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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Probably the easiest is to use a Link Shortener (like TinyURL). There are a number of service reviews ("Best Link Shortener") that show/compare: free vs account vs paid; effectiveness; longevity (how long your shortened link will function); optional services (such as turning the shortened link into a QR code); etc. PS: From a cyber security perspective, I would be wary of any free service that does not at least use an Account - otherwise you are possibly just giving a PII laden link as input to something that may be collecting information in that exact method. If it does not have independant reviews, reputable behaviour, and terms of service (outlining how any information may be used) then be careful. Also - always remember the Golden Cyber Rule: Given any app, website, or service - if you cannot determine the source of revenue at a glance, then it is likely the source of revenue is selling your information. A good example of that is most coupon apps - which either make commission on sales through their app, aggregate customer data and puchase prefernces to sell - but usually do both. Another example is "free" games (facebook or "free apps") which use a combination of Ads, Microtransactions, and selling aggregated playing data to make money from customers without charging the customer directly (except MTs). This may not be explicit in the ToS - phrases like "Share information with affiliates" is legalese for "sell your data"
  2. Have you read Rhythm of War and The Lost Metal? It was discussed in both of those. Spoilers: Partially Ninja'd by @therunner
  3. I cannot tell if this is an attempt at stealth sarcasm or not, so I will reply as if the comment were genuine. Please use the search feature as your first option. Advanced search on this site is actually rather robust and spending a bit of time early to get used to how it works will save you hours of time in the future. Summary: Hope that helps
  4. Oldblood - Such as Teleb - identified by a blue tattoo under one eye:
  5. And, by "hilarious" you mean Awesome, right?
  6. Possible, but also note that Syl, who repeatedly mentions how much she does not like Deadeye Shardbaldes has never remarked on any Plate before this point. And it was not a lack of exposure, since she was around Shardplate from before Kal's first Oath (Sadeas wearing it on ever bridge run). Also, Kal never heard dead plate scream like a Deadeye blade. Also, WOB about Bonds with non-sapient spren: Granted that is a different (but possibly related bond - since we know Plate also has a bond), but it seems to imply that non-sapient spren pulled into the physical realm are just generally. . . content to be where they are.
  7. But without at least some of the Deadeye baggage (RoW I-1):
  8. Sorry for the double post, did not realize I was still the most recent post when replying to the OP. That "note" has been fixed, and now has references.
  9. Actually, I think that for Windrunners, the surge of Gravitation is "unlocked" at the Second Ideal (Kal in WoR is second ideal when trying to learn - and it's considered "odd" (but necessary) that Division is withheld until third Ideal for Skybreakers because of how dangerous it can be). So, In Oathbreaker we actively see Teft learning Graviation as a Windrunner Squire, he becomes a Second Ideal Windrunner off-screen, and is now using his own Surges (while trying to avoid the Third oath with Phendorana). Lopen, likewise spent Oathbringer learning Surges as a Squire and kept trying to bond Rua; but his words were never accepted (still a Squire a/o Battle of Thaylen Field); until the aftermath when his oath is finally "meant" and accepted while talking to the wounded.
  10. I think it can still have merit to the degree that as his bond increased, the number he could draw did increase (Some in the Chasms learning in WoR, More fighting Szeth (after third oath), even more turning the Highstorm Winds to protect the captured humans, etc. )it's just that they were not being pulled from Shadesmar, but from the environment (and were therefore a different group each time - until he was able to form Plate). Well, with a possible side of "Some Surges are limited by the level of Oaths." (such as Skybreakers cannot access Division until the Third Oath) This, of course, relies on the interpretation that Squires (whom are First Oath - without a bond) are "borrowing" the Third Oath abilities of their Radiant; which is distinctly different from First Oath Kaladin in WoK, and partly different from Second Oath Kaladin in WoR.
  11. I wasn't disagreeing (especially with those whose understanding is greater), I was mearly pointing out that there is a third axis in the Cosmere (not just Matter<-> Energy; but Matter, Energy and Investiture) and the WoBs conflict (one saying "no molecular change" and the other saying "potentially break beta carotin due to a change to the spiritual nature" (paraphrased). This, to me, implies that Braondon could "decide" in either direction when he cannonizes more of how Physical Realm changes based on changes to the Spiritweb. (Correct me if I err) In the real world, color is determined chemically, but in the Cosmere it might not be "only chemistry" that makes that determination; we simply do not have enough data yet to reconcile the conflicting WoBs. My answer above was based solely on the WoBs I posted at the time.
  12. Don't forget though, that Windspren are primarily Physical Realm entities and rarely ever appear in Shadesmar (even partially). Oathbringer Ch 108: @Quantus - did you know you can hide your post with the "three dot" menu (top right corner), if it was a mistake?
  13. I doubt the number or type of Gemheart has any bearing on the Forms. For a Singer (Listener, Parshendi) the Form is a part of the Nahel Bond with a specific Spren. A similar Nahel bond that is used by Greatshells, Skyeels, etc. Rhyshadium have a Nahel Bond as well, but do not have a gemheart (or not confirmed to have one at any rate, since they are descended from Horses) and Radiants have a Nahel Bond without a Gemheart. Some Rosharan beings have the same chemistry, but no developed "gemheart" at all. The Formation of a Gemheart is, at least partly, about the Spiritweb and how a being is connected to Roshar and Rosharan Ecology. As for multiple Forms. we see that Venli has two Nahel Bonds, but only one Form (her EnvoyForm), and we have been told that having multiple Nahel Bonds requires the permission/(possibly coerced) acceptance of the Spren involved (Shallan/Venli). Part of this is what do you mean by "two forms:" Do you mean a hybrid (like Part NimbleForm/part WarForm)? Do you mean having access to two separate forms and being able to switch (either at-will, or at the Spren's bidding) (Lots of) WoBs: Hope that helps
  14. I think the person who worte that part of the article jumped to an unsupported conclusion. We know that Windspren gather around Kaladin as early as WoR, but we have no indication that it is the same group of Windspren in each instance - and I cannot find a WoB or any other reference that says they are the same thoughout multiple scenes (until after the plate has been formed). I'll ask the Coppermind Keepers. . .
  15. Yes, it does sound like it may have been influenced by Autonomy. The WoB says (about the Doctrine): So, it seems that early post-catecendre saw significant shifts in the Survivorist doctrine, and those shifts have become the status quo.
  16. If that is what you would like - please note the recommended Novellas and Short Stories that can be important before most Secret Projects: Tress Recommendations: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter Recommendations: The Sunlit Man Recommendations:
  17. Wlcome to the Shard. There are many Reading order threads you can check out to get a wide variety of opinions, what I would suggest is making an informed decision. Based on the above, it seems you have read: Is that correct? If there are items in that list you have missed, then it might be a chance to fill in those gaps. Warbreaker is the backstory for a number of things you have already seen in Stormlight Archive (and us usually suggested before Way of Kings). It's even available free on the website. Elantris is foundational and also ties to things seen in Oathbringer and Mistborn Secret History, and is also recommended before Tress of the Emerald Sea. The Emperor's Soul is a Novella that also really helps grok the three Realms in a great story that is a quick and easy read (also pertains to a character from The Lost Metal - recommended before TLM). White Sand (in all of the versions) is the backstory for the person who writes the Ars Arcanum for each book (since those are in-world documents) and relates to things seen in both Stormight Archive and Mistborn Era 2 and is also recommneded before Tress of the Emerald Sea. Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is recommended to read before The Sunlit Man. Sixth of the Dusk is recommended before most Secret Projects, but will be most important before SP5 - and it also relates to things seen in Rhythm of War (Lift Interlude). I guess, out of all o fthat, I would recommend one of the Following: Elantris: Especially if you like more political stories with most action at the climax Warbreaker: Especially if you like a balance of action and intrigue and want more information on certain "people" from Stormlight Archive (see below) Emperor's Soul: Just because it is one of the best Cosmere stories and a great foundation for everything else Continue with those three in whatever order appeals to you. Slight Warbreaker Spoilers Wheel of Time is not Cosmere, and takes a special kind of person to really enjoy, but if that is your thing then feel free to go fo it - just know that it is not related. If you are also considering non-Cosmere stories, then also please consider Sanderson's Rithmatist, Reckoner's Trilogy and Cytoverse. For other non-Sanderson sotries, we also have a Reading Recommendation Thread with summaries and information posted by many Sharders and collected in one place for easy reference. Hope that helps Edited @THILL447
  18. Hoid is really. . . Non-Cosmere Spoilers:
  19. When learning, or in that story? When learning, probably every five minutes for the first hour or two. In that story, I convinced the instructor to work with me for fifteen minutes while I learned how the gears worked on the tree (toward the dash and up was 1st gear, down for second, etc.: so that furthest toward the driver and down was reverse). Once I could reliably hit first, second, and reverse in the parking lot; it was not too bad. Maybe 3-4 stalls (and a whole lot of grinding gears and "jolts" from hitting a gear at the wrong speed/rpm).
  20. No vote, as the relevant entry is not an option. I can drive a manual transmission, but do not currently own one. (I neither love it nor hate it) Funny story:
  21. That's okay, they don't work well for everybody. Here's what Brandon has to say in the Elantris Annotations about them (only chapters you have read): As for the annotations, if you were not aware, in many of his early books, while he was doing the Copy Edit (last edit before publishing) he would write a blog entry about that chapter giving information that didn't make it in the book, explanations or just thoughs on why he did what he did. On his website, spoilers are hidden so that they can be read with the book, but most of us suggest it is better to wait until you finish a book (or are doing the first re-read) to check out the Annotations so spoilers are not an issue (for example, since you have finished Mistborn, you could check out the annotations to The Final Empire, Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages (at the link in this paragraph above - example below)). On the Arcanum, the spoilers cannot be hidden in the same way, so if you use that tool to read annotations, beware of Spoilers. Mistborn Spoilers - Annotation example: Hope that helps
  22. Generic title in case we want one place to point out broken links in WoBs. The specific one I found that started this is: Form and the Fantastic link in this WoB no longer works:
  23. BLUF: We do not yet know, as there are lots of implications, but few answers (not even RAFOs yet). What we do know is: that the bond described in Tress is a Luhel Bond which exchanges water to form a bond. This bond allows some measure of Connection and control of a Spore growth/entity This bond also allows a Spore Eater to be protected by their Bond while providing water to the Bond We know that TwinSoul also shares a bond with Silajana that exchanges water, but never called it a Luhel Bond. We know that this bond allws Twinsoul to "create" physical matter out of Aether, as well as exercise control over those things as long as they remain connected. We also know that a Sand Master trades water for control of the Sand, which is also not explicitely called a Luhel Bond We do know that Overmastery allows this control to be improved and the bond become more efficient We do know that Tress appears to experience this effect, but without it ever being called "Overmastery" What we do not know, for sure, is that all three of them are truly Luhel Bonds (or just something similar/related). We do not know if Water is the only physical comodity on which the bond can be formed. We do not know if the "Control" and "growth" functions are similar, related or disparate examples of the bond (assuming they are both Luhel Bonds). There is no portion of Nightblood's Bond that matches these examples, but we do not know for sure if Nightblood's Bond is Nahel, Luhel or some other version of which we do not have enough data. The only things we know for sure about Nightblood's bond is that he Connects to a person when he speaks into their head, that Connection is what results in the Nausea or "Killing spree ending with Suicide by Nightblood." We know that if you draw Nighblood and he feeds from you (and you survive), then you have a Bond that allows Nightblood to feel that Connection in the future and also makes you (partially) immune to his "Nausea or bust" reactions.
  24. I do not think there is a canon demonym yet, but the closest real match would be Senegal (rhyme) with is Senegalese for the demonym (Senegalesi - pl). So I would guess the closest demonym would be: Canticlese.
  25. Interesting Theory, though I always had the impression that it was Nightblood she was trying to find. I doubt Mraize would pass the "Nightblood test" and be able to carry the sword without killing himself. Also we do not know what power is bestowed by Mraize's Aviar. I would say if somebody other than Vasher brought Nightblood to Roshar, then it may have been Yesteel - but we won't know how what happens there until Warbreaker 2 comes out (if ever). And that book may or may not cover how Nightblood and Vasher came to Roshar (together or separately). It is odd to note that as of RoW, Zahel knows where Nightblood is (in Szeth's possession) and does not seem to care. (RoW Ch 15) PS: "Going" is mispelled in the thread title. If you edit your post, you will be able to edit the thread name.
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