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Everything posted by Thunder_93

  1. Hi all, so, I have a question, which most likely confuses me as I don't remember something from WoR, but hopefully somebody still answers my question... +, please dont say to much about OB, I'm only in part 1 so far... So, in OB, they say an Oathgate needs to be activated from both sides (from Urithiru, and the other). So, how exactly did they activate the Oathgate at the end of WoR? Kaladin, likely the only person who is able to reach Urithiru without an Oathgate (at least for the moment) didn't do it, as he was fighting Szeth at the moment... So, can anyone explain me what i forgot...?
  2. First, did they have more then one spike? I don't remember.... But if you remember the end of BoM, you find out that the Set work somehow together with this Kandras with red eyes (whatever you might call them...). Harmony obviously can't control them either. I think this has somehow to do with the spike of Bleeder, which we assume to be Trellium. We don't know for sure what exactly you can do with that, but Harmony couldn't even detect Bleeder, which he should be capable of doing, even if she has only one spike. So, I guess we can't say for sure yet - but I think it has to be something regarding this metal
  3. I don't think Nightblood would become a new Shard. The black smoke that it is evaporating is corrupted Investiture, which became unusable. I'm not sure if it is even cabaple of holding that much Investiture, or if it just would all leak out, but in a corrupted version
  4. About the Metallic Arts, you can't really say that. We know somehow it's possible, even if we don't know how. Just think about Bleeder. A Kandra that used the Metallic arts. I think also a common theory is, that they somehow linked Kelsier's "spirit" via Hemalurgy to a new body (remember the one spike in his eye. We don't know it's function). Whatever kind of body that was (kandra or human) could have "healed" to look like Kelsier, as his mind thinks this is how he's supposed to look, just as Kaladin's scar.
  5. You're right about this scene. But, he didn't have to do that. He intentionally did that, but it wasn't necessary. See here: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=972#36 Why exactly he wanted to do that, who knows. Anyways, I get your point, that he needs to charge the metalmind he wants to burn afterwards. But remember, he always had another one with him, where he was pulling youth out consistently (otherwhise he'd die, what Vin proofed). So I guess he was just able to "transfer" some of the youth stored in one metalmind into the other. Something like that, a "moving of a feruchemical charge without using it" has to be possible. If it wasn't, you couldn't compound. If it wasn't possible, you'd burn a metalmind, and thn be, let's say, much younger for a few seconds, but couldn't store it.
  6. Just like you said, he is "god" now. He took up both shards, Ruin and Preservation. He surely isn't dead. What you can say, is that he isn't around anymore in the same way as he was in the original series.
  7. Just reread the part. It says: "They had found some small bit-the atium that had made up the bracers that the Lord Ruler had used as Feruchemical battery to store up age. However, they had spent those on supplies for the city, and they had actually contained only a very small bit of atium. Nothing like the cache was said to have." It sounds more like you are actually right, and there just wasn't much Atium in, because they probably were not that big.
  8. That the Spearhead isn't made of the bracers like everyone says, I agree. But if I remember correctly, the bracers likely aren't 100% Atium. Elend needed to sell them (Band 2 or 3? Don't remember....) and he said it was surprising, that not more Atium was inside. So I make the conclusion it was mixed with something else. Probably also a Feruchemical mind (obviously, except the Atium with the Age).
  9. @The Sovereign Okay, probably it would effect Compounding. But would you really ge more power to store in your Metalmind? A stronger Allomancer can't get more power out of the same amount of metal, he just can burn it faster, right? So, he would be able to compound faster.
  10. If you say you want to steal strength (like, physical strength, like done for a Koloss) i think it shouldn't matter if you do that to an allomancer or not. You're stealing a normal, human attribute. Everyone has it. Of course you could steal via Hemalurgy the Iron Allomancy. This wouldn't effect your strength at all, and it wouldn't give you a triple compounding. It would make your allomantic pulls from burning Iron stronger, as you have this ability 2 times (from being a Twinborn and from Hemalurgy). However, it wouldn't effect the compounding.
  11. I understand you get kind of obsessed with the Cosmere now... But just remember, if you do an extensive research on this topic, you have a big risk of spoiling yourself. Maybe with smaller things, or with really big things (for example, with the end of the original Mistborn trilogy). If I was you, I'd first read all the "big" cosmere books, before going to deep into cosmere-research. That would be: -Elantris -Warbreaker -Stormlight Archive 1 & 2 -Mistborn Era 1 -Mistborn Era 2 -Secret History Shorter stories (like Edgedancer, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows of Silence in the Forest of Hell) are probably not that bad, as there aren't that big things to spoil... The thing is, if you look up one thing, you quickly go to another topic. Maybe you're reading about Adonalsium, and probably wouldn't get spoiled there, but then you quickly go the next link, then the next.... and end up spoiling yourself
  12. On the topic how Adonalsium was "killed": I like the theory that it was somehow done with Aluminium (in which form, however, is open). Might be the "weapon" that was used to kill it. I personally can't think of another weapon for such a purpose. About the splitting the power into 16 even parts: I don't think this was done like that by the 16 original holders. The 16 parts aren't just even powers. Each power has it's own purpose, it's own intent. I doubt that they could split the whole power of Adonalsium up into this 16 parts, each with an own intent. I find it more likely that this was kind of something natural, like it just happened when killing Adonalsium.
  13. I'm not sure anymore, how often the desolations used to come... I thought more then every 100-200 years (more about every thousand...) but I'm really not sure, and at the moment can't find any quote. But what I think is more important, the "true desolation" only seems to be at the start. We haven't even seen a Knight Radiant in his final state, neither Midnight essences, or Voidbringers (I think Parshendis were only a part of the species of Voidbinders, as some seemed like Chasmfiends). Plus, we've never seen any Voidbinding. So, this Desolation is really just at the beginning. What else we're all going to see, who knows. But for sure we haven't seen all.
  14. Thanks for the answer. Thanks for the hint, like I said - I only wanted that as a comparsion, that in other magic systems, the investiture of the same person doesn't interfere with one another. So, it might be the same here - that the Lashings don't interfere with the gemstones (as Szeth said) but with the plate (as Brandon mentioned). But a Knight Radiant might be excluded from that, when he's using "his own" Plate. However, if he uses a normal Shardplate, I guess it wouldn't work anymore.
  15. I never read that WoBs, but that's interesting, just how you said. At the first 2 WoBs i have to say, it's never really specifically said that it's the plate that's to invested. It still could be the gemstones attached to it, which kind of "bond" to the plate, so it is seen as one object (does that make sense?). But in the third it really sounds more like it is actually the plate. Just interesting, that Szeth doesn't understand it correctly, as he isn't actually a Knight Radiant... but still, I wouldn't expect that he tells us that in the book, and that it's actually wrong. But what I just randomly thought about. Maybe you have to think about it a little different. In my opinion, a shardplate itself does not have any Investiture left - otherwhise it wouldn't need charged gems, right? And the reason, why a Knight Radiant can use lashings inside of the plate: Maybe that's really just because the plate, just like the blade, is alive as well (according to the theory that the plate of a Radiant is made of minor Spren). And, as it's the magic from the same user, it does not interfere with each other (a little of topic - but same as a Mistborn can't use Feruchemical Metalminds, unless their his own. Then other random thought - could a Twinborn, for example Wax, push on his own metalminds?)
  16. @galendo Just looked it up again. It's even written in the Prologue of Way of Kings, that it actually is the gemstones that interfere, not the Plate itself:
  17. I have a few points where I don't think you're right, galendo. Firstly, you said he didn't mention the lack of gemstones at the blades in his vision. That Shardblade need a gemstone, is new to me. As much as I remember some Blades had gemstones attached, but this was more for decoration. The Gemstones on blades are never mentioned to be replaced, charged with Stormlight, or whatever. As I remember, Shardblades don't need gemstones. About the Shardplates: The gemstones of Shardplates are actually at the armors interior. So that Dalinar didn't see them, isn't really a proof. But I agree, I don't think the Plates of a Knight Radiant needed gemstones, for this reason: Szeth sais, he had to decide, if he wants to use a shardplate or surgebinding, as the surgebinding would interfere with the gems of the armor. As we saw that the Knight Radiants from Dalinars vision wore the armor, and were flying, so, surgebinding, thats for me a good proof their armor doesnt use gemstones
  18. Looks amazing! Just like Argent said, even if I don't either own a HTC Vive, I'd consider to give you some bucks to continue your work on it (this would actually be a reason to finally buy a Vive ) If I'd be in your position, I'd really consider to create a Kickstarter project for this! Even if it's just 100 dollars you get, at least something to support your amazing work. I'm sure many people on this forum would support you a little
  19. Probably it's even simpler. Nightblood can't actually talk. He talks "over the mind". So, how is he even supposed to say a command and awake something? And to give a Mental Command, Nightblood would need to be at Tenth Hightening, and even then it's supposed to be really hard, and a lot of practice necessary (which he actually can't, as he can't talk to awake). So, probably you don't even have to overthink why he (or she? well who knows) can't awake anything. It's basically the same problem that Susebron had.
  20. I don't think either it would give you this abilities, as Yata said, it's not really the way Feruchemy works... you get back what you actually store... But the idea of Tarion is still interesting I think. Storing sight isn't always the same... For example, you can do it as Sazed did it (for a binocular effect). But you should also be able to store sight in the way, that you hardly see in normal daylight, but when tapping it, you could see also at night (not complete darkness, as you'll always need a little bit of light). But thinking like that, you could probably break up the single senses even further.
  21. Haha, best use for Feruchemy I've ever heard. Use this super cool powers to drink more alcohol Anyways, surely a Windwhisperer is kind of underestimated. The Lord Ruler could actually detect when a Person was lying right? They never explained how he did it (if I remember right) but it has to be his crazily increased senses. As burning Tin obviously isn't enough (as seen by Vin, Kelsier, Spook) it should be that. It can increase your senses to the point that you hear the change in the heartbeat, and so on, of the other person.
  22. I could also recomend The Dark Tower Saga from Stephen King. So far I'm only at book 3 of 8, but it's really good so far
  23. Probably not. But on the other side, can you really say Nightblood is terrible? It's just really powerful, but in the right hands it can do good as well. Just 2 random thoughts I had about Nightblood: -What actually happens when Nightblood collides with a normal shardblade? Does that work like 2 normal shardblades, or would Nightblood even destroy a shardblade, as it cuts on an additional realms? -Surely everyone remembers Nightblood's intent. "Destroy Evil". As it destroys/corrupts Investiture, what can we make out of that? Probably Adonalsium and his Investiture wasn't that good at all - and that's why the original 16 Shardholders splintered him. On the other hand we know Nightblood isn't that good at judging. But still... Maybe the corrupting of Investiture isn't that a random act of Nightblood, but on purpose... But like I've said, just some random and strange thoughts
  24. I agree with all points of Elenion. The thing I think makes it also really dangerous, is what it does to Investiture. It sucks in all Investiture it somehow can, and destroys (or more likely corrupts) it (remember, the black smoke evaporating from it's blade is corrupted Investiture) We simply don't know yet what it exactly does to consumed Investiture. Maybe it's not that efficient in a battle against a whole army, but regarding to Nightblood I like to think about the following saying: We've won the battle, but lost the war (I don't know if the quote is 100% correct ) With a weapon that destroys on all Realms, plus can destroy/corrupt Investiture, the right guy might do some pretty bad things to a shardworld, or even the whole cosmere
  25. For the last 2 posts: I'm not sure if you really understand how the storing Identity works. Of course, it's not all 100% clear yet, but Bands of Mourning gave us a pretty good idea about it: (so, BoM spoilers ahead) A Feruchemist can store all his identity into a Metalmind, and while he does so, store any other Metalmind with the matching attribute. If he does so, said second Metalmind will be an unsealed Metalmind. This means, everyone with the right feruchemical ability can use the Metalmind. That's why Wayne could use the gold-Metalmind he found, as it was unsealed. And that's also as the Bands of Mourning themself work, as when the "powers to be Allomancer / Feruchemist" were stored, the person stored all his identity -> everyone could use it. I honestly don't think feruchemical Aluminium includes storing an actual personality into a metalmind
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