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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Thiis is because the Molecular Structure's "shape" the part acting as a key. Allomancer's Metals are teh ones that are pure base metals (without other things mixed in - lowering efficacy) or Alloys that are exactly correct percentages (which also lower efficacy when not exact). When the percentages are off, or metals are not pure (like a bit of Iron Oxide mixed into your Iron) then the sturcture is close enough to do something, but not correct enough to fully funnel the investiture. WoB: Hope that helps.
  2. Not really (depending on your "definition" of Tsunami). Tsunami are normally caused by oceanic earthquakes or ocean-bottom volcanic eruption. When I was in Okinawa (2001-2004) most Cat 4-5 Typhoons (Pacific Ocean hurricane) may cause 15ish ft swells (so the beaches used off-shore breakers to crash the swells before they could make landfall). However, most people who have not lived in a region prone to these environmental disasters tend to have the Hollywood idea of how a tsunami (50+ foot swells) looks; and that is not nearly as common as people think. Additionally, the water depth has a huge impact on storm swells. For example, a shallow bay cannot support a large storm swell, because wave height cannot be greater than average water depth (that's when waves "break" is when the trough hits the water depth, spilling the wave top over because it can no longer travel further at that height). That's why a Tsunami is more common in island nations (Hawaii, Japan) as the ocean depth tends to drop quickly, even close to shore. More info: Joint Typhoon Weather Center - Tsunami METOC FAQ Tsunami, Seichs, and Meteotsunami That said, a true large Tsunami is horrifically devastating. We worked in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami (Indian Ocean) - and though US news covereage was eclipsed by Katrina, this was far worse (Satelite before and after example): For days the military did nothing but fly in rations, dry ice, and medical supplies and fly out full of body bags (to prevent disease). Hope that helps.
  3. The WoBs are not about Singers. They are about Parsh - the beings that were formerly Singers, stripped of Identity and Connection (not actual Singers or Listeners). A Listener/Singer in Slaveform can change forms like any other Singer/Listener (Ref: Shen/Rlain) - just because the forms appear similar enough to fool a human, does not mean that every Slaveform has the same Connection and Identity problems of pre-Everstorm Parsh. Breaths would not grant any form for a Parshman - Breaths are not Spren residing in the gemheart - But, because Breaths can grant Sentience to Awakened Objects, that WoB implies that holding breaths (probably to first heightening) may help them think more clearly. That is not why or how Singers and Listeners change formes. They specifically require a form of Nahel Bond (similar to the Ryshadium, Greatshell and Skyeel Nahel Bonds) to change their form - sentient investiture, not just any investiture (Sapient Nahel Bonds like Rlain and Venli are shown to not change the Singer's form). Hope that helps.
  4. Welcome to the Shard, be sure to check out the Sharder FAQ for some tips and tricks to this style of forum, as well as other useful info and links. No, his books are that good. However, depending on your definition of "darker" they may not fit that definition (though - when you get to Hero of Ages you can weigh in here on your thoughts about Inquisitors and if that meets your idea or not). Some readers, by "darker," mean either more "mature" (graphic language, violence, etc.) or closer to horror. Whle Sanderson has some possibly "disturbing" content, it does not tend to be described graphically, so for some readers it is not considered "dark." However, I would absolutely say that all of his non-YA books are at least as good as where you started. the YA books are great too, but obviously meant for a Teen audience (though I, and most Sharders, have read them and I have over a decade on you. . . ) Sanderson excels at Worldbuilding (from familiar-but-different like Mistborn to completely intricate like White Sand and Stormlight Archive) and interesting and complex magic systems. You may consider checking out his Three Laws of Magic essays (this is the third, but it has links to essay 1 and 2 in the intro). In the essays he describes the rules he sets for himself and how he builds his complex worlds and magic. Here is one of the many many Reading Order Recommendation threads (and this one has links to others), so they may help you decide where to go next after the first Mistborn trilogy. Happy reading, hope that helps.
  5. Based on Elantris and WoBs (below), we know that ChayShan is based on Tai Chi and uses the body's movements to access the Dor (similar to an Elantrian drawing an Aon in the air, but using the whole body and without leaving a glyph behind). Based on that, and what we see on screen, I think it is most likely that the ChayShan practitioner is holding Dor, similar to a Radiant holding Light - which causes the increase in speed and strength (and probably healing). Where I guess that ChayShan differs, is I would bet that holding that much Dor gives them a version of the First and/or Fourth Heightening[1]. Shuden isn't fighting eyes-closed because of some F-Tin like effect, I think it's because he is "seeing" with lifesense and so has a clearer internal estimate of who is around him (even behind) than regular vision could produce. Not saying your theory is wrong, just adding other ideas to the discussion. Note 1: Just as we later see Riino sense Kaladin by the Fourth Heightening in Oathbringer, so we know that the Dor can produce at least some effects similar to Heightenings. Not to mention Elantrians are Ageless - which is Fifth Heightening. . .
  6. I think many of the replies have provided great information, but the details seem to have skipped the heart of the question. The "vaporization" is a Required secondary power that basically says "for this blade to be able to cut through a non-living object, it must convert an amount of the object into investiture equal to slightly wider that the blade width." However, Shardblades (live or deadeye) do not have an omnipresent "forcefield" of vaporization that will destroy anything touching the edge - when not actually cutting. If that were true, the "blocks" they use for practice would not work. If that were true, bumping a friend with the side of the blade would cause damage. We do not see any of that in-text. The vaporization happenes if, and only if, the edge is actively cutting inanimate objects - as a way for the blade to reduce friction and complete the cut. Part of this may also be Intent, such as when Adolin pushes Maya into the cliff so he can hang from the blade (WoK and OB). He's olding it sideways (blade pointing left or right, but not down), but he's also using the Intent that once placed, it stays stationary. WoBs: So, adding friction to the side of the blade is a funtional way to parry/block the shardblade - including the "last clap" which is a dangerous way to prevent the cutting edge from connecting by adding palm-friction to the sides. As mentioned in text, this mostly works only because people that are used to using shardblades do not use much force (it's unneccessary to their function and needlessly tires the shardbearer) - and that makes this possible. A shardbearer expecting such a move could simply swing a bit harder and faster with that blow and likely prevent the last clap from working. Hope that helps
  7. Please do not double post (post a response when your post is still the most recent), you can simply edit your posts. If you are not familiar with that tool (or other tools for this wiki) please see the Sharder FAQ. While there, please consider an Intro Post to let us know what you have (or have not) read (whichever list is shorter); so that spoilers may be avoided in future questions. Thank you for your time and consideration. Hope that helps
  8. I'm not saying it does change anything. I am merely pointing out information that should likely be part of the discussion. Connectivity WoB: Hope that helps.
  9. Also, if there are more Frugal Wizard books, they are likely to be by other authors (especially Dan Wells, maybe others). References: Hope that helps
  10. Dux's References (all spoilers previously noted): Hope that helps.
  11. @That1Cellist described it well, but I will just add that this basic presmise is flawed. Aon's do not get their power from the Rao that the city depicts. All Aon's (and all Sel Magic - Forgery, Chay Shan, Dakhor, etc.) draw from the Dor. The city is just another Aon drawing upon the Dor - and that Aon's purpose is to allow other Aons to access more than normal amounts of the Dor. From the Elantris Annotations (Ch 62): Hope that helps
  12. References you may find of interest: The OG Translation Guide (or how we figured much of this out) Coppermind Women's Script Coppermind Glyphs Also, @Firesong is not on here often, but they do work a lot with the Cosmere languages and phonology if you want to search posts for more. Hope that helps.
  13. I'm sorry you feel that way. I respect your opinion, which is a perfectly valid interpretation, even if I don't agree with it. Brandon has said that not every magic system is meant to be capable of the same things. Not every Manifestation of Investiture (MoI) can be a combat art, or capable of Transformation, etc. But there are things in the Cosmere (like Lightweaving) that are accessible by multiple magic systems, but how they are accessed and implemented may slightly differ. Please see his Three Laws of Magic (third post has links to posts 1 and 2) where he descibes his personal rules for how he builds magic systems and why he makes the choices he does. One of his core philosophies is that the Limitations are what make magic interesting, not the powers themselves. WoBs: Hope that helps
  14. I see from your profile that you read the three volume Graphic Novel, but not the Omnibus or White Sand Prose (unpublished). The omnibus does make this slightly clearer, but much is also inference and reference. The Mastrell's path was not required to become a Mastrell, it was simply something Mastrell's used to test their skill and use for bragging rights amongst each other. Kenton ran the path because the rules did not forbid non-Mastrells from running it (it just had not been done, by tradition) and he wanted to prove to his father, Lord Mastrell Praxton, that he could do just as well as a Mastrell (because skill was more important than raw power - a fight they had often). Why Kenton found the sixth ball was explained in-story - it was a ball accidentally buried by the Terken Marken from an unknown previous run. The ball was never recovered (who-knows-how-long-ago) and somehow became unburied this time when the Marken surfaced. I postulate on how a new Mastrell's Path could be done post-story here. Hope that helps.
  15. Please keep in mind that this is a fan theory, not confirmed canon. Discussed in this thread (and others - easily searched) because of how Medallions work - even though brandon has said the medallions are similar, but not the same, as a regular Soulbearer Ferring. Also, assuming the original plan is still in place, Era 3 will show an artificial Mistborn (or close to it) as the antagonist. We do not yet know how that will be achieved. From another thread: There are too many assumptions to know for sure yet how it will work until we see a Soulbearer on-screen.
  16. You are missing Command, which is another important Realmatic piece of Manifestations of Investiture (MoI). But, Beandon has said he deliberately did not evoke those four aspects in equal measure for Each MoI, sine that would be too restrictive, so Just as Command is very slight in Allomancy, Connection is evoked differently in Hemalurgy. WoB: Connection is not the only method of gaining a MoI, and Hemalurgy is not the only art where Connection is less of a factor - but as part of Intent rather than a method of access (e. g. Sprouters, Artefabrians, etc.). A person with knowledge and Intent uses a Command when spiking a victim - adn this is creating teh Connection to Ruin to create the Hemalurgic Charge. Remember, you have not "gained" a power until the Spike is Charged, then inserted into the person receiving the Spike. So, just like AonDor and Forgery, the Knowledge is as important as Access (possibly more so with Hemalurgy) - but you are making the Connection through Intent and Command, rather than using Connection to access Intent and Command. Also, keep in mind that, as a Shard, Ruin is everywhere. Ruin's investiture is everywhere, and connections to Ruin can happen anywhere destruction and Entropy are invoked, such as accidentally using some of Ruin's intent in creating Nightblood: WoBs: Hope that helps
  17. Please keep in mind that we do not yet know conclusively if a Subsumer stores and taps from the Digetive System or the body. In your examples, the Subsumer is. presumably, storing from the digestive system (nutrition being converted by the gut is, instead, diverted to storage). However, it is possible (maybe even likely) that the storage comes from Fat and Protien Calories already in the body. White Sand Spoilers:
  18. I would suggest checking the Coppermind, as it lists known Koloss names. Also, it would matter if you mean Era 1 or Era 2. In Era 1, their names would be the name of whomever received the spikes (unless they chose a new moniker, like Human, whose real name was Vershad). In Era 2, there does not seem to be much linguistic derivation - although that may differn between Koloss and Koloss-blooded. For example, IRL, Tarson as a first name is found in Brazil, and Tarson as a surname is believed to have origins in Scots Gaelic. Based on this, I would guess that Era 2 Tarson is going by a surname, as European naming conventions were used for Scadrial (though, usually Germanic and French). Annotations to HoA Ch 37: Hope that helps.
  19. This thread includes links to many other reading order threads. This thread includes my thoughts on the subject, and some of the interactions that would be spoiled or lost in your example (for example, Tress has spoilers for Mistborn, Secret History, and Elantris; as well as references to Sixth of the Dusk, White Sand, and Warbreaker) I also discuss an epub I put together for the purpose of providing it to coworkers and friends interested in learning more about the Cosmere in this thread. My notes above in Italics. Hope that helps
  20. Nice theory, Please note: Wax was not a Savant: This was "confirmed" in BoM When he met another, non-Crasher, that had also learned to use a "Steel bubble" like his (seen in the train fight) - that technique was downgraded when brandon realized making the bubble did not require F-Iron and was therefore neither a resonance nor savant extrapolation, just an advanced use of A-Steel, similar to Kelsier's and Zane's abilities that Vin was not experienced enough to use in Era 1 (see below). However, overuse of the bubble could still have led to Savanthood. WoBs: Note that part of the reason why the Hemalurgic Flaw is more pronounced in a Construct over a simple person with Cognitive Cracks (like Vin's Mother, or Midge) is because the Spike, while inserted, is Piercing all three realms allowing the control method to more freely affect both the CR and SR aspect of the individual. A savant would not have tht conduit - so while cracks might make it slightly easier to "communicate", it is unlikely they could be controlled like the Spiked.
  21. I thought this was already implied to be why Lift can't "skate" like the Shetel-im in Oathbringer - she has not yet realized/learned to remove less than all of the friction for her feet to remain upright. The trick, presumably is 3/4s slick to push off, and 90% slick to coast (if still retaining the "skating motion" - full slick to glide).
  22. Yes. WoB: Granted, it's not a 1:1 correlation, since the WoB example is wearing the plate - but the concept of the interference envelope should still apply - it would be hard to lash a box filled with plate because everywhere they touch would be in that "envelope." Also, consider how important plate is to Alethi, and the consequnces of losing one or more boxes (and one or more sets of plate) because they randomly fell out of the sky while you were travelling. That said, a larger construct like Navani's vessel in RoW may have been large enough - had they thought of it two years earlier when preparing for the Kholinar trip. . .
  23. Much of food's flavor also comes from minerals. . . like salt (also a different essence). Let's take, for example, Corn: Hope that helps
  24. It was in the Elantris Annotations (right after the book was published): Annotations to Ch 48:
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