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Everything posted by Eki

  1. Yeah, considering the novella is done, but the counter is still on 60%, I think it's fair to say it's not updated very often. (Unless the counter is for the whole process, including editing and all that) I don't think it's fair to compare Brandon and Patrick like that though. They're very different people, and work differently. Patrick works much more slowly, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's slacking off. He might even be the kind of person who needs to do lots of other things in order to stay productive. Also, I'm pretty sure he's had the whole book written down for years, but he's just doing lots and lots of revisions. His counter would be very odd
  2. On a person with the Royal Locks, is ALL hair Royal? Including beard and body hair? I think the answer is "technically yes, but they don't really know that" since apparently the Locks allow for more body modification than has been shown in the books. That would still make the head hair special, since it changes involuntarily. Was there some reference to the King's beard or anything, though?
  3. He was dead yes, but his soul hadn't departed / his brain still had enough activity when he was revived, seconds later. Unless Nale himself revived Ym, I don't think anyone else would be able to. Nale wouldn't let them, he knows what Surgebinding can do. (Also, it seems like Honorblades work slightly differently from other shardblades. When Taln collapses, his Blade (presumably his Honorblade) stays on the ground as well) Edit: the possibility that Nale did revive him is interesting though. Maybe a Nahel bond breaks before a soul departs, so be didn't have to kill them altogether I don't think that fits with Nale's personality though.
  4. Brandon has read out a flashback sequence from book three where Dalinar's wife shows up:
  5. Yeah. Like... resonance, I guess.Marasi does something similar, when she makes a really weak speed bubble in order to prime the cube, before throwing it. When it lands, it seems to create a bubble at 'normal' strength.
  6. Actually, the box seems to amplify effects too, you just have to give it an initial 'push'. Wax burns steel for just a short while to get the small airship to rise, but after that the cube seems to be able to keep the burning up for a very long time. I don't recall Wax thinking his metal reserves were being drained or anything, so it does seem like the power comes from ettmetal burning.
  7. Secret History has answers to at least the first question, I believe, but I haven't read it yet. For the full story, I think we'll have to wait for the next book, or possibly even the next trilogy. Kelsier's story is far from over... There's always another secret
  8. It was the other woman who produced the spren, but yeah, that was what I was thinking about.
  9. There have been several instances of people bluffing others in the books (the boot incident, everything about Sadeas), and no spren showed up. I think it's possible to suppress emotional spren in the same way you can hide normal visual cues, just harder. In fact, it's possible to "fake" spren by thinking of other things, which is a whole new level of mindgames.
  10. I'm not sure... From Sazed's viewpoints it seems like you store and fetch memory in chunks, rather than as a 'steam'. But that doesn't work as a story.But Sazed stored different kinds of information, never really experiences. Those memories could work differently. But on the other hand, memories can be faked. People could argue that it's just someone's dream or something.
  11. Try using http://i.imgur.com/s2eVSaB.jpginstead, that seems to work for me.
  12. The reason he needs Investiture to live is BECAUSE he's Returned. If Vivenna had enough breaths to stop aging (fifth hightening or something?), that would be enough for her to still be around.
  13. If it works like normal copperminds, then the memory has been transferred to Wax' head. He could attempt to put it back I guess, but I kinda doubt he would... But who knows, maybe the coin doesn't work like a normal coppermind. We'll just have to see.
  14. We know some timelines: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Chronology(lots of cosmere-wide spoilers!) Among other things it says that Warbreaker happened before WoK. I hadn't actually considered the possibility that Warbreaker could have been after Stormlight, but that would have been pretty interesting... It would have explained what Vasher did between the Manywar and the events that lead to him killing Arsteel.
  15. I don't think we know anything about her after Warbreaker. There will eventually be a sequel, though, where she'll be a main character.
  16. I think you're mixing up the Worldsingers and the Envisagers. I don't remember the Worldsingers doing anything like that, at least.
  17. Warbreaker takes place after HoA, but other than that it's uncertain. I think Vasher wanted to avoid using Breaths to live, and that he lost Nightblood after arriving. But it's also possible that he lost Nightblood before, and went to Roshar to track it down. There's a tiny possibility that Vasher left Nightblood on Nalthis, but then it found its way there in some other way... Which would be interesting for sure. Unlikely, but interesting. I'm not so sure something terrible happened to Vivenna. If she didn't gather enough Breaths to halt aging, she may just have passed on. Also, they weren't necessarily inseparable just because of their experiences in Warbreaker. I think she may become the monarch of Huth and/or Kuth... Maybe this is just wishful thinking though I don't want terrible things to happen to her I guess we'll see, once new Warbreaker books come out in a long, long time...
  18. Vasher isn't Hoid. (In fact, Hoid shows up in Warbreaker too!) I think you should skim through the WoR interludes and try to find Vasher in there, it's more fun that way If you don't want to do that, look below:
  19. "Greater Roshar" is the name of the whole solar system, which Braize is part of. So it's not wrong, even if he is stuck on just Braize. About Ruin and Preservation creating Scadrial: I believe there are different WoBs saying they created the planet, and that they found it and terraformed it.
  20. The extra bit of Preservation is what allows for sentience, so I don't think this could be it.
  21. From the epigraph letter in WoR: I think there is some WoB to confirm it, but I'm not sure. Some spren seem to be splinters of Adonalsium, rather than Honor or Cultivation. We don't know exactly how old those are, though.
  22. There are worlds that have magic, but no shards. Whether any of their magic systems predate the shattering, I don't know. They may have had shards (or Adonalsium) visit them in the past. Some magic seems to have existed on Roshar before the shards arrived, and we know Adonalsium paid some special attention to that planet. That likely means the magic predates the shattering, and is a result of Adonalsium leaving some of its power there.
  23. Yeah, every magic system is a result of the interactions between shards and the planets (and maybe some other things, who knows). The only Yolish magic we know of, I think, is Hoid's lightweaving (which is different from Shallan's). Hoid most likely visited Scadrial before Rashek's ascension, when knowledge of Feruchemy was more extensive (though constrained to the Terris, as far as we know). Interesting point though: Hoid's magic seems to still be working, even though the shards of Adonalsium left Yolen. So... is there a remnant of Adonalsium left on Yolen, keeping the planet invested? Rather than making the magic system work, did the investing only give people the ability to gain the powers in the first place, after which it works regardless? Is his lightweaving unrelated to Adonalsium's presence on Yolen?
  24. Don't eat the cookies!! They contain spikesraisins!
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