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Everything posted by Kingsdaughter613

  1. On Scadrial: Ati holds Preservation and Leras as holds Ruin. There are three possible results. 1)The original agreement exists and Ati keeps it. Scadrial is Ruined and the two go off together to do this again. 2)Ati breaks the agreement and Leras out gambits him. Preservation is splintered, Scadrial destroyed, and Leras heads off to bring Ruin to the Cosmere. 3) Leras simply has a stronger will than Ati and never fully loses himself to the Shard's will. Scadrial has few Listings and Mistborn occur perhaps once in a thousand years. The final Empire never happens. No Lerasium exists. Atrium is used mainly for hemalurgy, which is kept under wraps for the most part. By the time Kelsier is born Scadrial is in space, and has been for a while. Kell is a criminal, and con artist who has stolen millions, but that can't necessarily be proven. Marsh is a cop trying to bring him down. Vin's sister is alive, her mother is on anti-psychotics. She becomes a cop and trains with Marsh. There is no Church of the Survivor, but Kell still ends up a legend (albeit an Al Capone type legend...)
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