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Everything posted by Thunder_93

  1. And correct me if I'm wrong. But Kelsier and Vin didn't easily pull the spikes out. And they had pewter. So I don't see how a person without pewter should ever be able to pull a spike
  2. Well thanks already for that many ideas First, I don't get 2 of them... and when i tried to check it on coppermind i didn't find anything... And that are OoklaTheGamer FweedleOotTooty Lol sorry, can you tell me what both of them are HeroOfAges is taken already... FacelessImmortal is to long, and the other ideas aren't bad, but I don't like them that much, sorry Like I said... the best of Mistborn. Even better, Kelsier, Rashek or Marsh related (Ironeyes is taken sadly...)
  3. Hey everyone. I want a new Gamertag on my Xbox-Account... I wanted something Mistborn (or maybe Stormlight Archive) related. Some names are of course already taken and the ones I like don't work cause of the limitations... The limitations are: 15 symbols, only letters, numbers and space. No numbers at the begginings. My fought was "SliverOfInfinity" (for Rashek) but that has 16 Symbols.... I don't like skipping the "of" or writting just an O or a F... any idea how I could write that? Other thought was "SurvivorOfMists". That would work, but I like the other more... Any other cool ideas?
  4. Of course, if the soldiers have modern weapons, it's gonna be different. But then i guess the Inquisitor will have modern weapons as well. So Thermophile, what do you mean - fighting an Inquisitor at the time of the first trilogy, or later? If later, when?
  5. For normal soldiers (no Allomancers, no Feruchemists) I think it would be really hard... The lack of speed and strength (Inquisitors have it from pewter, maybe even Feruchemy. But I take now "standard-Inquisitors", without Feruchemy, except gold for healing faster as some had that) makes it impossible for them to pull out the centre-spike or one of the eyesockets. In only close combat (like trying to behead them), the same problem, I don't really see a way for them to win. Even if the Inquisitor get's in any danger, he can just jump out anyways. I think the best way would be to distract them with a close combat fight, and when he's distracted, shoot them with Arrows (of course without metal). You're gonna lose a lot of men, but well... they're fighting an Inquisitor. If the Inquisitor has Atium: They can only keep fighting and wait until he's out of it. As long as he has Atium, there's no way they can win
  6. I suggest you both know that as it's written in the book... I'm rereading it and wondered, but really didn't remember how that worked... anyways, thanks guys. I see it's a good choice of me to reread Warbreaker
  7. I hope it wasn't discussed before. My question isn't about "where do they get the power from" (I personally think it's Endowment, however he chooses who to get back. Maybe what the priests say is after all right. If im totally wrong, feel free to tell me how it really is, even if this isn't the subject here ) My question is more about the process itself. So, they first gotta die. But what then? Does the dead corpse just come back to life, and transform into a Returned (as they're taller and all that)? I don't think so. As how would you know who's going to return? They'd have to keep every dead body for maybe a couple of days somewhere, before they burn or dig it (would be bad if a Returned comes back and is digged in the ground in his tomb). Do they just appear, and walk shining and glowing into the city, everyone praising them (doubt it, more sarcasm ) Is that ever written somewhere / do we know it?
  8. @Voidus: Starts to make sense then. As really close people don't create an Atium-shadow, it's weaker then it. I just think it shouldn't be stronger then Atium itself but sounds pretty cool. I like the idea about the heat. Simple, but gives a lot of new combinations and ways to fight You said same blue lines like at pushing and pulling on metals (why not red lines, to seperate this 2 things ? ) So, I suggest the further away said object is, the longer it takes /you gotta burn longer. And same when the object is bigger, as there's more mass to heat. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd already have some great ideas about it, how it could be really powerful, but I'm not gonna list all as it might be to confusing It could even be great for technoligy in future, as it might for example protect things from overheating, like parts of a spaceship (or skateboard-wheels when irongliding them ), produce heat for nuclear power plants, or another way to generate energy
  9. So, here's my collection. Mostly, german and english books. Sadly Mistborn 1-3 are missing on german, as a friend is reading them, same with Way of Kings: About Stormlight Archive: In german they've split each of the books up to 2 seperate books. Way of Kings is "Der Weg der Könige" and "Der Pfad der Winde" and Words of Radiance are *Die Worte des Lichts" and "Die Stürme des Zorns". For the books i don't have here, I post some cover-pictures from google. Mistborn trilogy is "Kinder des Nebels", "Krieger des Feuers" and "Herrscher des Lichts". Sturmklänge is Warbreaker, Jäger der Macht is Alloy of Law. Please post now your collection, I'm curious what all you've got I've anything is unclear about mine, just ask
  10. If I may ask, how does Odium and the color red work together?
  11. Random thought that's a little of topic: I was thinking about 2 metals, that would allow you to communicate with someone... Like pushing a message out (send a message out, to everyone, or just someone specific), and the other pulling a message in (receive it). Like you hear the message then in your mind, or you hear the minds the other had at burning the pushing one... (sorry, comes from my job as I work in mobile communication industry ). Didnt think of it that useful then, as you'd have to be Mistborn or have at least 1 hemalurgic spike to receive and send messages... and for that, it's not useful enough. But then that crossed my mind: Wouldn't it be possible that 2 Mistborn communicate with copper and bronze? They define a Metal, and burn that in a Morse-Code like version, so they can send messages to each other during a robery, a fight or whatever...
  12. About the Light-Metals: At the Pushing one, that's what i thought: Control brightness depending on how much you burn it. I thought about the color with Alloys, but I don't like that. Rather I'd have it to be by being more advanced with the metal... Just like bronze. First they only feel pulses. Then they can start to seperate them. Same at the light. First you emit white light (all colors) and the more advanced you get, the more you can control each single color. Like create a read light, for example. I wouldn't call it lightweaving tough... I didn't intend it to be possible to really create illusions first, as you'd have to be super-advanced for that... but why not. The Pulling one: Getting darker makes more sense, physically, i know that (suck in all light -> as lack of light you seem completly black, like a shadow). But that's exactly my point...when you really flare it, or with Duralumin, you're what? A shadow? Just isn't as cool as transparent But yeah, agree... Pedants But if I say, you never get fully transparent, not even with Duralumin, it works - you still can see then. For the ones saying you see worse then: Burning it adjust your eyes so you see normally. Just how Atium increases your mind so you can think quick enough. The Anti-Atium: Thought about Malatium... What you say sounds good too. Or how about: With Atium you see what he's gonna do, with the other (I don't call it Malatium as that has it's effects already) you see just one shadow, but one that's showing what he'd do if he changes his mind (I know, doesn't work... changes his mind to what? Milions of options...). I just don't really like the idea of showing how he could be in years, or how he was years ago. How does that help anyone? I still like the idea of seeing his past for a few seconds, to track him down. I like the one I describe above too... one showing how it is, one showing how it might be (but same time-difference). But I like still my first idea the most... one the past, one the future, same time difference. One perfect to fight, one perfect to track somebody and fight him then...
  13. I've heard of that today for the first time as well... Sorry, I dont know that, so I ask: The epigraph is that little part before the chapter, right...? So, is it of the first chapter, or the prolouge? I've read both just now, but don't see how the end is revealed in there... (and I've read all Mistborn books)
  14. And finally, i gotta bring up some ideas by myself. Can't just critize good ideas of others Well I don't have any names for the metals (or the Mistings who could burn it) but an idea is following: One metal pushing light, one metal pulling light. At the pushing, the effect would be that you start to glow (similar to Radiant Knights). The more you flare, the brighter. Looking into it dazzle (is that word right??) someone, you don't see it yourself tough. Would be useful in a fight, burn it, stun your enemie, and run. Pulling: Almost like a black hole. I'd imagine you get darker, or more transparent, but never fully (maybe with Duralumin). Perfect to sneak somewhere in (so Sandersons thought of creating Allomancy around Thievery is still here) Then another metal... I don't have an opposite for it. It would be the Opposite of Atium. A Metal, when burning, shows you where somebody has been a few seconds ago (the more you flare it, the longer back). In fights I can't think of a useful usage, but in tracking somebody down
  15. Hmmm.... sounds really interesting, I'm starting to get you. My only concern about it: wouldn't it almost be a little overpowered...? In my understanding how you describe the Skateboard-Situation, you could take a metal-knife to fight, Ironslide it, and as you touch and interfere with it, you'd move much quicker, and your mind would need to be able to adjust to the speed. basically really like Benadlloy (or Cadmium?) only that you can interfere with other things... you'd just have to take to risk to take a metal object on your body, and Ironslide it... am I correct?
  16. That it may have other useful effects, But about a gear, or skateboard, I'm not sure. For processes like that, you don't only need speed, you need a force. To increase your speed on the skateboard, you need a force. But as the force stays the same, and only the speed changes, the skateboard wouldn't get faster, as there's no energy to increase the speed of you and your skateboard (and same at the gear). Sorry, it's a really cool idea, but in my opinion, as long as it only changes speed, but there's no momentum, this isn't gonna work
  17. Hi everyone, I'd like to make this thread a place, where everyone can show of his / her Collection of Sanderson related things. Books, Shirts, Jewelery (like the Metalvials he sells on his website, or whatever). My inspirations to do that: of course I'd like to see all the stuff you other Sanderfans got. But more important: I found out that specially books in other languages have different covers (for example: search once for polish or spanish Mistborn covers. They're amazing). I love to draw, already drew my own tattoos, and now I'd like to try some Sanderson related stuff. So, this thread is perfect to get some Inspiration I'll post my pictures later, as soon when I'm home (german and english books). I hope you guys find it interesting as well, and post many pictures of your collection here
  18. Yeah, that was pretty obvious Hmm... yeah it does make sense how to use it. But if you don't mind me asking: I suggest anyone who can burn your Atium-Iron (what's the name of it anyways? Ation? Irotium? ) can burn iron by itself as well... (or you suggest there are Mistings of that kind?). Why not just burn iron itself? if you flare iron, they're going to be really fast as well (maybe not same velocity, I guess if you Ironslide it it's gonna be amazin fast) plus you have more power when striking something. So, Iron is almost as useful, if not more, as you can keep pushing once you threw it. Why would you use it, and "waste" your Atium with it? With the Atium you use in that way, you surely could get a great advantage in combat
  19. I had the same question about the Atium-Bendalloy idea. And then just the next: Does the peoples inside said bubble see the Atium-shadows from other peoples outisde of the bubble, or just the ones in the bubble? I know, normal Atium doesn't have a "range" considering the distance, but since Bendalloy has, i think this would made sense... Then about Ironsliding... This one sounds very interesting too. But if I may ask: any special purpose for the thing that this one's easier to use against hemallurgic spikes, and weaker for metalminds (opposite of Steelpulsing). Do you want to rust (corrode? Idk... sorry guys, english isn't my first language ) and Inquisitor to death? (well, I dont think hemallurgic spikes corrode... so no effect to accelerate... Or, for example, let's say an Inquisitor is moving really fast with Allomancy / Feruchemy (being fast, so they have a lot of kinetic Energy). Then you Ironslide one of his Eye-spikes. Now they start to move faster, and as it has a lot of kinetic energy, it's just gonna rip it's way out of his head, or what? I know, The inquisitor's head has the same amount of kinetic energy but isn't accelerated with Ironsliding...
  20. Exactly. But I think the most important point is when they run out of Atium. I don't see it how they're going to fetch more, even if they realize it by time, so they can try to escape the Kolosses with Atium. Even then, it would be nearly impossible to escape that many of them
  21. Just finished Rise of Tomb Raider on XBox One. Great game for anyone thinking about getting it. Now i guess I'll go back to Dark Souls...
  22. I gotta agree about the fact that they've burnt all the Atium. Probably it would have taken longer until all was gone (didn't check your calculations tough ). But that they could win this battle? No way. Of course, Atium boosts you kind of to the perfect warrior. But it's written in the book, that they kept dying because they ran out of Atium. They were just not experienced Allomancers. Just imagine: Close combat, unexperienced Allomancer with still enough Atium, get's in danger, flares his Atium as reflex - and it's gone. Other problems are always aware as well... out of arrows, weapons break (don't tell me you can kill 1000 kolloses without your weapon getting damaged), dead end situations were's no escape for them... And I don't remember... were that 300 Atium-Mistings actually Warriors, or just normal people? If you asume Ruin had "only" 300'000 kolloses (lowest number you've mentioned) - there were about 300 Mistings. They weren't just fighting at the cave-entry. Even with Atium - how do you wanna fight so many kolloses at a time? If Ruin is smart (and he is/was), he's gonna attack each Misting in a wave. Maybe 10, or even 50 Kolloses at a time. The misting will get into serious trouble, even with Atium (dead end situations by so many attackers) and even if he defeats them, the next wave comes before the last Kollos dies. Can you explain me, how they even would have time to go and get some more Atium, if Ruin only was a little smart? I don't think, as soon as he runs out of it, he'd ask the Kollos something like "Excuse me, Sir, I'll have to fetch a little more Atium so I can slay you and your companions"
  23. Hi everyone, honestly I'm pretty sure this was asked before... but I didn't find it, so I just ask: Any Ideas/sugestions where shardplates come from / how they were made? Spoiler!!! (sorry guys, don't know how to actually use the spoiler-function...) : Or do you think the shardplates of Knight Radiants was somehow they're Sprens, just like at Kaladin, Syl became his Shardblade / Shardweapon?
  24. Probably. But wouldn't be to confident about this part. He aged 1000 years within minutes... you can heal as much as you want. It wasn't like he was wounded, or sick... He was just damnation old. And i can't imagine you can "heal" old age with that. And true, Vin killed him with a spear. But I guess he was just to old to even be able to tap his metalmind... And he was dying anyways. Without stored age in Atium, you're not gonna live for long if you're 1000 years old
  25. True, I agree there with you. I'm just curious what will happen in the next book, as the Bands of Mourning are said to grant you the Lord Rulers ability. Of course, it's just a myth, and maybe it's really "only" the ability to store age in Atium, and maybe to burn Atium as well. To bad there's only Marsh's Atium left. But who knows, maybe they really grant somehow more powers. It would kind off "break" our knowledge of Hemalurgy, but personaly, I hope there's coming new stuff to the magic systems which we don't understand yet
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