One throughout much of the story. Elayne's pregnancy and some other things are time critical, I suppose... My biggest worry, I guess, is that they will try to make it like GoT (with all the grit and stuff), when the two are very different. Or, if they don't make it like GoT, that people will expect it to be like GoT. In either case, the books won't go away, and the quality of a show won't affect that either way.
  23. The last book will probably deal with the whole Sovereign thing. I don't think Wax will tell many people - he hasn't been very open about other secrets he's found out about. There will probably be tension between the two, but I actually think most of the tension will be within the two societies. The abundance of Metalborn in the north - just the knowledge of them - will probably affect the southern culture significantly, for example. The economy in the north will change a lot too, probably. Depending on how the medallions are produced, there is a possibility that people will be hired as "medallion fillers", who fill up metalminds for others to buy and use. There's lots of room for exploitation of the poor there, unfortunately... By the way, this should probably be in the BoM boards.
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