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  1. Consider my spoiler warning to be in the title, as everything here is going to be spoilers. From how everyone seems to talk about it, the common consensus seems to be that the Sibling is able to offer unlimited investiture to radiants within it. I disagree, and I think my theory is better supported (naturally) but I'd like to know if there are details I am missing. First of all, our knowledge comes from this quote: I'm not going to harp on the exact wording due to this being a first draft, but I actually think this points to something other than infinite investiture. I don't think this is the sibling automatically regenerating the investiture for the lashing, but rather something about the activated tower causing the stormlight to no longer leak. As part of my grand theory of surgebinding, I don't believe that most surgebinding actually consumes stormlight. Especially the surges of the windrunners. When using adhesion you connect two objects together, and the connection is formed using stormlight. Due to the skill of the user and the natures of the objects, the stormlight fades and disperses over time. I have a bunch of evidence for this point, which I can go over if requested. Regardless, I believe the tower is enforcing the connection, or in some way making the stormlight no longer leak. Therefore the objects simply continue to be connected, and the lashing is maintained.
  2. I think it's entirely possible that he is not alive. Unlike Riino he had no experience with realmatics or being an Elantrian, and we don't really know what it's like for Elantrians in the Selish subastral. It's also entirely possible that he is alive, but as far as I'm aware we have no clue if he's up to anything. Maybe we will seem him again, but maybe we just won't.
  3. I'd argue that that's actually a part of it. Since Dalinar was either not around or drunk during his childhood, he had to learn to be there for Renarin and his Mother. So I'd argue a lot of his issues stem from this specifically. There are certainly recent events that compound this, but I wouldn't even call him well adjusted during WoK. He just puts on the image of someone well adjusted. There's a reason why he can't keep a courtship after all.
  4. I would not say adolin is well adjusted. His issues are less obvious than the others we've seen, but a big part of that is because of the nature of his issues. I would not call him well adjusted
  5. I have to go with brass here because infinite heat certainly doesn't seem useful, unless your body is protected from overheating or something like that. Nicrosil is a safe bet too though, in a vacuum it is pretty useless. Everything else I can come up with a good use for, but unless there's an extra plus with double brass.
  6. So I would actually say that is the opposite of something autonomy would do. She tends to push for a fast progression of technology, not a slow one. Rashek's push for slow progress was out of an effort to make sure his society remained in a place where he could ascend again when the time came.
  7. Nice theory, but no. The "sun" is the beyond, and is visible everywhere regardless of what planet's subastral you are on. Without giving too much detail due to potential spoilers, we're certain that the "sun" has nothing to do with roshar in specific
  8. I'm interested in how you came to this decision. Obviously we don't have much in the way of evidence either way, but it makes plenty of sense to me that you don't need to be an allomancer to burn metals. Allomancy is about burning a metal to draw investiture from the Spiritual Realm and filter it using the molecular structure. But shardmetals are investiture, you don't need to draw investiture from anywhere, the imvestiture is the metal. In addition, I can't think of any mechanical reason why burning lerasium should be any different. You don't have allomancy before you burn it, it would be odd for it to behave differently than others in this case. It's difficult to truly argue this, since it requires an understanding of shardmetals that we really don't have, and is cryptic at best. So this is me taking my best stab at it with the information we do have. I think there's a lot of textual evidence at this point to disprove this specific point. Elend and Wax both burned Lerasium unconsciously, with Wax not realizing at all. Elend even burned pewter completely unconsciously without knowing he was an allomancer, and I think it's likely Wax burned metals other than steel in TLM, perhaps even Atium. Obviously intent is important in allomancy, but we've seen that it pretty much is as easy as consuming a metal and trying to burn it. I think intent is much more important in feruchemy, which certain leads to compounding being a learned skill. To this point I agree with you. I think there are pretty major mechanical differences between the two magic systems, since you are the supply of investiture in feruchemy. To this end, there is no mechanical difference between shardmetals and regular metals, the investiture is coming from the same place. I certainly agree with you here as well. In addition, I think it's possible that they did try to burn trellium, succeeded, but found that what it did wasn't particularly useful. There are a lot of different permutations of that idea, maybe it is useful but just not nearly as useful as it's hemalurgic properties. Or maybe it had an effect, but they couldn't tell what the full extent was and figured it wasn't useful, like Vin and duralumin. There are definitely a lot of reasons why we may not have heard about it. My hope is that Sandy intended for a lot of the exploration to be in Era 3, considering that Era 2 was never meant to be a proper Era to begin with. It would be very disappointing if Nalatium was never truly brought up in the text.
  9. This was certainly my first thought. Trellium would have been fat too rare for them to waste it on attempting to burn it. Any small piece would have been valuable. This compounds with them not knowing that anyone could burn any godmetal, or even what a godmetal even is. I wanted to add, however, that as far as I know, if they did try to burn trellium it really shouldn't have done anything. From my understanding, the ability to burn godmetals requires a connection to the shard in question. So anyone born on scadrial could have burned lerasium or atium, but a random rosharan couldn't. I couldn't say how connected the members of the set were to Autonomy, but I wouldn't be shocked if they just wouldn't have been able to.
  10. This definitely sounds like something she would do, or at least have several different plans for Scadrial. I wouldn't be surprised if she has plans for the malwish as well. The stagnation of society in Northern Scadrial is definitely going to be extremely important in the future. Especially when we consider the rapid growth of malwish technology. Slight spoilers for SP4/5
  11. Spoilers for all of Mistborn Era 2 I recently reread The Alloy of Law, and I was somewhat stunned by a particular line said by Miles about the tenants of survivorism: To me, this sounds almost word for word what autonomy requires of her followers. Ruthless self determinism and the need to prove yourself through individual survival. These tenants also seem far removed not only from Kelsier's actual beliefs, but from the origins of survivorism in the final empire. This may just be due to the obvious shifts in the religion due to power structures within their society, but it seems so similar to the tenants of autonomy that it stuck out to me.
  12. oooh wait you might be right I would have to check it. That absolutely could have been what she said
  13. I was under the impression that you didn't need to be *born* in Arelon, you just needed to grow up there and have some kind of connection. For instance, part of Shai's forging to make her an Elantrian was her and her parents moving to Arelon. So even in her forgery she wasn't born there. This is a very small nitpick but I think it gets to some aspects of how connection works
  14. This is what made it click for me. You're right, you don't store allomantic power the way you store memories. When storing allomantic power, you don't stop being an allomancer, you just become weaker. This does make sense, you're right. It's funny that this actually makes allomantic medallions extremely powerful, since your power as an allomancer isn't consumed by flaring your metals. It would just be consumed over time. What piece of your innate investiture controls this is nebulous imo, but it's clearly what is actually happening. To me this asks even more questions about how feruchemical power works in nicrosil. In medallions, the feruchemical power is not consumed. But you've gone over this a few times by now of course, medallions have their own life force and identity which grants the weilder the ability. So beyond medallions, how does nicrosil work in feruchemy? Your explanation here confuses me, because as far as I know feruchemy is completely binary, no feruchemist is more powerful than another. I haven't ever heard this before, I don't know if there are wobs or something I missed about this but from what I know, this loss is very small. The loss is related to humans being a porous container of investiture, so when you tap and extreme amount of an attribute, you lose some of the investiture as the investiture flows out of you through osmosis to the environment. So maybe this is true, but since the loss is so small, being highly efficient shouldn't really change much. And that seems like a pretty weak feruchemical ability. So what does storing a feruchemical ability in nicrosil do? Feruchemy is also granted by connection to Preservation and Ruin, which would cause me to assume that you can't store all of your feruchemical ability in a nicrosilmind. But then what does storing any % of your feruchemical ability mean? When storing speed in steel, you become slow now to become faster later. In nicrosil, you store your feruchemical ability. So there's two options, you store it like copper, or like any other attribute. Storing feruchemical ability like any other attribute just seems odd to me. You cannot be a strong feruchemist, you are just a feruchemist. I'm curious to know what you believe here, and how you think this ought to work. Yes, my point was that every planet was made by investiture in the same way. Scadrial was directly created from Preservation and ruin's investiture, but other planets (like roshar) were created by adonalsium. But when the shattering occurred, the investiture became that of Honor and Cultivation's. So scadrial's connection to Preservation and Ruin shouldn't be any different than any other shardworld. I'll go ahead and say what I meant about TSM. Spoilers for all of TSM
  15. Except everything was made from investiture originally when adonalsium created the cosmere, and when adonalsium was shattered, all investiture was divided amongst the shards. Honestly idk what I was trying to say. I think I was trying to say there was some hypocrisy in the wording but there really wasn't. I know it gives feruechemy, it certainly has to. So I think my argument is hinging on a specific aspect of how this technology even works. I'm not saying that you would create a fullborn by making more Bands of mourning, but by giving them the innate ability to do it. Medallions are able to allow you to tap a metalmind without having the feruchemical ability. But can you take the ability out of the metalmind? Surely you can, or perhaps with the use of two nicrosilminds. Anyway that isn't the real problem, the real problem is in duplicating the power. Feruchemical ability is binary, you either have it or your don't. So what does compounding necrosil do when you have a feruchemical ability stored? If the answer is power duplication, than in principle, creating an infinite number of full feruchemists is simple. Allomantic power, on the other hand, is not binary. It controls your burn rate for metals. If you are correct, and you store the innate ability to burn metals, than compounding should increase the strength of the allomantic ability. That should absolutely let you create more allomancers. You almost certainly should be able to only pull off part of the power (or else storing an allomantic ability would be pretty useless) so getting all of your original power back, and giving the rest to someone else, would be easy given the knowledge they already have. The simple fact that they haven't done this tells me it can't be possible. Something in this chain of assumptions has to be impossible. All you would need is one misting of each type, a nicrosil compounder, and an aluminum ferring. My method requires feruchemical powers to be duplicatable with nicrosil compounding, or you need a full feruchemist rather than the aluminum ferring. But you also need 1 of those to make medallions in the first place, so it's definitely doable. Regardless, I want to pick out the assumptions that could be wrong that would make my method not work. If somehow you can't tap only part of a nicrosilmind with an allomantic ability, than this doesn't work. But that seems silly. I'm sure you'll have more objections, and I look forward to hearing them. If my method isn't making any sense I will draw a diagram when I get home to explain myself. I'll explain what my proposal is better then, I forgot all the proper words so it was hard to explain myself. Yes, I should have been more clear with what I mean by "allomantic ability". Clearly the true power is that you are able to burn metals and draw in investiture. I am proposing that once you have that investiture, using it is the easy part. The power of a steel misting is to burn steel. The investiture gained by burning steel allows you to steel push. Under my framework, if you were somehow able to give that investiture to someone else, regardless of if they are a misting, they would be able to steelpush. So a nicrosil twinborn could burn whatever metal they had allomantically, and store the investiture in the nicrosilmind. Then you could use that investiture later to have a massive burst of power, almost like duralumin you have set up before hand. The way this would work with stormlight is part of my reasoning for thinking it works like this at all. I argue that a knight radiant draws in stormlight, and then is able to use that held stormlight, converting it to a type aligned with a surge. I actually have a piece of evidence from TSM that I think shows this quite well, but I will pull that into an aside later since it messes with the flow. This would work with nicrosil by storing the investiture associated with a surge, ready to be used later. A medallion granting gravitation then would let you use the surge of gravitation, but wouldn't let you draw in stormlight. Once you ran out of the investiture in the nicrosilmind, you couldn't replenish it. The reason I think it absolutely has to work this way is by nature of how surgebinding powers are gained. Surgebinding is gained by bonds, bonds formed by connection. The idea of storing the ability to draw in stormlight shouldn't really be possible, it's a different type of power. For instance, an honorblade gives you the ability to surgebind. If you could hold an honorblade and store your ability at the same time, what would happen? Would you be able to create infinite surgebinding, constantly getting surgebinding back, or would you destroy the honorblade's ability to grant surgebinding in the first place? Neither option makes sense in my opinion. Allomancy is similar, you have a connection to Preservation which allows you to burn metals and collect investiture from him. The connection here is somewhat nebulous, I'll admit. But it seems almost an impossibility to me that storing the ability to use stormlight and surgebind seems like an impossibility. Extremely important caveat: I don't have a clear memory of Bands of mourning, if this fully happens in the scene, where Marasi has to swallow metal and only gains the ability to burn said metal, then yeah I'm fully wrong. Just 100% wrong. My framework relies on this not happening. I can't check the book right now but I'll do it when I get home. Welp I've been writing this for a day now, and I have since checked the book. I am definitely wrong. I am going to think about the consequences of this now.
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