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Everything posted by Landis963

  1. He could also have been Rioting Lin's fear of making a scene, or anything that would hasten the end of the conversation without physical aggression. (Because after seeing Shallan, he didn't care about Lin anymore)
  2. It was part of the lead-up to WoR: a preview interlude from Jasnah's PoV.
  3. Granted. You are now foolhardy enough to try it. Enjoy the quick death you are about to receive. I wish I could instinctively persuade anyone to pick up the phone when I call them.
  4. Lots of ways. She could be embedded in every atom on Roshar, not unlike Ruin and Preservation were with Scadrial. She could be supervising the highstorms, directing the Stormfather as to where and how much crem gets laid down. And lastly, she could be enhancing the crem with nitrogen or other "good for plants" things.
  5. The 5 Visions of Vo and the Five Scholars are the references I can remember off the top of my head. I'm sure there's at least one other reference to 5 as important.
  6. Precisely (minus the necessary quibbling about how the "soul" is really your mind + your soul - it's complicated). I suspect that it would take a Shard's intervention to re-pack a departed soul back into its body perfectly, a la the Returned. Any similar effort by someone with a lesser amount of Investiture would probably fail or result in a Cognitive afterimage. Also your instinct re: spoilers is correct (namely, it's good that it's there), if only because Mistborn: SH is a Mistborn book, and not a Stormlight book.
  7. It seems unlikely, if only for the reason that Radiants get that glow from highstorms, and the Weeping is the time of the year when highstorms come the least. Good find though, and welcome to the Shard! (If anyone offers you cookies, don't take them. Trust me.)
  8. Yes. And only looking into the future, at that. Alloys of it show you different facets (e.g. Malatium only shows you the past), but spiritual realm insight is atium's primary power. When burned Allomantically, of course.
  9. That's normal. Swear words are (for the most part) replaced by equivalents throughout the Cosmere. So the beast of burden that people occasionally ride on is not a 3-letter donkey, but, on Roshar, is instead a 5-letter crab thing. It's like an easter egg hunt.
  10. Someone on Team Sanderson would be the best bet. (@PeterAhlstrom is usually my first choice) Also, the Russian version of Amazon would be a good place to find it.
  11. Interestingly, when Jasnah Soulcast her bonds away, the statement she used was "You will change."
  12. I wonder whether and how the concept of "spiritual realm entities" will become relevant to the rest of the Cosmere.
  13. Does that mean Endowment was Shard #5? And what of Taldain, which has "a thousand fools" and no other religiously significant numbers? (I'm assuming that D&D's numbers have long been forgotten since they were splintered)
  14. It's certainly possible, and you argue it well. The problem is that we just don't know what Ambition knew at the battle of Threnody, nor where he went after Odium dealt the mortal blow. EDIT: Also, we don't know whether Ambition was a he, she, or zhe.
  15. Intriguing, but I think there's a WoB that states D&D were Splintered before Odium found Ambition. Admittedly, that does not preclude Ambition attempting to flee to Sel without knowledge of D&D's deaths.
  16. I thought that was Kaladin's seasonal affective disorder.
  17. Re: Sel: The myriad variations of the Dor are present because Devotion and Dominion's power is in the Cognitive Realm (instead of the Spiritual Realm, where it's supposed to be).
  18. A good thought, but no. AU states that humans were around on multiple planets before the Shattering.
  19. Once he decided that, he probably thought it was cheating to have any of his worlds based so closely on earth and not call them Earth. It'd be like pretending Thedas (of Dragon Age fame) isn't a map of Europe turned 90 degrees and mirrored.
  20. Literally the only reason Rithmatist isn't Cosmere is because it's set on Earth. Yes, even an Earth which bears little resemblance to our own, with magic powers and an archipelago where a continent should be and Brandon's favorite non-America nation ballooned into an empire. That's it. (He even decided that Earth would not be Cosmere - ever - partway through, which is why it dovetails so closely)
  21. I thought the consensus was that the Truthwatcher symbol said "Rishir", not "Roshar"? (It'd be a very subtle distinction, especially since vowels are difficult to discern in glyphs)
  22. If one of those glyphs corresponds to "Ah-L-ey-Th" (Alethela) then they're the Silver Kingdoms. If not, we can start plugging in cities and hoping we get lucky.
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