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Everything posted by Kingsdaughter613

  1. I'm not sure. I heard it somewhere, but I'm not sure where. That's the problem on here sometimes. It feels right, but it could be a theory. I don't know where I heard it originally. That's why I said I don't know if there is anything official on it.
  2. It's an investiture sink. It blocks it or absorbs it or something, but investiture and aluminum are not friends. You can't Forge it, which means it probably can't be soulcast either. There is WoB, not sure where, that an aluminum savant can remove unwanted investiture. It can block allomancy, and I think we can assume that lashings won't work either. It stops you from using gold healing while in the wound, and likely all other forms of healing as well. Burning it stops the withering. I don't know if there is a specific WoB, but by the rules we know it should stop any active feruchemical activity (but not damage the stores.) Personally, I am really curious as to the effect burning aluminum would have on Breath. Would it destroy it, or simply suppress all active and passive use? I believe aluminum cannot be awakened, but I'm not sure. I also believe that a Shard blade cannot cut it but, again, not sure.
  3. Aluminum would stop them from tapping metalminds while burning aluminum. However, the rules may be different for an aluminum savant. Please Brandon! Have an aluminum gnat savant be a major character in your space Mistborn trilogy!
  4. I'm guessing part of the plan involves massive amounts of aluminum, fortunately in easy access on earth.
  5. Nah, bat man lines his suit and cowl with aluminum, and finds a way to interfere with the use of investiture. That's usually how he works; a lot of planning and out thinking involved.
  6. It should be noted that Vin was being used by Ruin as well, at least until book three, and even then to an extent. And Ruin CAN speak to people. I also don't think Vin learned as quickly as she seems. I'm rereading the first book and I noticed something important. During her first party she barely interacts, giving off something close to a learned response when asked to dance. True, Sazed compliments her on it, but that felt more like 'you need confidence; ill give any boost I can.'The only person she really talks to is Elend and that is a weird situation. SOMETHING is clearly making her trust him. It's at the second party that she begins to shine. But the second party comes after 4 MONTHS on bedrest, where the only thing she had to do was practice being a noblewoman, an act that was almost constant. Of course she's much better at it, she's had practice. But not enough to bow gracefully out of Shan's questioning; also, rather tellingly, she fails to realize that she is being rioted as well as soothed. (Which is very interesting to me... Opera's 'lessons' are not infallible.) She may be complimented on her grace, but it is by someone who is obviously awful and nervous. So I'm not convinced that there was something so extreme about her abilities here.
  7. Allomancy is from the Sdna, so should not be effected by what happens to your physical body. It's useless in the cognitive realm though, so meaningless if you don't have a body. At least, that's my interpretation.
  8. I think Kell hid them so the Southerners would look for it. Then he spread rumors about the BoM in the North so THEY could get in on it. Then settled back to watch the scramble for them... until he realized that no one was finding them, even with a couple of hints set out. So he heads off to do something else. Incidentally, I suspect that the bands we see in the pictures do exist; they are metalminds keyed to Kelsier. I also suspect that simply holding Preservation for a short time made Rashek an allomancer. I think Kell is probably a more powerful one now as a side effect. No clue how he got Feruchemy. Tapped a piece of Harmonium?
  9. Actually Wax has a pretty good chance - provided he has an aluminum gun and bullets. Kal not only has no experience with guns, he has no way of knowing that lashings won't work on aluminum. And if he's hit, aluminum will prevent him from healing. Oh, and Wax and Wayne don't fight fair. With regard to Kelsier vs. Kaladin, WoB is that Kelsier wins. Kelsier doesn't fight fair, which is why it ends in an assassination attempt instead of a pitched battle.
  10. Well, the end of Secret History and the epilogue of BoM certainly imply that he isn't going to be trapped there forever. Ten more years, maybe.
  11. Technically, my first Sanderson book was not a Sanderson series. It The Gathering Storm from WoT. After that my father decided Brandon might be good and brought home Way of Kings. That was my first real introduction to Brandon. My favorite series is Mistborn, all eras. I just love Scadrial and its magic systems.
  12. All I can say to the above, 'There is always another secret.'
  13. Kelsier would make the bands so he could send the Southerners on a worldwide scavenger hunt. Then he drops the rumors of the Lord Ruler's bands in North Scadrial to get them in on it. He uses a pre-existing myth, and alters it, as that is easier than creating a new one. For whatever reason he does not want the North Scadrians to know he is back. It's easier for Kell to fill the Bands since he would be compounding. There are other tricks as well; he might burn tin and store the enhanced sense. Burn pewter and store the excess strength and health, etc. As for how he became a feruchemist, I have a few theories. 1) Holding Preservation may have made Kell a stronger allomancer. I believe Rashek became an Allomancer due to holding Preservation. If Kelsier held Ruin, or part of Ruin at some point he could have become a Feruchemist. I admit this is unlikely though. 2)More likely, Kell tapped a Harmonium metal mind. Similar to burning Lerasium, this would make him a Feruchemist, if my theory is correct. I think this is more likely. 3) Kell found a way to alter his sDNA while a cognitive shade to make him a Feruchemist. On a side note, both Atium and Lerasium enact spiritual effects. I suspect Kell's spike is made of Atium, and will be explained in part in 'The Lost Metal.' I would also not be surprised if Kelsier is using Ati or Leras' body. (With Ati's being more likely to me; I doubt Kell would have an issue using an enemy's body.)
  14. My personal theory is that you can gain Feruchemy by tapping a lerasium/atium metalmind. In modern Scadrial you could probably use Harmonium (which I suspect is the above alloy; lerasium is the body of Preservation, atium the body of Ruin. Harmony is both Ruin and Preservation; its body makes sense as a mix of the two.) By tapping a lerasium/atium metalmind that is alloyed with another metal (say gold) you would get a ferring. It fits with what we know of how lerasium works. We don't know nearly enough of atium and hemalurgy. We know atium can steal any ability and is the only type of spike that does not degrade. I would not be surprised if an atium spike made a permanent alteration to the spirit web that remains even if the spike is removed. It might give the ability to use all forms of atium and its alloys, when not being used to give another ability. (An atium spike automatically has investiture.) Atium alloys would probably allows you steal a particular ability. Using gold again, a malatium spike would allow you to steal augur and blood bender abilities. Alternatively, it would allow you to steal whatever gold steals. It would grant the ability to use malatium minds and burn malatium when not used to steal an ability. And it would not degrade. In conjunction with the above, Lerasium can be used as an alomantic fuel instead of granting allomancy. And Harmonium bands can store all feruchemical attributes.
  15. Personally, I am looking forward to the giant mess that will inevitably ensue once the Survivorists learn the Sovreign's identity. Watching Kell's church try to figure out how his actions fit their doctrine will be interesting. On the other hand, the missionaries will take full advantage should they try to convert the Southerners. I find it very amusing that Kelsier can sow chaos without actually having to do anything... At least anything recent.
  16. If it was an aluminum savant, they would probably not be effected. How one goes about becoming an aluminum savant is a better question, as burning aluminum destroys all the aluminum you have in you. It's definitely useful on Threnody, but the rest is extrapolation on my part. My guess is that someone who is burning aluminum cannot be DIRECTLY affected by outside investiture. Indirectly, is another story. Still, it would require a very good sense of timing... I would like to see an aluminum gnat as a main character in the space age Mistborn series. As an aside, I wonder if a twinborn with alomantic duralumin could compound their feruchemy by using duralumin while tapping their metalmind.
  17. There are hundreds of years between Elantris and Mistborn, so I think your theory makes sense. It may be a mix though.
  18. The quote is from Shadows of Self: "You don’t explore, Harmony continued, ignoring Wax’s confusion. Why would you? You have everything you want here. You’ve barely progressed technologically from what I gave you in the books. Yet others, who were nearly destroyed..." That last sentence is in reference to Southern Scadrial. On another, related, topic; We have been inside the minds of three people as they ascended, Vin, Kell, and Saze. None of them noticed the peoples of Southern Scadrial at the time of the initial ascent. Vin and Kell were focused on Ruin, and Sazed was sublimating all the data in his metal minds and using it to recreate the world while preserving the people he knew about. By the time he realized that there were people in the South his hands were essentially tied. While I doubt he helped Kelsier come back to life, once Kell had I believe Saze sent him South to help. But I think we should wait until the Lost Metal and see what he says. Or what WoB says, if that comes first.
  19. I suggest reading Shadows for Silence. Nazh is from Threnody, and they have some REALLY weird stuff going on with the Shades there.
  20. It should be pointed out that technically there are only two Shards on ROSHAR. Sodium is actually on Braize but is spiritually invested on Roshar. Brandon could be hinting that a third Shard is in the system, just not the planet itself.
  21. Aluminum gnats are not useful on Scadrial - mostly. (I have a theory that attempting to spike an aluminum savant who is burning aluminum would cause the spike to malfunction.) once we hit era 3 though, all bets are off. Lashed by storm light? Burn aluminum. Someone is trying to use aons on you? Burn aluminum. Aluminum savants can dispell unwanted investiture, and aluminum itself is immune to it. Can you just picture Wax on Roshar with an aluminum gun? Double bonus for alomancy being fairly easy to transfer off world. On a related note, chromium will also be useful in the space age. You can now upset investiture on all other shard worlds. Imagine using chromium on Nalthis... I wonder what would happen...
  22. Sazed had mentioned the southern scadrians in the previous book. As for not knowing - Rashek didn't realize that moving the planet closer to the sun would make things too hot? Vin didn't realize that swiftly turning the planet would cause tidal waves? Saze only managed what he did because of the information in his copperminds. All actions were based on knowledge the Vessels already had. Saze would later discover life in the south, but only once he was actually looking. Or at least that's how ascending seems to work. You start with the most freedom and least amount of knowledge. You quickly gain knowledge but lose your ability to act in opposition to your shard. (Thus why Rashek began unable to realize what happens when you move a planet, and ended by genetically modifying half the population successfully.) This is just my opinion, and not really written well due to being typed on an I phone between classes. Sorry if it sounds a bit brusque.
  23. I'm going to turn your theory on its head and suggest the following: We know that the form Investiture takes on any given world is determined both by the planet and the shards invested on that planet. Instead of the shardic investiture shaping the cognitive realm, I propose that it is the opposite. The spiritual investiture of the shard is filtered through the cognitive realm to manifest as the magic system of the individual shard world. This helps to explain how Odium can be on Braize but have investiture on Roshar; there is no concept of distance in the spiritual realm. The cognitive realm is linked to a physical place however. This is what makes most sense to me anyway.
  24. Another possibility is that Kelsier went world hopping and took some of his followers along. And Kell had already met Khriss, so visiting Taldain is not unlikely.
  25. Please don't take this the wrong way. These are just my opinions. With regard to the Southern Scadrians, we have had plenty of warning. Brandon told us about them a while ago, and that they lacked the genetic modifications of the the North Scadrians, forcing them to adapt to the heat in other ways. Kelsier's return has been foreshadowed for a while now. We've known he never moved on and, Kell being Kell, his return was less a question of if and more a when and how. As for Saze accidentally freezing the South Scadrians, Rashek and Vin's ascensions made it clear that ascending does not make you omniscient. Rashek would not have altered the planet's orbit and Vin would not have caused massive tidal waves if it did. It applies to the original Vessels too; Ati would not have been tricked and imprisoned; Leras would not have been killed; Tanavast, Skai and Aona would not have been splintered; Rayse would not be imprisoned. Unsurprisingly, Sazed is not omniscient. We also know that within moments of taking up a Shard is when you have the most freedom. From that point on it becomes trickier, and Saze has to deal with two opposing wills. And messing with the climate has major consequences, as Mistborn made clear. I did like Wax and Steris from the start as well. I always suspected that Marasi was a red herring in that regard. (Actually, WoB confirmed that in AoL's annotations.) I actually thought that Wax and Steris' relationship made sense. Wax has clearly already begun to love her by the time of their wedding. The extra time is not for the two to fall in love (they already have) but so that Wax can get over Lessie. But romance is like food; everyone has their own opinions and all are equally valid. I agree with you about Telsin though. I wanted that traitor dead. Admittedly, if I could only have one power bloodbending would be my choice too... but still irritating.
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