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Everything posted by Landis963

  1. 1) Those are Wyndle's crystals crumbling away. 2) Sesemalex Dar is another city on Roshar, a province or two over from Azir.
  2. Kelsier: "We Mistborn need not make sense, it's beneath us." Harmony: "I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages."
  3. I think, Cognitively, the identities of the individual pieces would be subsumed into the much more complex Identity of the ship. So therefore, the ship would remain the ship no matter how many repairs it needed. I suspect the Sleepless work on a similar principle.
  4. The farmhand one. The one she'd use if she never wanted to Forge again. The one, by her own admission, that she'll never use. (I borrowed the term from B5)
  5. I thought the koloss were made by implanting 4 spikes charged with human strength.
  6. Even the "death of personality" one had a timer. She merely gives her new identity a good reason to keep stamping herself each day.
  7. @2:30: I seem to recall that the only reason she calls Wyndle a Voidbringer (or rather, continues to call him such) is because it annoys him. @15:16: I think my utmost favorite is that one of Hoid's, talking to the songling, where he talks about audience expectations. "Give me an audience who has come to be entertained, but who expect nothing special. To them, I will be a god." @16:56: Hauka is indeed the guard-captain's name. @23:19: "Tashi" is probably one of the Heralds. One who would not approve of Yeddaw for whatever reason. (Given how he badmouthed "Yaezir" back in Lift's debut, this is probably not Jezrien. Another commenter's idea of Ishar is probably the correct one.) And yes, Lift is completely adorable here. The "I'm taking her home with me" is strong with this one.
  8. Watch that guy not be Taln, so we're forced to call him "the man formerly known as Taln." And I suspect that taking in enough Investiture that one starts glowing will always be hazardous to one's health. Anywhere in the Cosmere.
  9. The realmatic effect is probably similar to the effect an especially high note might have on a wineglass (imperfect metaphor, I know, but still). As the Investiture systems permeate the being wielding them, the "vibration" causes cracks to develop on the Spiritual. Those cracks, translated to the Cognitive and Physical, result in what is called a resonance.
  10. I don't believe so. Pattern later said that all the bonded spren from that era died, which makes it look unanimous even if it wasn't exactly so. However, I suspect that the Radiants who chose the Recreance over whatever alternative there was didn't know all the consequences of quitting. Because you're right, it would take one doozy of a dark secret to make someone choose to leave their spren an agonized zombie. As for the bad ones, remember Kaladin almost broke his oaths completely by accident, and Shallan nearly killed Pattern in her youth by repressing her memories. Also, one might find it difficult to, for example, protect someone who wants them dead.
  11. Mistborn spoilers: Regarding the "Honorbot" (excellent name for it, BTW), every one of us here is privy to both sides of the conversation. Did you, your first time reading them, pick up on the fact that Honor was a recording? I'm not sure I would have, but I was spoiled about Honor's deceased-ness before I read tWoK. I do agree that most of the available options re: The Recreance don't entirely hang together. But I do have two marks to drop in, so here we go: What if it wasn't completely unanimous, as in Honor's accounting? We're told that all the bonded spren of the time died, but Pattern didn't know how long that took. This suggests to me (and my sleep-deprived brain) that the "good" ones laid down their arms to prevent something really bad happening (possibly along the lines of "your powers allow the Voidbringers to return" which would count as the so-called "wicked thing of eminence") but the "bad ones" merely broke their oaths a la WoR Kaladin, and possibly didn't leave a Blade behind when they died.
  12. It's true, there was a featurette on HBO's YouTube channel (narrated by Charles Dance) about the making of the series, and Benioff (IIRC) specifically stated that the identity of Jon Snow's mother was their trump card.
  13. I'm sure there were rumors about the Final Emperor and the Ascendant Warrior.
  14. All 3? That wouldn't catch someone who only spiked allomantic or Feruchemical powers, and not both.
  15. I would use that knowledge to make a few theories and formulate a few questions meant to corroborate its veracity. And once those questions are answered in a way that convinces me of the motherload's truth, I'd have a decision to make. (That decision will not be to ruin it all for everyone else)
  16. We know that more than one Shard had access to future sight, and that Odium - Hatred - is not an Intent that would preclude its use (unlike, say, Ruin). Also the major source of non-Radiant future sight is the Death Rattles sent by Moelach, who is an Unmade and therefore an Odiumspren. There's certainly something to Vorin paranoia about futuresight.
  17. Got it! I was trying to add the @ symbol in after the fact.
  18. @FeatherWriter (Alyx), It's been a while. You OK? EDIT: Does anyone know how to do the thing where you say someone's name in a post and it pings them? EDIT EDIT: Thank you, Slowswift.
  19. The synopsis of the story in the article seems a bit lackluster, but I suppose that's what it takes to start the process of drumming up interest in non-fantasy fans.
  20. I suspect so - the "My Breath become yours" Command is arguably Awakening of a sort - but we haven't had any evidence one way or the other.
  21. If a non-Nalthian gained a Breath, they could pass it on with the normal Command. However, the innate Investiture of, say, a Scadrian cannot be stripped off like a Nalthian's can.
  22. Khriss also calls it Shadesmar, but given that the Rosharan system has an entire civilization of Cognitive beings, and three entire subsets of Invested people that interface directly with the Cognitive Realm, it's not too farfetched to think that Silverlight would simply adopt their words for it. Especially when "The Cognitive Realm" becomes too unwieldy to use in a sentence.
  23. They knew it before they Returned (indeed, it is why they Returned), but they forget everything before the Return until they can complete their mission.
  24. I note that Elsric doesn't appear to have access to atium-compounding, or else his complaints about his old age would be vastly different. Indeed, I would hazard that Elsric has very little practical experience with burning atium, given that each of the "legends of the Hero of Ages" (clever, that) go out of their way to highlight a different weakness of atium - namely, atium users can be caught off-guard by an opponent's more strategic use of it, that atium use relies on the opponent moving first, and that atium use does not provide the physical boost of, say, pewter. Which, in turn, suggests "not Mistborn." However, this flies in the face of his known ability to traverse the Cognitive Realm - he's been to Silverlight and Roshar, after all - by ascribing to him a level of inherent Investiture commensurate to a normal Scadrian human. The ones whose souls poof away to the Beyond within seconds after death. Perhaps the example of Khriss is a better comparison, given that she appears not to have any magic at her personal disposal, unlike, say, a Knight Radiant, or a Mistborn. (Or the example of Nazh, for similar reasons) But those two are veteran travelers of Shadesmar, and know where exactly all the Silverlight-constructed infrastructure is, two things that Elsric (assuming my conjecture of his first worldhop is correct) would not have at his disposal. So I admit to a bit of confusion.
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