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Everything posted by Kingsdaughter613

  1. Keep in mind that any corruption in the Survivorist church will likely not occur
  2. Interesting idea. However, judging by what the later books you have the first two off. Survivorism is the closest to the Catholic Church in structure and belief. Pathians are closer to one of the Eastern Religions (it reminds me of a few, but I don't know them well enough.) All we really know about Sliverism is that they worship Marsh. I think your ideas have merit, but you should really finish the series as some events make some of those theories very unlikely. The spoiler is quite spoiler, so read at your peril! There is actually a fifth religion, which is probably going to be very important I am a bit of a mythology nerd, and as a religious person religiouns are something I have a personal interest in. I think you are a bit confused between the ancient Catholic Church and Judaism as much of what you described (aside from the descent from original believers) was a characteristic of the Medieval Chirch. There is also only about a hundred years between Alloy and era 3. By Era 4 they probably will be seen mainly as the stuff of legends.
  3. I'm studying to be an art therapist, so it was a lot of fun for me to read. I also really loved the way you wrote them; I thought it was spot on. Why don't you post it here? I'd actually really love to draw a comic of it. Would that be okay with you?
  4. Were you by any chance the author of 'Found Objects'? Because I loved it, and it explored that idea...
  5. If we keep trying Allik it should get it eventually. Different author, but it didn't get Poledra from the Belgariad/Mallorian. It guessed her daughter Polgara though! I finally stumped it using Kelsier! Usually it guesses him but not this time. I think I confused it by saying Kel probably knows what a cell phone is (since he probably does survive to era three.) Then compounded it by saying he was over fifty (at this point) and had not been dead for a hundred years (ten being the likely max.) Ironically, it DID guess Vasher during this, who I wasn't thinking about at all!
  6. Technically Isaac inserted it...
  7. It did not get Edgli, Bavadin, or Lin Davar. It did get Ten-Soon, Sazed, and Kelsier. It is still not getting Allik. It got Ruin, but it took three guesses getting there. (I was thinking more of Ati than Ruin, so I said 'yes' to 'is your character kind.' I think I confused it...)
  8. He'd still be the only Fullborn though, so he would have just needed to alter the myth slightly. It wouldn't have been destroyed. And it wasn't like those other twinborn would be a threat. I think a natural fullborn is possible, just highly improbable. More likely if Rashek or the Sovreign had any children, but possible regardless. Whether or not it will ever happen though... Of course, it still isn't possible without hacking the system at least once (to create Mistborn) possibly twice (where DID Feruchemy come from?) so I don't know if natural is the word for it.
  9. I know there are no leap years on Roshar. I can't figure out how to calculate for Earth leap years.
  10. Both are charismatic con men... They are different in some fairly fundamental ways though. Then again, it may just be a con man thing. Both characters remind me a bit of Abagnale, as he seemed in his autobiography.
  11. The leap year has to do with calculating the Earth years. Since an Earth year is actually 365. 24..... etc.
  12. My understanding is that the God metals are solid investiture, the pools are liquid investiture and the mists are gaseous investiture. We do know what Lerasium does; it rewrites the spirit web. I've seen that WoB somewhere... I'm terrible at finding these things again though... I actually have a crazy idea that Scadrians are basically splinters of Preservation, as Preservation's investiture is what gives them sentience. And what is a Splinter, but sentient investiture? (It's on my list of questions to ask Brandon if he ever comes to the Big Apple.) I do see sentience as a lot more than just memory, or even basic reason. Animals have that, but we wouldn't call them sentient. The ability to abstract perhaps? To think beyond the present and immediate future? The stealing of sentience is a side effect though. My theory is that the Spike would steal the splinter of Preservation that gives Sentience to the people of Scadrial. It wouldn't necessarily effect memory and intelligence. But without the ability to conceive at anything beyond a basic animalistic level a Scadrian spiking survivor would basically be a human mist wraith. I'm not sure what that would imply on a non-Scadrian though.
  13. I am going to preface this by noting that math is NOT my best subject, which is why I am totally ignoring the existence of leap years. I found a WoB on Reddit about years in his various books which lead me to an interesting conclusion. The first important piece of the WoB was confirmation that time in the books follows the measurements of the world in the book. The second is that Roshar's year is about 1.1 Earth years. So I multiplied 365 by 1.1 and got 401.5. So now I have the Earth days in a Rosharan year (I think). Then I multiplied that by 4500 and got 1,806,750. So I should have the number of Rosharan days in 4500 Rosharan years. Then I divided it by 365 to find out how many Earth years that is and got 4950. Since I can't figure out how to account for leap years I'm going to guess that they would bring the above number even closer to 5000. Provided the above math is correct that is. I'm not sure if this is important or not, but is interesting. At any rate, Rosharan days must be shorter than Earth days as they have 500 days for about every 400 of ours.
  14. He may have been introduced by his wife. I believe she is a confirmed world hopper?
  15. I'm keeping the reference to what was written in the annotations, as I don't want to get in trouble. So no BoM or SH spoilers; just HoA annotations. Brandon's comment is funny though... Makes me laugh every time. Not even his creator can get him to listen... which fits the character so well. Funny thing is, the biggest SH spoiler was spoiled years before the book came out for anyone who read the annotation to Chapter 58, part 3, of Hero of Ages. SH just tells us how the events written there happened.
  16. It should be noted that the effects of the Magic are often unrelated to their Shard. In this case we can do a little extrapolation. 1) Atium works as an allomantic metal, so Lerasium should work as a Hemalurgic one. 2) In allomancy, hemalurgy and feruchemy Atium Has a spiritual effect. In allomancy Lerasium has a spiritual effect. Therefore Lerasium should probably do something spiritual in hemalurgy and feruchemy. 3) Atium has an allomantic effect that no other allomantic metal can duplicate. (I believe this includes Lerasium as Vin could not give Elend Atium when she fueled his allomancy.) Therefore Lerasium should do something Atium cannot duplicate. 4) Atium allomancy gets its power from the investiture inherent in the metal, as opposed to the other metals which act as a key. Thus, Lerasium hemalurgy should also take its power from the metal. This may actually result in the spike degrading faster, but we don't know enough. my guess is that a Lerasium spike would steal the extra bit of Preservation that gives sentience to the people of Scadrial. So it would basically steal the capacity for intelligent thought... which is kind of awesome.
  17. The OP didn't. That's what is really strange.
  18. It doesn't explain why you don't have the larger text after the newsletters though, because I have it in every ebook version of BoM just like the other books. The text shouldn't be different.
  19. Or God's dominion over us as a king, which is usually where the concept crops up. If your right about it following more closely to the Jewish tradition it's worth noting that Kingship and parenthood are twinned concepts. That actually indicates to me that Aona and Skai played a very parent like role to the people of Sel. On a similar note, I'm pretty sure Honor is very close to Rightousness as a Godly attribute and Endowment to Kindness (that one does not translate well from Hebrew.) Ruin and Preservation strike me more as universal concepts than a particular Godly one. Cultivation currently feels more like a pagan deific concept, but it really depends on how it is interpreted. (It may actually be closer to Creation, as it pairs well with Ruin and Preservation. I suspect the three together would form a Creation Shard.) Autonomy fits two ways: as our ability to choose; and as God being the ultimate authority (i.e. No one commands God.) Odium feels like God's wrath or his role as punisher. (Actually, that would make Endowment a good compliment to Odium, as she would be the 'rewarder' to his 'punisher.' If Brandon ever visits NY I'll have to ask him that.) this is getting really off topic though, so I'm going to stop now.
  20. Kingship is actually a godly attribute in real life, which is where I was getting it from. The Jewish new year, which is next week, is actually all about that attribute. I believe that the at least some Shardic attributes are taken from RL Godly ones, though I could be wrong. How about Majesty as a potential Shard name? It fits in more with the others.
  21. That's what I meant. Typing on the iPhone tends to mess stuff up. However, there have been Scadrians on Nalthis too. (At least one anyway...)
  22. @Spoolofwhool the annotations say that the priest IS lying about her not being able to have a child with Susebron and confirms that she can if I am remembering correctly. Why don't we all go check the annotations and then come back to discuss this? I believe they are on the website.
  23. Considering how hard it can be for a cognitive shadow to communicate with the living I'd guess that, if you are correct, there are some MAJOR misunderstandings going on. Also some deliberate misinterpretations. I doubt the Skaze are loyal to Skai. Honorspren have that as their major atribute. Seons are devoted. Skaze seek to dominate which does not always lend itself to loyalty. i also disagree with devotion and dominion becoming Unity. I think it more likely that they would form Kingship, which requires one to both dominate and be devoted. I think Unity is actually Adonalsium complete, as Unity can also mean wholeness or Completion. (As opposed to harmony, which is just disparate elements working together.) But that's just me.
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